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Everything posted by hairloss1234

  1. Dr. himself admitted it wasn’t good so it’s not a matter of needing feedback but I appreciate the response. the HT was 1 year ago and was told by Dr. Ebserson that the hair will not grow back at this stage. He let it slip during one of our meetings that it was a disaster and went back on his words. I didn’t come on here for feedback but more to advise people as I wish I had been Thanks.
  2. Hi All, just want to inform you of a really bad experience I have had with Dr. Eberson based in the Netherlands. 25 and got 1500 grafts. Dr. Eberson tried to add too much density and resulted in huge amount of hair loss to my quality hair and less than 50% of grafts surviving. I don’t want to add pictures as it is hard for me to see. I wish I was better advised by Dr. Eberson throughout the treatment and wish he didn’t try to add too much density. I am now looking for other solutions, PRP, medication, stem cell, etc. as I can’t afford to use much more grafts in the same area.
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