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Everything posted by TLewis

  1. @Fue3361 I am happy to go with whoever is going to do the best job for me
  2. @Berba11 thank you, I'm definitely fortunate to have a lot of hair at the back, but it just doesn't match up to the front in my opinion, it could certainly be worse though. I guess I feel I should nip it in now whilst there is minimal to do than leave it and it be a bigger job if you know what I mean.
  3. Hi, oh that's interesting, hadn't actually considered that. I'd like to be able to wear my hair with fringe/bangs or parted etc
  4. @DrTBarghouthi no eyebrow loss from what I can tell
  5. @DrTBarghouthi Hello, yes I've always had very fine hair and started thinning very quickly due to hair styling when I was in my teens, some of the hair grew back but overall it remained damaged. The area on top of my head is the more recent area of thinning in the last couple of years due to a different hairstyle with a centre parting twist and this widened my parting without realising until I noticed thinning. I basically can't do anything with my hair apart from wear it down. I haven't tried any form of treatment as such apart from vitamins and some hair oils.
  6. @digi23 lol thanks! Yes I believe it could be traction alopecia due to hair styling, and I've always had quite fine hair, so easy to damage.
  7. @JC71 thanks for posting, interesting to hear additional recommendations for females. Are you able to share Dr Nadimi and Dr Bisanga full names or clinic details please so I can be sure to locate the right surgeon.
  8. Hi, I'm 33 year old female looking for a transplant mainly to lower my hairline but also to add density to thinning areas at the sides/temple and top of head. A lot of clinics have said they won't treat female hair loss, others have promised miracles. I've been researching hundreds of clinics and a bit overwhelmed by it all. Bicer declined to treat me without clear explanation. Yaman suggested 2500 grafts but so far I've found their communication a bit off putting as not able to clearly answer some questions. Fuecapilar have impressed me so far as they are the only clinic that has asked further questions to ascertain the situation. Waiting on feedback from Eugenix. Tried all the 'hair mills' who promised the world etc. Also looked at some Harley Street Clinics. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly welcomed!
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