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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Story: When I was younger I got into a little trouble. The only hair product they had was Magic Shave. I had a court date and had overgrown and sloppy hair. I had to make myself more presentable so I gave Magic Shave a try. After wiping it off I was left with about 25% of my hair and look ridiculous so in a panic I applied it again. Big mistake. I have two areas on the top of my head that got burnt and my hair never grew back in those areas. Question: Will hair restoration work on the burnt areas? I've been looking around and of course Bosley and Hair Club were the only ones I know of. But, I assume that it would be better for me to go to a private practice. I've been a NYer all my life until about six months ago. Moved to Florida. Long story short I don't know any of the locals. If there are any Floridians out there I'd love a referral. I live near Disney. To anyone who is still reading. Thank you. I hope you have a blessed day!
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