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Everything posted by CaptainFivehead

  1. Having some deeper wounds shouldn't be a problem, right? I just find it strange that I barely had any redness a month post-op after my first surgery back in 2018. My transplant was done in Denmark by Novohair.
  2. It's reassuring knowing that you had even more redness. I'll upload some more photos below. Apologies for having different lighting in more or less all the photos taken. I just snapped some photos here and there. Day of surgery, 12th of December 2 Days post-op 5 days post-op 10 days post-op 13 days post-op 17 days post-op
  3. I had my first FUE surgery back in 2018. I wanted to lower my hairline a bit more, so I had another one done on 12th of December, 23 days ago. I've been comparing my post-op photos to photos I took back in 2018 and noticed I have quite significantly more redness this time, as well as "uneven redness" as circled in the photos below. There's no itch or pain, but does this look normal? The photos below were taken with a phone with flash on and just after having applied Aloe Vera gel, so it looks more red than it does under natural lighting.
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