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Everything posted by Davidf

  1. That's what I thought initially, but when the Eugenix rep asked me for my details for the medical visa application, he also asked me for the address of the Indian Consulate (a different building in London which doesn't, as far as I know, handle visa applications) and inserted it in the application letter.
  2. Hey all. I've booked myself a transplant at Eugenix (gulp!) in March and am now starting the process of getting a medical visa for that period. Eugenix have been in contact asking me the address of the Indian Consulate in London, (to send my details to), which I have provided, but I'm sure I read here in the forum that somewhere else is more appropriate, (the Indian visa and passport application centre on Goswell Road?) Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. Update? Must be entering the 'interesting' phase about now.
  4. Everything looking excellent so far! Best of luck tomorrow. And yes, I would take the doc up on that offer to fill in your crown, even if it's only a couple of hundred grafts. I would find it annoying to have a perfect result in a year's time, slightly tainted by potentially see-through crown. What's more, with a little luck you'll never have to re-visit a transplant again.
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