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Posts posted by StarTouch

  1. Thanks everyone and all praise goes to Eugenix!

    @BaldingEagle1 @MazAB I'm really happy with the growth so far, and I think I'm going to wait till end of next year before deciding on a second procedure. That should be a good enough gap to re-evaluate how my HT has naturally progressed (and also that my current density might slightly reduce with the natural aging/balding cycle). I know that if I do want to get more density, I will need another round and I think my donor might have a bit more milage for a second HT, but so far I am really happy with what I have. 

    @StillAlive Regarding the hair texture - to be honest, I did slightly straighten my hair in the photos that I posted. My HT hair is kinda wavy/curly if I just let it air dry after a shower. It dose not bother be so much and I understand why this is a common characteristics of HT hair. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little bit of styling 😀. Maybe the waviness could be reduced when the density is increased with a second HT, as the grafts have more support around them being closer to each other.

    Will keep updating as things progress.


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  2. It's been an amazing journey through my HT experience and here is my 11 Month update. The results speaks for itself!

    There are so many things I learned during the growth phase, and I'm so grateful that I chose to get my first HT done with Dr. Arika and the amazing team at Eugenix!  I can't thank them enough for their shared knowledge and professional work that got me to this phase. 













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  3. Also wanted to mention that my new hair is quite wavy/curly overall. In these photos, i did try to use a bit of product to straighten my hair.

    I know this is a common characteristics with transplanted hair growing out wavy. I always had very fine straight hair, but I guess this kinda adds to the illusion of density. 

    Does this change over time, as the hairs get cut and go through their normal growth cycles?


  4. Thank you Lightmare, the link to the growth/maturation phase guide was very informative and puts a lot into perspective. Especially understanding the difference between hair penetration phase and then maturation/thickness.

    I think my growth so far has been on track, at about 20-30% at Month-4 and I understand that this is just the start of the growth phase.

    Looking forward to whats ahead.


  5. Hello Community,

    Its been a while since I posted an update on the progress of my HT.

    Month 1-2 went by very quickly and I had experienced the typical shedding phase and lost 50-60 % of the transplanted hair during this period. At Month-3 I started seeing the grafts grow back out.

    It is now Month-4 and think I have stated to transition into the growth phase and seeing a bit more thickening of the new grafts that are all grown out longer. Attaching my Month-4 Photos here for review.

    The knowledge that this community has is way more than mine, hence I would like to ask some input from the community on this - I know very well that Im only beginning to enter the growth phase, but what do you think about the density or graft-count in the front/forelock zone of my scalp. Feels like (at month-4) I don't not see anymore tiny hairs growing out and that this is the overall density thats left to work with and improve in the coming months.

    At what stage/month would you consider a good benchmark to start assessing the results of the density that you have received with your HT?

    Let me know your input.

    Thank you.





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  6. Posting my 2-Week post-op photos for your reference. So far everything has healed well and I believe it's on-track. I have started to experience minor shedding of the transplanted hairs, Im expecting that to get progressive in the next couple of weeks.
    I still have numbness and less-sensitive areas on the top/front part of my scalp. I'm guessing this will reduce over time? Is this common for other patients?






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  7. Hello Everyone,

    I’ve been going through the various posts and topics on this forum since many years as part of my research. Having undergone my hair transplant surgery recently, this is the first time I am posting here.

    I wanted to get my procedure done 2 years back, but the pandemic got in the way of my plans. Initially i was considering going to Turkey’s ASMED clinic, but after finding Eugenix and their educational information and excellent track record, I choose Eugenix Hair Sciences to get my HT. I felt that Eugenix is probably the only Indian clinic that shares quality educational information about HT and consistently deliver such high calibre of work.  

    My baldness started during my mid 20s and its progression has been quick. I’ve not been on any medication but I plan to start finasteride now. A total of 4535 grafts were extracted including 445 grafts that were extracted from my beard donor. The designing session with Dr Arika was up to my expectations wherein my hairline reconstruction was finalized at around 7 cms from the mid point between my eyebrows, the symmetry was also checked during this session. The procedure was painless due to the local anesthesia that was administered. The entire team went about my procedure in a very professional fashion, no complaints whatsoever. 

    Now I am eagerly waiting for my results to show, shall be updating my progress regularly. Inputs are more than welcome and appreciated.














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