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Everything posted by Martinho

  1. Thanks everyone! No it isn't! I have been using the topical finasteride/minoxidil solution called 'essengen 6' for half a year now You can order it
  2. now; 7,5 months (and a picture of the front so you can see what the essengen has done);
  3. Hi everyone, after long deliberation with myself and family members I just did it, especially now in corona time I thought of; if I want to do it, I have to do it now. I looked around a lot on the internet and this was very appealing to FueGenix, because the doctor carries out the treatment himself. Still contacted via facebook with a person who was also treated here, only positive experiences. Had a consultation (April 13), this showed that I needed about 1500-1750 grafts for my crown. I absolutely had to not have the front done yet, since my fairly young age (25 years) He explained everything very clearly and is not at all pushy that you have to do it or anything, he pointed out that I had to go elsewhere for a consultation to compare. But I was already out with myself and just wanted to do it in this time. So.. May 17th it had to happen, pretty soon after my consultation. (about a month) A few days after my consultation I suddenly got an app from Mr Ahmad, someone had dropped out on Friday 23 April, asking if I wanted to have it done on that date. I thought the sooner the better. Fortunately, it could all be arranged and I had already planned the treatment 10 days after my consultation. Friday 23 April treatment 7:15 am - In the morning the crown was first marked with the growth directions, then the hair was trimmed. It turned out to be a slightly larger area than expected, which meant that the number of grafts could be slightly higher. - Anesthetics were injected into the donor area and then the grafts were drilled, anesthetics are a bit painful, nothing felt after that. Meanwhile, the assistant came in to sort the grafts. In total, 2180 grafts were removed, Mr Ahmad told me that my hair had thinned out a bit in the middle, so I went to place some extra grafts for an optimal result. My donor also coped well, he said. Of course I was only happy about this, he does everything for an optimal result, as it turns out. - After a short break with a nice sandwich that I got there, they started numbing my transplant area around 11:30 am. After this the incisions were made by Mr Ahmad and when that was done the grafts were placed. I was able to go home around 4:30 pm. I was given a bag with NaCl spray, shampoo and a gel pack. Everything was well organized and I really enjoyed it. Glad I did it & now waiting for the result of course. I am going to use essengen6plus to prevent further hair loss.
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