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Everything posted by HairGuy11

  1. Cheers, yea I should have mentioned that he said there are 2 types of shock loss: 1: Where the transplanted hair is placed to close to an existing hair and it kills it off. 2: Where the transplanted hair falls out initially before growing back for good. He made it clear 2 will happen but said 1 won't, he was basing this on his skill, the space between my existing follicles and the diameter of the extraction tool he uses being less than 1 mm. So I'm hoping to keep basically all my existing hair if I go for it
  2. Hi, I was wondering if you guys could advise please. I had a consultation with a clinic about a transplant. I have another post I made before going in for it and gained a lot of useful information from guys here. I made a plan with the clinic that I haven't 100% confirmed yet, it is: Day 1: 2500 DHI transplant from doner to the front and middle. The clinic reckon this will about double what I have in this area already and they said it will look good. Day 2: 1000 graft body hair transplant for the crown to add a small amount of coverage there. The price is fine with me so I'm not too worried about that either way, I liked the clinic and the guy was very honest. He's confident there'll be no shock loss to what's there. It will be making the most of my doner and he says it will look natural even if all else falls out. Was wondering what you guys think? Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. Hi, I was wondering if you guys could advise please. I had a consultation and took what you guys said into account. I made a plan with the clinic that I haven't 100% confirmed yet, it is: Day 1: 2500 DHI transplant from doner to the front and middle. The clinic reckon this will about double what I have in this area already and they said it will look good. Day 2: 1000 graft body hair transplant for the crown to add a small amount of coverage there. The price is fine with me so I'm not too worried about that either way, I liked the clinic and the guy was very honest. He's confident there'll be no shock loss to what's there. It will be making the most of my doner and he says it will look natural even if all else falls out. Was wondering what you guys think? Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. Cheers for the info. Based on everything you said only FUE would be an option and I'm once again thinking that I could go for a transplant which would fix up a small area like the front but would still leave me in a position that when I lose the rest of my hair I would end up shaving it all because there would still be a bald/untransplanted areas left over. It seems like I could get a transplant like you mentioned and 1 of 2 things would happen. 1) I keep the rest of my hair for 5 or 10 years and with the transplanted hair along with my original hair that's left it will probably look pretty good for them years and I'd think the transplant was worth it. At the point my original hair falls out I could try a bit of "dusting" as you mentioned or I could shave it all. 2) I lose the rest of my untransplanted hair soon after the transplant and end up shaving my head so the transplant becomes a waste. I wouldn't use Fin even the topical version but I've been reading about the likes of Pyrilutamide and Breezula which I'd be up for trying if approved. They might help me if I don't go for a transplant or with option 1) above.
  5. I think based on what you explained here the 1 time hair transplant might be a good option for me but it would be risky. What I mean is that I still have some hair in all areas so if I was to get 1 transplant similar to what you mentioned I'm thinking it could top up the hairline and crown a bit, while adding most of the coverage around the middle. The risk is like you said, I wouldn't be happy with NW3 hairline so if I lost all my original hair I would shave it. In saying that though if I were to get the transplant it seems like it I could be very happy with it as long as I keep my original hair. I'm wondering if this is a silly way of thinking though or if that might be common for guys going in for a transplant
  6. Hi, thanks for the link, my county is not on that list unfortunately but the clinic here I was in contact with has good reviews, they do a DHI technique as well which I think might help me keep the hair I have and avoid shock loss, they didn't even mention the possibility of shock loss though but I think DHI might make it less likely.
  7. Hi, do you mean quite possible to get a good result from 1 transplant in my condition? I find the whole thing a bit of a drain in terms of having hair, losing hair, shedding, regaining, shedding, transplanting... I'd like to have a good head of hair but I don't think I'd be willing to go through multiple procedures. If I could get 1 transplant, keep the hair I have for a while along with the transplanted hair, then still having natural looking transplanted hair if the rest fell out I'd probably be older at that point and either embrace or shave
  8. Hi, I'll make this as short and sweet as I can, any advice would be appreciated. I'm 28. I've been told I have diffuse thinning from the hairline to the crown. From across the right to left lateral humps. The thinning seems to stretch far down my crown at the back to my Optical bone. No known medical condition that could be causing it. Mother's side all have hair loss from 40s, some reaching NW7 eventually. I think my doner is fairly average, I've been told this by a Dermatologist. Using Minixodil 5% at the moment for the past 6 months, it began with a really bad shed but then I got great results, the last few weeks I have shed all those gains back to baseline or possibly more. I tried Fin but got side effects and trying again is not an option, the sides were bad. Shaving my head wouldn't be the end of the world for me but I'd like to explore all avenues before giving in. If I'm ever going to get a transplant I want to do it soon and it would have to be done in a way that I could lose the rest of my hair and it would still look natural, I'm only willing to ever have 1 transplant. I think I'd be only willing to have FUE so I could avoid possibility of scars. With the hair I have now I'm almost thinking about shaving it so the transplant would have to improve things to the point that if the hair I have now fell out, I would have more coverage than I do now, otherwise I could get a transplant and what I have could fall out in the next year and I'd probably end up shaving it. I've been told by what seems to be an ethical clinic with good reviews that they could "correct the crown and frontal region, this would be a two day treatment due to the scale of the area". I've been reading through a lot of posts here though and I don't think I'm a great candidate. I was wondering what you guys think. Cheers, HairGuy11
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