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Eric S

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Everything posted by Eric S

  1. I asked the dermatologist who prescribed dusta to me about it and she refused to answer, saying that she just quit her job. No joke. She directed me to another derma in my town, but I can't just consult her as I'm not her patient yet. All I can do now is book a turn with the other derma, but I'm worried about any averse effects of just quitting dusta now and waiting.
  2. Hi. I started taking dutasteride and minoxidil yesterday to treat my MPB and I'm feeling my nipples really sensitive. From what I've read, breast tenderness is a possible sign that I'll develop Gynecomastia if you keep taking it. So can I stop taking dutasteride and continue with just minoxidil? Do I risk getting side effects or PFS? Again, I took only one pill, and had never taken finasteride or any other medicine for hair loss before.
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