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Posts posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. 25 minutes ago, Nikoni said:

    I think the stage of lab rats is far behind. It's 20 years old drug, FDA approved and at least wouldn't make situation worse. Hopefully Dr. Barghouthi will have some good news soon.

    Of course I was merely using it as an expression. I would actually be interested in using myself as a subject for this sort of experiments provided they didn't overharvest the grafts from my back. 

    I am anxiously waiting for more updates on this. If Dr.Barghouthi makes it work then it's likely the biggest breakthrough in the hair loss industry by far. 

    However the fact that the previous subject showed signs of regeneration in the occipital area post extraction is a very good sign. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, gaz9318054 said:

    I think 3,000 grafts can go a long way. I'm confident that you'll have plenty of options to get the results you're after. :)

    I'm self-conscious too. I wear hats at all times because my hair just always looks bad, and I tried the bald look and am not into it. I figure this is my chance to have a head of hair that I feel good about, and if it doesn't work out, I'll just keep wearing hats! 😅

    Is Rolanda another forum member? I'm not familiar with the name. But I can sort of picture what you're describing, and it sounds like a few grafts near the crown is a good idea.

    100% agreed!

    Gradual changes are definitely the way to go where possible. A hair transplant is kind of a mix between gradual and sudden, I think. If friends and family see the initial recovery phase, obviously that's a major change. But once the scabs are gone and the original hair begins to grow back, the growth of new hair comes in very gradually. Anyone who knows us well will realize at some point that we've had work done, but it won't be like showing up in a wig one day. 🤣

    You're absolutely right about getting comfortable before moving forward. It takes me a while to find what feels right and to establish some reliable level of confidence after making changes to my appearance. This procedure will no doubt be the biggest challenge yet in that regard, but I think I'm ready for it.

    Makeup and skin care have both been a huge part of my new routine, for sure. It's all a lot to learn, and subtlety is key (especially for makeup), but it's definitely helping overall.

    Thanks! It does feel good. Lots of ups and downs, but overall good. And my hair is okay for the most part, just the hairline itself. I was looking at old photos and found one from 2007 where my entire head was buzzed down to a #1. I was 21 years old then and my hairline was basically the same as it is now, so hopefully I won't suddenly experience further loss as I age. I'm on Finasteride (1mg/daily) now, though, just to help ensure that.

    In your other thread, you offered to share some photos and I didn't see your message until today. Sorry for not replying. I'd be interested in having a look if you don't mind sharing. :) 

    Trying to send you a PM but it seems I cant.

  3. 18 minutes ago, gaz9318054 said:

    Please do! Mine is a few weeks after yours. I'll be looking for all the inspiration and confidence I can get. 😅

    This is a brilliant idea. I will probably do the same thing, now that you mention it. The surgeon should have as much info as possible to design the proper hairline.

    This makes sense to me. Have you talked to the doctor about that plan specifically?

    Do you find it difficult to make significant style changes? I ask because I've made major changes myself in the last two years, and there's certainly been some mixed feedback along the way. 😬 But it's been quite liberating for me, and was very long overdue! And as you said, the hair is just part of it, but definitely an important part.

    Will do. 

    I was told that the 3000 grafts would likely be enough to cover the frontal, entrance and central portion of the scalp. I did suggest though to maybe sprinkle a couple of grafts near the crown so it could make a better transition to the vertex from the frontal thirds. The clinic said that they can go up to 3200 max but usually not over that which I am fine with. I am self conscious on the degree of my baldness to be honest so I need to play with my limitations as well. 

    To be honest the crown ain't too bad and not a complete black hole, it'd just a little bit diffused from the front and it has one side with slightly more density then the other. A bit like rolandas before he had surgery in there. I actually have similar diffusing pattern as he did but without having the front completely wiped out by mpb. I also have the twirl cowlick from the back. 

    I actually considered trimming the hairs down at one point but felt it wouldn't be productive since it's best to go there with the look that's closest to the results you are expecting to get. It gives a much better idea on the surgeon in terms of how much will I need to create the required coverage for that style. 

    I find it a little bit difficult since my hair loss limited myself to do Saul Goodman styled combovers to cover the balding areas. I feel like it's something that needs to be gradual rather then sudden. Try to get comfortable first and then go for more. 

    I think properly learning makeup and skin maintenance is key for best asthetics. :)

    But I am glad you managed to get those changes on your side, it must feel liberating. Actually I feel like you got a good head of hair yourself so it's a good position you are in at currently.

  4. I would say that most of us finish developing at 18 so you aren't that far from that stage. 

    Starting Minoxidil wouldn't be a bad idea and perhaps considering the use of topical Finasteride until your 18th birthday would be ideal of course consult with a doctor. 

    The hairline seems to have moved so it's an early onset of MPB but with the right treatment plan you will be able to keep your hairs for eternity. 

  5. 5 hours ago, gaz9318054 said:

    This is it exactly. My hair is getting quite long now, but I really can't pull it off unless I wear a hat or headband to cover the hairline area. I do enjoy wearing such things, but it's less fun when I feel I have to. 😅

    That would be awesome! The very idea of being able to have bangs feels out of reach right now, but who knows!

    Nothing wrong with uncommon. That's what makes us unique. :) 

    Also, this is why I'm not planning to have any temple work done, even though my temples are quite "soft" or "weak" (not sure the right term). Not too far receded, but definitely not pointy or prominent in any way.

    I sure hope so! Do you have a procedure scheduled already? Let me know if there's a thread I can follow. I'd love to see your progress if you choose to share it.

    I'll probably be creating another thread in a few weeks to cover my experience, and then update it over the next year or so with my progress. :) 

    I know exactly how you feel. 

    I am having it next week from today precisely, I can DM you post op and let you know how it goes.  And it's the same with me, I have decided to let my hair grow longer for almost a year so the doctor can know how it looks with this specific lenght and have me operated on it.

    But right now it looks odd because I have a diffusing hole from my frontal thirds so maybe increasing density in there can help. I have some hopes that either oral minoxidil can help a bit on the crown and while the transplant takes care of 2 thirds. 

    I also don't plan any work done on the temples because of this, I want to maximize coverage via lenght and thickness so any potencial bald spots are minimised. 

    Also they aren't that far receded so I feel like it's pointless considering I am not planning to keep it short. Anything that results in good density to grow it long is a win in my eyes. 

    It won't likely look perfect but with some product or even extensions it may be well perfected. To be honest my change of style will likely be a bit radical even if I take the hair out of equation but the hair itself will defo be a vital part or that change itself. 

  6. Funny because I have very similar goals to yours. 

    I am honestly not seeking a very masculine feel for my hairline but something that goes more on the androgynous side of things supporting more longer hairstyles and a bit more of a feminine aesthetic. 

    Saddly I am a bit more receded then you OP but I am planning to grow longer locks with bangs in the front with shoulder length hairstyle. I do have wavy and medium thickness which kind of helps from the sides to give the ilusion of some coverage but my frontal thirds need some density because they are very diffused so I will need to go for something that may be more realistic in terms of coverage but I think I can get away with some good density if I get 2s and 3s out for my grafts. 

    I do recognize my goals are a bit uncommon as well among most people because usually men opt for shorter hairstyles but I have always been fond of longer hair then short. 

    Hopefully we both get what we seek. 

  7. 6 hours ago, consequence said:

    Alrighty then, good times. Was kinda hoping I'd be in that tiny minority of people that experiences no shed but I guess my ass is just basic.

    Appreciate the feedback. 

    Try to assume the worst when it comes to timelines. It's better and you stress less.

    After my surgery I do fully expect to lose all transplanted folicles after a couple of weeks as an example. Then expect nothing to come back until you hit 4 months and when it does happen expect the hairs to come hack very thin and wispy. 

    I would only start expecting real change between months 5 and 6 though timelines differ and sometimes there are late bloomers.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, HAIR5588 said:
    Unfortunately, I feel that a lack of interest among the majority of skilled artists in the hair transplant industry is because Many people in the general public will go for the cheaper, less skilled hair technician reliant hair mills if their donor sites can regenerate and the risk of scars is reduced to almost nil and even the old robots can be dust off and perhaps even be reprogrammed for a second job to automate fue scar hair regeneration as well .
    We will have to see the more industrialized nameless doctor big hair transplant clinics come to realise just how much money this discovery can make with so little extra cost to them and with so many many more customers and a new ability to just offer a free do-over with the dissatisfied clients now donors zone are possibly no longer exhaustible with this possible hair regeneration now seemingly available via verteporfin .
    or this could all be quietly forgotten and we can all go back to five more years of scalp massages and minoxidil waiting for a cure ( shout out to 2028 people reading this just 5 more years to go )

    Won't make a difference, it's already happening. Just check the amount of people who fall for turkish hairmills for the sake of sparing money, I feel like those who get botch jobs just embrace it and shave it off without bothering much about it while guys like us spend years reesearching for the right clinic. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:

    @Met It would be better if you show the final result of them showing hairlines than it would be easy to choose as you know how it would turn out to be...from the implantation we don't know how it would turn out to be ..bt from all of them 1st one is of de freitas and his hairlines mostly turn out to be good ones when fully grown...and the 5th one i guess may be keser and 3rd one may be pekiner and 4th can be h&w...jst making wild guesses 😅

    I just like the way De Freitas kind of does the staggered rounded hairlines in the typical zig zag pattern. It looks great on wavy hair to be honest and even better if you plan for longer hairstyles since it conceals much better the weak spots by carefully blending the grafts within native hair. I really don't mind the rows so long as the hair is dense enough to grow down to shoulder length since I don't intend to keep them short.

    This is just my view obviously which is why I went with him. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Met said:
    Thanks, I meant the process at the doctor. the process white and after. 
    the mentality of the doctor. the talks etc.

    He basically gets the extractions done by his techs which may go from 1000 grafts extracted by techs before being implanted. He may do another round of another 1000 in the same day (probably evening) and perform the implantation after that. 

    Usually he goes till 2000 only at the first day. Then in the next to complete the 3000 approx will do the remaining 1000 and that's it. 

    As for the talks I had to the clinic they recommended me 3000 grafts (though it's likely gonna go up because he does offer grafts for free most of times) for frontal, entrances and central area of the scalp. 

    For recovery they give you some sheets to wrap around the pillows and a travel pillow for you to sleep. 

    They asked me to come early in the first day so I assume it will be the most exausting one but the second should be a bit easier to handle and hopefully I can get discharged earlier to rest on my hotel and catch the flight in the next day. 

    The doctor also likes to put patients on agressive meds such as oral min or dut which I am ok with. Speaks Portuguese which is great since it's my mother tongue and apparently likes F1 according to some users here. He also had a HT himself apparently. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Met said:

    You have prepared yourself very well. learn a principle in life: you only die once. f**k the fears. live your life.
    you have chosen a very good doctor. everything else is fate. you can stand the few days after the operation. a bit of insomnia is part of it. that's not bad. after 3 days everything is fine. after 10 days everything is the same. I'll put it this way: your appearance can't be any worse than before. so enjoy the healing process. I would be happy if you describe your case in detail. Best regards

    Norwood V diffused with lack of density in the frontal thirds. Imagine rolandas before surgery but without the massive frontal bald spot and a lot of thinning hairs growing long. The crown is a little bit receeded but concealable with a bit of lenght. 

    What I usually do is grow it long and comb it to the side like Saul Goodman and it stays until the wind gets the best of it. 

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