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Everything posted by ws7

  1. here is my 4 month update, let me know what you guys think
  2. Hi Guys, Here is my 3 month update, I can feel some growth, but I must admit was hoping for more growth than there is, I have no idea whether this is how much growth it should be or whether it should be more your feedback would be appreciated, it's getting really frustrating, when should I start seeing more growth?
  3. hi guys, here are pics of 2 months post op, I have also attached a pic of what the crown looks like after using some Nanogen fibres. The pic doesn't really it show it well (still look pretty bald!), but I have started having a fair amount of growth, when I run my fingers through my crown can feel the tiny hairs coming through, too small to really make a visible difference yet. I think this has to be the most difficult part of the whole process, waiting and hoping it all grows, and hoping it grows fast. Personally I think I am doing pretty good to have growth after 2 months, was told it would be at least 3 months before growth starts. There are only a few areas of the scalp which still feel a little sensitive, but completely pain free now and feel fine.
  4. you should also consider HDC MEdical in Cyprus, they do brilliant work, and I can tell you from experience that they really look after you
  5. hi guys, here is my one month update. Its been quite difficult in the last two weeks, as I have been going through the shedding phase. As you can see from the pics, I lookmore bald than I started out. I knew this was probably gonna happen, but kinda hoped it wouldnt. What happens now?
  6. hi, been able to hide it really easily (when the hair dries), HDC measured the donor area when dry and marked it so that I would be able to cover it, its made a real difference to be able carry on as normal as possible
  7. hi all, here are some pics from 1 week post op
  8. here is a pic of the donor area immediately post op, I am getting alot of tingling and sensitivity in this area, is really uncomfortable, having to keep taking painkillers.
  9. Hi Guys, just had the first wash, and it felt so bloody good to finally have it washed and clean! The donor area looks really clean, sorry for lack of photo but they have put an ointment over it so that it heals faster, so you can't really see the area well, will upload the pics soon. Here is a pic of the recipient area on the 2nd day after op and after the first wash
  10. Hi Guys, I have just finished my 2nd session and have had a total of 1635 grafts placed, a big big thankyou to HDC and Dr Michalis for doing the extra grafts it was very very appreciated. It was much the same as the first day, except probably easier if anything. Again the staff were really good, especialy Alex, Dr Michalis (sorry if I am getting the spelling wrong), Janet & Leandro who have really looked after me well. I am really relieved that it is over and now I can look forward to having great hair again, the after care is a little daunting but understandably necessary , fingers crossed I dont forget anything. The main thing which I am a little disappointed about is having to make sure I dont expose the grafts to UV light for more than 10 minutes for 6-9 months! I was really hoping to enjoy the summer with a crown of hair to show off. Here are some pics as supplied from HDC of the post op day 2
  11. Hi guys, 1st day of surgery gas been really good, everyone at HDC have been really accomodating, and meeting with Dr Michalis and the technicians has been superb and filled me with confidence. The first step was the anesthesia, this did hurt a little but wasnt too bad, it wasnt just one injection it was several small injections to cover the area to be extracted. Like I said it wasn't as bad as I thought, then came the extraction from the back of the head, once the anesthesia kicked in this didnt hurt at all, but lying face down for hours was really uncomfortable, but not really any other way to do this. After that was the side of the head for extraction. They had to administer more anesthesia for the side of the head and then I had to lay on my side. This was really easy and very comfortable, so much so that I fell asleep! I had a break in between and they kindly bought me some lunch to eat, which really helped as I was feeling really tired. After that came the placement, the anesthesia in the crown really did hurt, but wasn't unbearable. This was aot more comfortable as I jut sat down as they placed the grafts in my crown. My head started really hurting after the anesthesia wore off, but manage to keep myself going by watching loads of episodes of The Wire, then at 11pm I took my painkillers, and now I feel pretty much ok. Tomorrow is the final session of surgery and as comfortable as it has been I will be glad to have it out of the way and on the road to recovery. The experience at HDC has been made as comfortable as possible and I am really grateful to the staff for looking after me so much. wish me luck for tomorrow...
  12. Hi Guys, I am going to write my experience with my hair transplant at HDC in Cyprus from beginning to end, hopefully it will give some of you a good insight on what to expect, before that here are my details: Gender: Male Age: 35yrs old (36 in december) Hairloss: Losing/thinning hair on my crown Hair Colour: Black hair, slightly wavy Technique: FUE Number of Grafts: 1,500 Area to be covered: 8cm diameter on crown Sessions: 2 sessions over 2 days Other Info: Not having the recipient area shaved Right, so I have landed in Cyprus and was collected at the airport by Alex, which was great because he was the one I spoke to in the first place in London. The journey from Larnaca airport to HDC was about 30 minutes, then I was shown the apartment. The apartment itself is really nice, a bit of a bummer having to share the bathroom if anyone else is staying, but not the end of the world. It is really clean. The apartment also has WIFI which is a huge plus point. Alex took me grocery shopping and bought a whole bunch of supplies for me during my stay, and I have felt so welcomed and at ease. There is a local bakery which is open 24hours a day, and lots of other shops nearby which makes the location really good. Also I saw one of the guys who just had a STRIP the same day and it looked so clean and tidy! I was shocked at how quickly it had healed. Looked like great work! Anyway I am gonna sit a and watch some satellite TV which is also in the apartment and kill some time for my big day tomorrow.
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