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Posts posted by KeepingWhatIHave

  1. Please do, that would be wonderful... after a year if this doesn't work, I've been told to try Avodart (dutasteride), though if Propecia doesn't work for me at all, I doubt Avodart will, and would rather jump to the thing that will work best - cutting off testosterone =P

  2. It's hard to say... I don't think a Norwood 7 will be able to be a Norwood 1 or 2 within a year, at least for 10 years, and that's if we're lucky. We're best off taking Finasteride/Dutasteride/Whatever we can to keep and thicken what we have, and get a hair transplant.

  3. They all kind of run together for me as companies who are promising too much. I'm begging for results, but Aderans claims the most in a short time. Claiming a Norwood 7, completely bald man can walk in, sit in a chair, have this procedure done in one day and within a year have a full head of hair and become a Norwood 1 or 2, is a wild claim I just don't know if they can live up to.


    Also, even though "Why oh why"'s post is a bit old, PRP has been proven to not do much at all for most people, unfortunately. Another one down icon_frown.gif

  4. Absolutely not. Your hair loss isn't so bad. I've seen people at a Norwood 3 level at 18 years old. Be lucky that's not you!


    The way your hairline is going looks like a normal hairline, but maturing... it's not in the "M" shape. I would wait it out for a couple of years to see how much it recedes.


    Look into a mirror and lift your eye brows up. If your hairline goes way above the top brow forehead wrinkle with the biggest groove, then you might have some more recession than normal. If you DO see a lot of recession and eventually your hairline goes into a heavy "M" shape, try getting on finasteride. As for now, you certainly do not need a hair transplant, and would be a waste of time and money, and you would be screwed if your hair loss really kicks in after about 5 years.

  5. I've been reading up about this a lot over the past couple of days, and it seems everyone who uses cyproterone acetate, for whatever reason, experiences less body hair and more head hair (Great news for me! I shave my body anyway) as well as the obvious side effects... neutralizing a sex drive completely. But it's better than having to be castrated, right? =P


    If I don't see any results with Propecia within a year's time, I'll probably switch to something extreme... something like this. The problem would be having someone prescribe it. I refuse to do online stuff.

  6. 1. How long have you been on Finasteride?


    About two weeks now.


    2. Have you experiencing side effects? If yes, what are the side effects?


    The first time I tried Propecia for a week, I couldn't get an erection and I had lost all sex drive. Now that I've waited a few weeks after that and tried it again, I have no problems getting it up and having a good time. Odd how that side effect switches like it did, though.


    3. Did you quite the drug once the side effects came up?


    Yes, for a few weeks, as mentioned above icon_smile.gif


    4. Did the side effects go away after you quite?


    After a little while, yes. I'd say about a week.


    5. What is your overall feedback on this drug?


    I haven't been on it long enough to say how it's effecting my hair, but I can say I'm happy there aren't any side effects this time around... I'd love it if I stayed this way. I'll post some photos after 6 months to see if there's any difference. Then every month after that.

  7. If Aderans is true to their word, we should see something on the market by the end of 2010... it seems so far away, yet these claims are so bold.


    The mice experiments are the basis of the project. The results in growing hair in mice are in, and it works fine... for mice. For humans, there have been several reported effects of... well, cancer forming somewhere in the head. And if they still have problems like getting the hair to grow the "proper" way, I can't see how they can have this ready in a year and a half... but let's keep our hairs crossed for their success.


    I'm no expert in hair cloning or anything, just always known a lot about hair and a little bit about science icon_smile.gif

  8. That's certainly interesting... I know a couple of friends who are on it, and both see some changes... like a more feminine voice, clearer, smoother skin, and an increase of hair quality. I can actually see it on "her" now. And honestly, being the kind of guy I am, I'd rather be an androgynous man, than a bald one.


    ...something to think about as a last resort, I guess.

  9. Follica was one of the first hair cloning companies I've come across... not sure how reliable their work is, since there is no photo documentation or anything. As far as I've seen, besides the mouse with the newly formed hair that is seems everyone has made...


    I'm very interested in this science of hair loss breakthroughs and wish I could help out in any way I can.

  10. It's both exciting and annoying... thinking it's under five years away probably makes us all smile, but they've been saying this for nearly a decade... and they've been experimenting with this for about a decade as well. The earliest somewhat successful trials I have seen date back to 2004, where there was some growth, and that was the end of their trials, because supposedly they ran out of money.


    I don't think that complication can really occur with Intercytex and Aderans, though... Bosley is involved with Aderans, and they have more money than God.

  11. I pray it does... one year ago my hair was normal. I can't see how it can thin so badly so quick all over my entire scalp, but if I can get my hair to last year's status, I'll be fine. Receded hairline, that's fine. But thinning all over? You can't hide that.

  12. You're better off getting the cheaper Proscar and cutting each pill into 4s, rather than going with internet sketch. It's dirt cheap for me now, as long as you pick it up at the right place.


    I'm sorry this isn't a direct answer to your question, but I had to say it, just for future reference.

  13. Grr, the edit key isn't working, so I'll just make another post... sorry, Bill!


    Here's a quote from Aderans:



    Achieving a bioengineered hair loss solution, is not many years away; in fact, it is likely that before the end of this decade patients will have access to hair multiplication technology. We anticipate that it will be, like many cosmetic procedures, a same-day, in-office procedure."


    And here's the source - http://www.aderansresearch.com/ari_ourfuture.html

  14. Heh, same here... Everyone knows me as the guy who has the amazing fluffy semi long hair. Now I wear hats 90% of the time =P


    Quite depressing. I've only had to do it for about a year now, but still.

  15. Best thing you can do is pray for this hair cloning stuff to take off within the next few years... but for now, I'd say stay on Propecia every day and consider waiting another six months to see some results.

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