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Posts posted by KeepingWhatIHave

  1. Dagober,


    Yeah, I know exactly what you're feeling... but for me, looking feminine isn't a big deal, since I've always had long hair anyway, and a pretty feminine face... so taking something to reverse male pattern hair loss in exchange to look more feminine is hardly a sacrifice. To me, anyway. There are tons of guys on this forum who would NEVER sacrifice their masculinity in exchange to keep their hair. And that's their choice. Hair loss doesn't bother these individuals as much as it does us. That's why when we say we're looking into a testosterone blocker or something, some call us sick and say we need some "other" kind of help. Well, to each their own; we're just a lot more sensitive to the fact we don't want to go bald, and will do basically anything to keep what we have. For guys like us, it really is one of the worst things in the world.


    Hang in there though... hair cloning is supposedly just around the corner, and that could be worth looking into within the next few years.


    All I can say is don't lose hope... as impossible as it may sound.


    Good luck icon_smile.gif

  2. Doctor and derm told me shedding isn't necessarily a good sign. It means more or less the follicle is getting a shock change that can fall out, and not always come back if shocked too hard.


    Also you're telling me not to rush into this... and I see so many people who waited too long to do something about their hair loss, and its too late to get great results without a HT. I've been planning this for months and months, since March, really. I'm doing an extreme thing to prevent that from happening at a very early age. Its better to start early, in my opinion, and avoid getting a HT in my 20s if I can icon_smile.gif


    I appreciate your comments and contribution to the thread! Thanks.

  3. Hey guys...


    I really really appreciate your comments. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'll let you know what's going on.


    I'm on a testosterone blocker (spironolactone) and I'll be starting a very low form of estrogen soon (Yasmin), on top of that, I'm using Nizoral 1% shampoo, which is supposed to be good for promoting healthy growth, and of course, I'm on 1.25 mg of finasteride.


    My hair is looking a little worse than it did a few months ago, but I'm going to just wait for 6 months to see if there's any reversal. I know one kid my age on another forum had his hair doing the same thing mine is, and was on fin/yasmin, and his hair pretty much all regrew out thick as hell in a matter of a year. So, hopefully... this will get better icon_biggrin.gif


    Wish me luck! And I know, I'm crazy for doing this.

  4. Thanks, guys... Bill, thanks for responding... I'd love to talk a bit about this on the phone, but I'm going to be away in New York City for the weekend... and Monday, I go to see the psychiatrist... it would probably do me some good to talk about this over the phone, live, rather than a forum. If you're around Monday, I'll definitely give you a call... I just wanna make sure I'm not calling if you're at work or something.


    And Sparky, female hormones alone might not do it, but an anti-androgen as well would very well do it... as odd as this may sound, I've been talking with a lot of male-to-female transgenders, and they tell me the same thing. They had some loss in the back, or receding hairlines, and it all filled in after a year of Estradiol and Spironolactone. I was able to see for myself, and it is pretty effective. I had been considering this as a last resort for a long time, and I'm ready to do it now and end my hair loss. My hair loss has honestly gotten so much worse over the past month, it's ridiculous. If I don't wear a hat, I look almost like Jude Law.


    As for being on these medications, my transgender friends offered to help me through any other physical and mental changes, too... they've experienced it all. If I can be prescribed this, with support from them, and you guys, I might be able to get out of this crummy state and leave this agonizing year far behind.

  5. Thanks, Bill... I've always been able to truck through hard times, but this... I don't know why it's affecting me so much. I've always loved hair, whether it was mine, or someone elses. It's one of my favorite things in the world. Losing it so quickly is just killing me.


    I'm also 21... will be 22 on the 22nd of next month...


    This will sound extremely insane, but when I see the psychiatrist, I'm going to ask about anti-testosterone/estrogens to reverse MPB.


    I'd rather live as a woman with great hair than a bald guy. It's hard to imagine me losing hair without me wanting to cry. I've never felt such a horrible feeling, dreading the future like this. I've already talked with some friends and strangers who are male-to-female transgenders, and are all very cautious of me starting on something like this, especially for this reason, but I've convinced even them that this is something I want to do to halt this for good. I'm aware it will change my face, and my body to look more feminine. I know about the side effects down there. Honestly, that doesn't bother me.


    The problem is actually finding someone willing to prescribe me something like this, for mainly this reason.


    It's a last resort, but it would surely work, and it would put a smile on my face once again.

  6. Originally posted by Marvin:

    What stage of loss are you at right now?


    I went from a Norwood I to a Norwood III Vertex in about a year.


    Originally posted by dakota3:

    I think you should see a psychiatrist before a HT surgeon if you are thinking about ending it. Thats scary!!!!


    I'm really considering it.


    And Spex, I've just called and made an appointment to see Feller for a free in-office consultation for November... Thank you though, I really appreciate your kindness.

  7. I've been talking with H&W (reps) for a while on some logical ways to deal with hair loss. They'd recommend Avodart before taking female growth hormones... but that's more or less sacrificing my hairline for the vertex/crown... Plus some unknown side effects that could screw me up mentally in the long run. I'll go with the first option. So once I find a way to keep everything, I'll probably be heading to H&W or Dr. Feller (if he has the ability to reply to an email or answer a phone... it's been four months since I've called/emailed twice). I've already been recommended about 2000 grafts for the hairline by H&W. That sounds great and all, but if I'm losing it all, what good is just some hair in the front? That means I'll have to keep getting hair transplants every year or two, which I really don't have the money to spend $10,000+ every year continuously for however many years it'll take till I can go out in public without a hat again...


    I'm sorry I sound like such a downer right now. This just really, really freakin' sucks.

  8. ...if I don't get my hair back to the way it was a year ago, I might just end it. Wearing a hat every day is frustrating. Taking it off to see my dying hair fade more kills me. My hair is thinning all over, and now that I've been on Finasteride for a month, I'm shedding like crazy. If I run a hand through my hair, I'll have about 30 hairs. This just makes me look even worse.


    The only possible way I see to keep my hair entirely is through female hormones... I would honest-to-God, do it. I don't care if it makes me look like a female, my boyfriend probably wouldn't mind that. I don't care if I get a bit of man-boobs. My brother's had them since he was 12. I don't even know where to begin for taking this. That means I'd have to do therapy, see a bunch of doctors, and they'd laugh and go, "Ha, are you serious? Get out of here!"


    I feel like I'm falling down a long bottomless pit, yet I won't stop falling until I can hit some form of ground myself. There's no other options at this point (Finasteride can't save my hair... it's thinned so badly just in the past few months. It'd be a God-given miracle for it to thicken what I have).


    I honestly don't know if I can take much more of this. I can't live as a bald guy. It's just really not something I can live with. All I can think about now is how bad I'll look in two more years. My parents don't think it's a big deal either. What they don't realize is I feel like I'm about to end it because of this.


    It's just hair, I don't know why it's such a big deal, but it is. I see my cousins, uncles, friends all with amazing hair I, and many others would jump through fire for. Why me?


    I've never been so irrational about anything in all my life. I've always been the clear-thinker. This one really grabbed me by the ghoulies.


    I'm stumped... and needed to get it out.

  9. Noo, not castration, but taking Estradiol... after thorough discussion and careful preparation of course. It's extreme, but it's the only way to really slow down hair loss. I'm honestly willing to do it since it seems like a last resort if Propecia does nothing.


    I go in early November for consultation with Dr. Feller. I'll bring it up and see what he thinks... I know Estradiol has been used before for hair loss - with great results, but it gave them smoother clear skin and very small breasts. I'm going to start emailing people who are doing this, just so I know the effects. If that's the price to pay, honestly, I could deal.


    The problem with castration (besides the obvious, almost impossible for sex after) is it can lead to serious bone loss problems, in which you have to take testosterone pills to stay healthy... what's the point of that one? Haha.

  10. Honestly, from what I've seen, "low level laser therapy" seems to do nothing. And I've seen quite a few before and after pictures.


    Also hair follicles die due to testosterone/DHT... even if you had this "therapy", you would still be subject to your hair follicles dying, and would need to continue "therapy" for $3,000 once a year probably... If I were you, I would do the cheaper (in the long run) option, and never look back.


    If you don't mind me asking, what doctor recommended this to you?

  11. Well, after some more consideration, if Propecia doesn't work for me, I'll have to try Estradiol. I've noticed my hairline significantly thinning, and the big of scalp showing on the crown is getting a bit bigger. If finasteride doesn't do anything come August next year, I'll have to switch. Avodart sounds good to keep the crown/some vertex, but if it wrecks your hairline, what the hell! Haha. I just don't know any more.

  12. This isn't really a "future medical treatment", but something interesting, yet pointless at the same time. Most people know if they're losing their hair in their late teens/early 20s. If you don't lose any/much hair at all by 25, you're pretty much safe.

  13. Well absolutely. Though look at newborn babies. It can take five years for a newborn to have thick growing hair. You rarely see a little boy or girl under 3 with full hair, even though the new hair follicles are there and still forming.

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