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Posts posted by ak438

  1. 37 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

    @ak438 what @digi23 said is true their prices were 1500€ for all inclusive DHI so it’s strange you paid 3000USD.

    They are nurses and not Doctors but they have operated on the Administrator of the Turkish hairloss forum and have consistently achieved decent results.

    I usually recommend them when I speak with someone that’s solely focused on price because it’s much better to go to Esma&Serkan than a hairmill that charges the same but has underpaid technicians doing without any medical background surgeries. Actually they have results that are better than several Doctors recommended on this forum.

    Maybe they increased their prices, also to be more transparent; I was quoted 3000 USD, but paid 2500 USD (they discounted it for me). It was actually your post on a different thread that motivated me to go to E&S Tetik wherein you mentioned these points.

  2. 22 minutes ago, digi23 said:

    This clinic is not even Drs, they charge half what you said and HT is performed by nurses.

    Hi yes, you are correct they are not doctors and Mrs. Esma is a nurse. However this was the price quoted to me as an international patient from UK. I'm aware their price for locals is considerably lower.

  3. Hi, I wanted to share my experience of Esma Serkan Tetik in Antalya, Turkey. I chose this clinic based on some reviews that indicated that it wasn't your typical hair mill and that they actually took time and care in their plantings, and at reasonable rates too (3000$), I had approx 3450 grafts implanted and must say throughout the process they were making sure that my needs were fulfilled (akin to being treated like a guest vs a customer I would say). The most important reason for me selecting this clinic was that they divide the operation into 2 days (biggest proof IMO that it's not a hairmill) and my total operation must have been in excess of 14 hours which I believe is a good thing.


    The hair planting is done by Mrs. Esma and the local anesthesia by Mr. Serkan. Both are experienced, and Mrs. Esma especially is highly skilled and takes great care when extracting and planting the grafts with the DHI method. The 2 female assistants are also very nice people.


    I am not finished with my post and will update later.





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