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Posts posted by maxamill

  1. Went to have my top-up at 8am today. Finished at the clinic at 3:30pm - I cannot emphasis how pleasant and smooth the top-up procedure was.  

    Arshad reviewed and agreed that this wasn’t bad but could be improved. They initially recommended 700 grafts for my hair, but I asked for maximum density, and they went above and beyond, completing 1050 grafts!

    As highlighted by many others, the personal touch from Dr Arshad and the entire team is second to none. Ignoring the fact how beautiful his new clinic is, they really do make you feel like a VIP. A really nice touch is the private waiting room you have to relax in, with a TV and full of treats!

    As with last time, you’re handed a full medical bag which includes all medication, extra bandages and even a complete timetable of what to take, how many and and what time. Really does simplify down.

    Probably sounds like a sponsored post, but I honestly cannot find a single fault in todays experience. 



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  2. Although the below was over 8 months ago, and 11 months after the procedure, there hasn't been much change. So I've confirmed and booked in for a top-up with Doctor Arshad for 11th September.

    I'll be at their new clinic so I can take some pictures and will provide an update with photos once I've visited!


    On 11/22/2022 at 12:16 PM, maxamill said:


    As I’m moving house and will not get a chance to replicate the same lighting/angles, I’ll provide final picture updates which are a little under 11.5 months.

    Evidently there is a significant improvement from my pre-transplant days. Wearing my hair down, looks better.

    However it is also noticeable that there is a severe lack of growth in the front, especially middle. And to be completely honest, I have no confidence in wearing my hair up, I will only go with it flat-down/push to the side. For any social events, toppix is must.

    I did catch up with the clinic a month ago, and they have been asked me to come for an examination. However unfortunately I don’t live close and about to travel for 7 months. They did however offer me a free top-up last time we spoke.


    Photos are just out of a hot shower which is why it may look red. Can’t see those now etc.




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  3. Sorry I've been radio silent, as I'm currently living in Central America, I haven't had a chance to visit the clinic since the procedure day. However we've had many calls, with the clinic reassuring me they will make sure I'm 100% happy and they're ready to book me in whenever I am. 

    The flexibility is appreciated a lot, especially as the waiting additional time is completely on me. 

    I haven't locked in a date but this is most likely going to be around September.

    • Like 2
  4. As I’m moving house and will not get a chance to replicate the same lighting/angles, I’ll provide final picture updates which are a little under 11.5 months.

    Evidently there is a significant improvement from my pre-transplant days. Wearing my hair down, looks better.

    However it is also noticeable that there is a severe lack of growth in the front, especially middle. And to be completely honest, I have no confidence in wearing my hair up, I will only go with it flat-down/push to the side. For any social events, toppix is must.

    I did catch up with the clinic a month ago, and they have been asked me to come for an examination. However unfortunately I don’t live close and about to travel for 7 months. They did however offer me a free top-up last time we spoke.


    Photos are just out of a hot shower which is why it may look red. Can’t see those now etc.


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  5. On 8/3/2022 at 2:10 PM, Britalian said:

    Be interesting to hear the feedback, at month 7.5 we really do have a good idea of how the results are going to end up. Let’s see what they say, personally I think it’s going to take a top up/second procedure. Sorry but that’s just speaking openly and honestly 😞

    Had a call with the clinic this morning who were extremely helpful and understanding. Explaining there goal is to make sure I’m 100% and will provide a free top-up as soon as I’m ready. Its extremely likely that I will take it, just when I’m ready and it fits into life obligations etc.

    As mentioned by the others, you really do feel they care.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Britalien said:

    Be interesting to hear the feedback, at month 7.5 we really do have a good idea of how the results are going to end up. Let’s see what they say, personally I think it’s going to take a top up/second procedure. Sorry but that’s just speaking openly and honestly 😞

    I appreciate the honest feedback. I would be very surprised if I don't require a top-up. Obviously I will wait for 12-15 months, however I'm nowhere near mentally ready to go for another procedure.

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