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Romanch Mehta

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Posts posted by Romanch Mehta

  1. On 4/2/2022 at 11:18 AM, devnull said:

    Honestly, the result looks fantastic and pretty good work has been done. 
    I just think that the design is a little too aggressive, so I am praying for this guy to have not future loss. 

    Yes, that is true. 

    The hairline has been the turning point in my professional career.  I always needed an aggressive hairline to earn bread and butter. I am ecstatic because my expectations are met. I have been taking Finax 1mg to prevent the further progression of baldness.

  2. 9 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    I knew you were going to have a good result from the moment I saw your video on youtube. I just had a good feeling about it

    Your 5 months progress is what other people find acceptable by 12 months. It is PHENOMINAL 


    Your  prediction has beautifully materialized. Let me be honest I had not expected this at all initially as I was unaware about the nuances of ht

  3. 10 hours ago, trends said:

    Great results you look 15years younger now 😉.. I did my surgery just a week before you and my results are fantastic as well! Wish you all the best for future.. it’s definitely huge boost to confidence.. 

    I am getting a lot of such compliments from people around me. The confidence has gone through the roof. Other than social benefits, What has really helped me is the unexpected growth in my professional life. I have been approached for numerous acting projects which was not the case before transplant. I reckon the transplant has not only profited socially but also financially. I am overwhelmed with the number of acting roles that are provided to me these days owing to a younger look.

  4. Hey guys, 

    I just wanted to share an update on the completion of 5th month of my transplant. I have passed through the ugly duckling stage(shedding phase) and being patient has really paid off well. I am taking Finasteride 1mg and multivitamins regularly. I have been travelling these days a lot that is why I did not have time to post the update. In my opinion shedding is just temporary and it shoud be taken as a passing moment, not something as a permanent situation. Just go with the flow. I am elated to have my temples and hairline back. They are developing month by month and I am yet to witness maximum growth. Eugenix has undoubtedly served me beyond my expectactions and I am indebted to them for transforming my life. The best thing about my transplant is people are not able to make out that these are transplanted hair. Every month there is a subtle change and it compounds month after month. Since I still have halfway to go, I am not able to control my greed for more hair.  












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  5. Hello everyone,

    I was completely against the surgery. Damn Scary! I never wanted to  do a procedure for my hair. I was wearing a patch and I had made peace with it. As an actor my work is always on, and I could not take 3-4 months leave (a long break) from my work and do the transplant. Transplantation was not in my mind until I met Dr.Pradeep Sethi at Euginex and I encountered him through my friend and when I saw the results of patients who had undergone hair transplant at Eugenix I was flabbergasted and immediately got a second thought that what if I got the kind of hair I expect, it would be a boom for my career. Being an actor, I keep changing my looks. I pondered for a while as it is difficult to survive without work. Then Lockdown happened (a blessing in disguise). Once again I met Dr Pradeep at Eugenix and decided that this is the best time to do the procedure. Once the procedure is done, I will get much better roles in movies and my carrer will go to the next level. If I had not met Dr Pradeep or I had not visited Eugenix, I am sure I would never have trusted any clinic nor I would have got the procedure done. The other reason of choosing Eugenix over others was density. I had seen a lot of friends who got the procedure done in some other clinics and even after getting the transplant, they use topik regularly to cover the bald patches. What I perceived from their transplants that it was not possible to enjoy a high density. But my view about hair transplant changed immensely after I interacted with Dr Pradeep that getting natural hairline with high density coverage is possible after hair transplant. Infact, he explained it to me how the hairline will be recreated that will suit the face features and the temples be reconstructed that will give framing to my face from the sides. I had never imagined that it takes so many elements for recreation of natural hairline. The profound knowledge of hairline just boosted my confidence and I no longer wanted to wait.


    During the procedure. When anesthesia was administered, I only felt the slightest pain as if ants were moving on my skin. The procedure went on for 6 to 7 hours and nowhere I got the feeling that I was inside the OT. I was watching cricket match and listening to songs, infact I was enjoying the process. I got breaks as and when I wanted. I had a delicious lunch according to my preference. The experience was amazing and the staff was so cordial and patient throughout the procedure that I felt homely. I don’t trust people who are garrulous and don’t know what they are actually doing it. I have been through the smooth procedure and I am indebted to Dr Pradeep for providing me such an imperceptible hairline. Last but not least I am grateful to my friend who introduced me to Dr Pradeep. This would not have been possible without him. The seed is sown with so much care, compassion and affection that the results are bound to happen positively. 


    I highly recommend Eugenix. Just go for it blindly. Everything will be taken care.

















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