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Everything posted by Atala

  1. The issue that the options here in Dubai are very limited and commercial so I had no choice but to go to the best here as I didn't want to travel for close follow up afterwards (maybe I was wrong), not to deny the fact that they are very good when it come to marketing. you are correct, 85% of the HT has been done by technicians but when you under the knife it is too late to debate or argue. my least concern now is density, my expectation became very minimal 😞. let us hope for the best 🤞🏻 thanks man
  2. well. Holding up yet anxious. before the HT I was worrying about the receiving area and the results...etc., now my concern is the donor area what you already had, it is really frustrating when you decide to make such painful leap to improve your look than you later want to go back on time and not doing it . anyway, decided to give it sometime a month or so, maybe things get better. thanks guys for your support.
  3. Thanks man for lifting up my spirit, that's very thoughtful of you.
  4. Thanks all. yes, that's actually frustrating. I have no choice but to wait and hope for the best.
  5. I did it at Dubai, a popular clinic called Bizramed. the first 4 before my HT, second 4 after removing the bandage and the last 4 today after 24 days.
  6. Hello everyone, i had my FUE 24 days ago, 3,300 grafts, i knew from the beginning that my donor area wasn't that dense. anyway, the first pic was taken in operation day before shaving, the second one 5 days post op, the other 2 are after 24 days. I am concerned about the donor area. in the first 5 days it looked better because hair were still short but by time these scars get clearer. is this going to be covered by time when hair regrow or i am stuck (BTW, i had crown transplant and increased the density in the front
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