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Mr. Smith

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Everything posted by Mr. Smith

  1. I want to update everyone. I went to see Dr. Gabel today. It has been a little over a week since I had the strip surgery done. I am very pleased with how things have gone so far. The back of my head was a little sore, but the drugs helped, mostly for sleeping at night, and after a few days it felt much better. Dr. Gabel and his staff called to check in on me a few times last week which was really comforting. I followed the handout that Dr. Gabel gave me on how to take care of the graphs. This made it real easy. He had me wash my hair everyday and not touch the graphs, just pour soapy water on them. A few days ago I noticed that the little guys were already starting to sprout. Dr. Gabel said that most patients loose them after a few weeks but I am keeping my fingers crossed that mine will keep on growing. At the office today the stitches were taken out and Dr Gabel said that everything looks good. So far I am extremely happy but more excited to see how I look in a few months to a year. Now the waiting game. Lastly the Doctor took a lot of photos today. I asked that he keep my face covered and he said he will put them online for me. I plan to update again soon.
  2. Hello Everyone, I wish to share with you my experiences with hair regrowth. Years ago I noticed I was thinning, which led to balding and I wanted to do something about it. Many of the pills I tried, I had unwanted side effects from. Rogaine foam and the Nioxin shampoo system #3 for me, was the best combination I have found to date, since I did have unwanted side effects from pills. Several years ago I stumbled upon Dr. Gabel's information on the internet while searching for hair regrowth products and procedures. I met with the Doctor, he really seemed like he cared about what I wanted, not what he wanted. He made some suggestions and I went home to think about it. He even offered me to try Propecia and see if I had good results with that before resorting to surgery. His office staff was professional and very helpful and never hassled me with phone calls. The Doctor just simply said we would document our discussion put it in my file and when I was ready or had any more questions to contact him. Everything was handled discretely. I ended up having 500 graph from FUE done in the front. Which filled in the area nicely. My plan initially was to have that done possibly a couple times, about 500 graphs at a time to fill in my hair. I only wanted a small revision so it not be noticeable and I had limited financial resources. I then went back to college. I saved up and now am having a strip done to fill in more at once since my college is so far away (I am living on the east coast), limiting my access to Dr. Gabel. I am very pleased to be working with Dr. Gabel in restoring my hair. It is very much a team effort I feel. If you are reading this message, then I feel you are lucky too. In a world of people promoting everything under the sun, and people with nightmare like stories about transplants gone bad, you have found the real deal. I truly feel that Dr. Gabel is a dedicated specialist in the art of hair transplant surgery. That really makes me feel better about having Dr. Gabel work on me vs. anybody else on the planet. If I were a millionaire, I would still come see Dr. Gabel! I have seen his work first hand and have dealt with Dr. Gabel and his staff for years. I feel very lucky I stumbled onto his information years ago, and if you come visit Dr. Gabel if only for a consultation, you will immediately know everything I have said is the truth. No risk, no hassles, extremely discrete, and extremely helpful, no matter what your decision is. Its all about you and your hair. This is my honest and open statement to post. I truly wish you the best in your endeavors' in restoring your hair to what you want it to be, and how you want the world to see you!
  3. Hello Everyone, I wish to share with you my experiences with hair regrowth. Years ago I noticed I was thinning, which led to balding and I wanted to do something about it. Many of the pills I tried, I had unwanted side effects from. Rogaine foam and the Nioxin shampoo system #3 for me, was the best combination I have found to date, since I did have unwanted side effects from pills. Several years ago I stumbled upon Dr. Gabel's information on the internet while searching for hair regrowth products and procedures. I met with the Doctor, he really seemed like he cared about what I wanted, not what he wanted. He made some suggestions and I went home to think about it. He even offered me to try Propecia and see if I had good results with that before resorting to surgery. His office staff was professional and very helpful and never hassled me with phone calls. The Doctor just simply said we would document our discussion put it in my file and when I was ready or had any more questions to contact him. Everything was handled discretely. I ended up having 500 graph from FUE done in the front. Which filled in the area nicely. My plan initially was to have that done possibly a couple times, about 500 graphs at a time to fill in my hair. I only wanted a small revision so it not be noticeable and I had limited financial resources. I then went back to college. I saved up and now am having a strip done to fill in more at once since my college is so far away (I am living on the east coast), limiting my access to Dr. Gabel. I am very pleased to be working with Dr. Gabel in restoring my hair. It is very much a team effort I feel. If you are reading this message, then I feel you are lucky too. In a world of people promoting everything under the sun, and people with nightmare like stories about transplants gone bad, you have found the real deal. I truly feel that Dr. Gabel is a dedicated specialist in the art of hair transplant surgery. That really makes me feel better about having Dr. Gabel work on me vs. anybody else on the planet. If I were a millionaire, I would still come see Dr. Gabel! I have seen his work first hand and have dealt with Dr. Gabel and his staff for years. I feel very lucky I stumbled onto his information years ago, and if you come visit Dr. Gabel if only for a consultation, you will immediately know everything I have said is the truth. No risk, no hassles, extremely discrete, and extremely helpful, no matter what your decision is. Its all about you and your hair. This is my honest and open statement to post. I truly wish you the best in your endeavors' in restoring your hair to what you want it to be, and how you want the world to see you!
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