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Everything posted by Buzz23rs

  1. So I thought I’d update after a year and a half I’ve real happy with my procedure it was the best money I’ve ever spent so far here’s some before pics
  2. I’m really happy with progress I’ve got one slight concern it’s not really a big deal but my left temple has been overloaded when I buzz down to a 1 or 1.5 it’s visible other than that though Im giving dr demirsoy a solid 10/10 everyone’s commented bout how natural it looks and wouldn’t even think I’ve had a ht until I show them before and after I’m really happy and really impressed, hair still got some maturing to do but even as it is now I’m satisfied.
  3. This is with sunlight on it. But like I say it’s styled with wax. I’ll take a photo later washed and dried and next to window light there’s still a see through ish look but styled it’s hardly noticeable
  4. @Egy this is outside as we speak my hair is styled atm with Matt wax
  5. I have considered doing the above. But I like the length of my native hair so I’m doin the exact opposite. I maybe on my next hair cut visits I’ll just get him to take a bit from the top to see if the blend between the two is better.
  6. The pics above are in camera flash with makes my hair look fuller. Here’s a pics next to the window. The contrast between the implanted hair and native hair is pretty obvious I know I’ve got along way to go but would like to know peoples thoughts on this contrast issue.
  7. 4 months and a week or 2 later and has been a massive improvement. The contrast between the native hair and implanted hair is still bothering me and still wearing a hat as in sunlight it’s noticebable will thisnthicken up are all of the hairs popped now ?? I can’t see any new popped hairs just small ones I’m hoping when it grows to the length of my native hair it won’t be transparent any answers would be appreciated !!
  8. How you getting on bro ? How’s the ht progressing ?
  9. 3 months update 💪 the hair is here now it’s a waiting game. I’m happy that hair has sprouted all over the recipient area but there is one side lagging behind the other. every day im noticing new hairs popping through. Im only using topical minoxidil and on the last dribble of my 3 months worth. Should I buy more and maybe use for 6 months ? 3 Pictures with flash in dark lighting and 2 pictures without flash in normal lighting. IVe also worn a hat from day 10 for atleast 8 hours a day and it doesn’t seem to have affected growth I’d just like to add that.
  10. @JC71 hey for almost 3 months it’s looking good so far !! Hair has sprouted and covered the whole recipient area now. One side is probably around a week behind in terms of growth but the hairs are here and slowly growing 💪 I’ll Update in 8 days. (3months) 😊 donor is fine no signs of ht whatsoever I’ll buzz it down to a 1 in a month or two see how it looks. I’ll update also. 😊
  11. Looking greattt !! I’m almost 3 months post fue with demirsoy. Looking good 💪
  12. @Fue3361 I don’t think enough surgeons do 75cm2 to even support that theory 😂 I mean think about it they say the follicule will be fighting for blood supply but the density of hair on the head is naturally over 75per cm2 anyway right ? Or am I missing something ? So how does that Evan stand. !! But yeah bro time will tell your smooth sailing from here . !! 😊
  13. @Fue3361 I was expecting atleast 3 months to see anything. !! I’ve being following your thread closely and if I get anywhere near close to your results at 4-5 months I’d over the moon bro. My density is around 50grafts per cm2 though, which is 50% less than yours bro I’m hoping the density is good enough for me but yours gunna be insane dense !!
  14. @Mike10 I was kinda expecting you to scream at me and tell me to use FINNN 😂 thanks I’ll definatley consider prp or laser tho !!
  15. @that1guyy I went with demirsoy after seeing consistent good results compared to a lot of other surgeons. He also does one patient a day has quite conservative approach and is also very good value for money when you look at the consistency of his work. There’s a few German forums that show some excellent results from demirsoy. He also Dosent seem to over market armamed. I suppose doing one patient a day with consistent results he doesn’t really need to as patients just come and he only needs one slot a day to fill. But After all my research on him I felt as though demirsoy was my safest bet for sure.! I mean I did consider HLC and I know those guys are pretty elite, but I can’t imagine the difference between results would justify spending an extra 3 or 4 thousand euros.
  16. @Mike10 hi, I’m 30 years old and I don’t plan on using finsterade and only recently started using topical minoxidil recently, I dont plan on minoxidil either after maybe 6 months.
  17. @BboyLimpin hi, demirsoy charges 1.25 per graft, with minimum surgery of 2500 euros. So in all I paid 2500 euros for minimum surgery. He also charges 500 euros extra for unshaven method which he advises against for post care. I paid 3000 euros without the transfers and hotel. And an extra 260euros for hotel and transfers. I know the prices are being changed from 1.25 to 1.50 euros per graft but I don’t know when. Hope this helps.
  18. Here’s a closeup the hair is definatley starting to grow In now.
  19. end of week 6, Almost week 7. I’ve noticed tiny hairs sprouting now 😊. the middle lacks abit. Here’s some closeup shots. 💪the tiny hairs on the left and right of are evenly distributed but the middle is falling behind a lil. What you guys think is this early growth ? I was expecting month 3 ?
  20. The first 3 pictures Are at day 10. And the last 3 pictures is how my hair is now. I started shedding around day 15 up Until now and lost about 95% of the hairs. My Native hair is growing back in slowly but Patchy in some areas.
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