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Posts posted by robertis

  1. Hello everyone!

    I've started experiencing hair loss in the last 3-4 years, and now it got to the point when it bothers me quite a lot. Especially if it's wet or sweaty, it's quite visible. I've never taken any medications. My father and grandpa both have similar hairloss patterns, but nothing more aggressive then what I have now.

    I am looking into getting a transplant at the end of this year. HLC in Ankara is my top choice so far, as I've seen so many positive opinions and results of them. Based on the online consultation, they quoted me 2800-3400 grafts.

    I am prepared to do another HT in 5-10 years if there is a need. I'd enjoy though the benefits until then, would not wait more, as I'd love to enjoy the benefits sooner, than later.

    I am attaching a few images. What do you all think based on them? Would you recommend getting a HT at this stage or wait a few more years? What are the risks of getting it done now?

    Thank you so much for your responses, this forum has been so helpful in learning more about the journey







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