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Everything posted by Hairloss2021nomore

  1. Thanks @Melvin- Moderator I appreciate you allowing open dialogue on the forum. I am genuinely seeking feedback from the members here, who’s feedback I have listened to for so many years- that’s the reason I joined forums such as this. Real people and real results- good and bad
  2. Thanks @Melvin- Moderator I appreciate your response and input. Whilst I fully appreciate taking hair from one area And moving it to another, there will always be some form of tell-tale sign so to speak. My concern is largely based on the fact that My decision to go with a reputable surgeon was focused primarily on results and donor management. Having seen hundreds of results on this forum, it is clear to me that many individuals obtain great results with much less obvious signs of a transplant. I think the general consensus is that my donor area was not particularly well planned out in terms of the extraction plan. As a result, this has left me with a patchy appearance on one side- Your exact words were it’s not fantastic. My concerns are further compounded by the fact there are a number of other patients from the same doctor I visited also experiencing patchy donor to areas and late growth. as I mentioned earlier, I have not yet named the surgeon as I did not want this thread to be focused on the surgeon, more around my result. The surgeon is however a recommended surgeon on this forum
  3. Grade 2 however the patchy appearance is visible at grade 4 I have seen other results with similar donor issues from the same Dr which prompted my cause for concern. I was advised during my procedure that my donor area was strong so definitely was not thin prior to surgery pic of donor pre surgery attached
  4. Thanks for the response @Melvin- Moderator as request- other side and back pictures given that you note it is “patchy”, and I’m over 6 months post FUE, what makes you say it’s not over harvesting? I appreciate that FUE is always going to leave its mark in some way but at what point does it become classed as over harvested? (also appreciate that there is a difference between minor over harvesting and major over harvesting) thanks
  5. Thanks for the feedback. as mentioned, I don’t wish to name the Dr as I want fully unbiased opinions and do not wish to influence any responses. pictures of donor attached as requested @Melvin- Moderator I would really appreciate your thoughts given your extensive knowledge. Thank you
  6. Hi all, long time lurker looking for some advice. I had FUE surgery last year, I have some concerns with how my donor area has grown back. I have attached some pictures of the extractions a few days after surgery. Based on the extraction pattern, I would very much appreciate it if someone knowledgeable could advise if they feel this has been overharvested? At this stage I do not wish to share the name of the doctor, this is purely to enable totally unbiased opinion from you gentleman. Thank you in advance
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