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A Fue Good Men

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Posts posted by A Fue Good Men

  1. 17 hours ago, Civas Hair Transplant said:

    Dear Olive,

    Before coming to ur clinic, you had a first hair transplant session of 1000-1500 grafts at another clinic. In January 2023, we performed your second hair transplant session in our clinic.  In our first meeting, you requested 2500 grafts to be transplanted on the back line of the hairline. After our evaluation, we accepted you to the operation because you were suitable for the procedure. Scientifically, the number of grafts that can be harvested in a regular person with a moderate donor area density  is around 6000-8000. In your case, transplanting 2500 grafts in the second session is not a high number that may cause overharvesting because in total 3500-4000 grafts were transplanted from both sessions. In some patients, the healing period takes a long time due to the hair structure and skin structure. We understand that the pictures you have sent upset you, but we want you to know that the healing period is still ongoing. It can take up to 18months to see the full results of a hair transplant procedure. It has been 10 months since the operation. Could you please share your current pictures? We are ready to do our part in case there is anything we need to do to rectify your situation. We also want you to know that it would not be scientifically correct to make any intervention while the healing process is still on going.

    The Civas Hair Transplant Clinic Team

    Get lost! You represent a hairmill that butchers patients. It’s clear you destroyed this guys donor and now you need to be held accountable.

  2. Hi @track_rat, thanks for keeping us updated. Unfortunately, some of us have longer journeys with bumps along the way. Just know, you’re not alone in this. Unfortunately, when we try to better ourselves by taking on a procedure such as a hair transplant, sometimes things can go askew. However, I’ve seen enough repair cases here to know that your scenario is not impossible to repair. Just take small steps whatever you choose.

    If you’d ever like to chat feel free to PM me.

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    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Can you post it here? 

    It’s been a few years so let me see if I can find it. It was either Reddit or hlt. From memory the 15% minox with azelaic acid was tested and the concentrations of each came in at about half of the listed claimed amounts.

  4. I’m really sorry to hear about your experience. It takes a lot of bravery to post your story online. I would suggest you plan your next surgical move very carefully given that you have limited donor. It seems like you’ve consulted with well known names so that’s a great start. Good luck on your journey and know this forum is a safe place for good advice.

    Feel free to PM me if you’d ever like to talk.

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  5. Personally, I would never trust any vendor that didn’t have at least a brick and mortar location. With that being said, it’s difficult to find something like this as most of the experimental drugs such as RU are manufactured in gray market labs in China.


    there was a thread (I think on Reddit) where a member posted lab results from a minoxidilmax product and it was severely watered down on most active ingredients that were listed.

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