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Everything posted by Toastbrot

  1. Sorry completely forgot about the picture with looking down. Just added it into this post. I've been shaving for about 2 or 3 years now. Always had longer hair but my hair started receding early in my age. I'm not taking any stuff and never did. I thought about finasteride but I'm not sure as I heard some people get terrible side effects. Not using any medications. I'm not using any medications. Thought about finasteride but not sure as I heard that you might get side effects. I don't think that look suits me. Well I would definitely concentrate on the front first and later on on the crown. I thought about using my beard hair for the crown. Thanks for the compliment! But I look way better with hair lol I mean I got used to the bald look but sometimes I still want to have a head full of hair. But as you said then I wouldn't have to worry that everything goes right. I just wanted to know what are my options for a hair transplant as I've been thinking about getting one but I also don't know how much of my donor hair can be used.
  2. Just looking for some advice. I'm attaching some pictures let me know if I have any chance to get a hair transplant?
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