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Posts posted by Savemyhairline

  1. 9 months

    a couple days early but i got some decent pics so figured I’d update. Overall I’d say things are looking excellent, im about 90% or maybe even more happy with the results so far. It’s nice to have a few styling options, side part, hair straight forward, and of course the slicked back/upwards which I typically go for these days now that I actually like my hairline





    Bright ass planet fitness lighting:




    I think Dr. Hasson did a brilliant job with my temples, they really frame the forehead so much better and make it look not as wide. Here’s a comparison at age 23 where I’m trying to hide my hairline and now with it showing, you can tell the forehead looked way wider before he fixed my temples. 


    Probably the main, minor reason I’m not quite 100% happy yet is the rear part of the recipient area looks a bit thinner. Doesn’t look bad by any means and of course slicking my hair back will cover it,  but when my hair is brushed forward it is more visible. Would anyone notice or care IRL? No probably not, but I’m hoping that area thickens up a little bit in the next few months. The front part, aka the way more important part, I think looks great.





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  2. 3 minutes ago, HairFunk said:

    This looks incredible approaching 9 months. Most would be happy with that right there though I'm sure you have a little more to come. Keep us all updated!

    Thanks man, I’m definitely very happy so far. Of course no hair transplant is 100%, absolutely perfect in every lighting and condition, no matter which doctor and how many grafts. I understood and accepted that going into it. But for the vast majority of my everyday life, I’m very happy with how it is looking. I do still feel a little bit of stubble in various places, I’m assuming that would be the doubles, triples sprouting. 

  3. 9639BD6B-2AD8-4BF2-B687-298EE14F2E85.thumb.jpeg.be73194b9e950efc8a0df441a1eb7799.jpeg
    Tried to take a progress photo in the same conditions as a pre-op photo; same location, same outdoor lighting, about 8.5 months post op. Actually in the after pic, the sun is brighter and the hair is a bit shorter believe it or not. Absolutely no product of any kind in my hair in either pics.



    I think outdoor lighting is the clearest way to display hair, not necessarily directly in the sun but just neutral outdoor lighting


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  4. Month 8


    directly facing sun:


    pic I took of back/donor area right after having it shaved down to a #2, directly facing sun:


    honestly comparing to old pictures of #2 shave, I can’t really tell any difference in my donor area. Those pics are literally with direct sunlight shining on it.


    id say I’m currently 80-85% happy with the results. Hoping for a little increase in density over the next 4 months. I mean if I’m being honest, when my hair is actually styled the density does look quite good already, just a few slightly thinner spots that the average person wouldn’t notice, but since I am always auditing my hair I notice. 

    • Like 1
  5. Month 7



    couple sweaty/oily pics after the gym



    Wet, Just out of the shower


    for years, you wouldn’t see me in the gym without a hat on. For the last month I have been going without a hat. It’s the little things like that or even just going to a friends house and not worrying about him looking at my hair in various lighting. My real friends would never make fun of me of course but still, it’s extra nice for them to not have something to make fun of in the first place. I was a hat guy for many years and it honestly feels amazing to not have to wear it all the time to feel comfortable. I’m impressed with how well it holds up in very bright lighting or when it’s oily. I do think my curly/wavy hair helps with the illusion of density. The only time I can make it look not great is when the hair is messy going in every which direction AND oily/wet, AND there’s bright light directly on it. If even 2 of the 3 things are happening, it still looks decent imo. Then again whose hair, even without mpb, really looks great with all of those things simultaneously? Probably a minority of people with super thick hair and no balding at all.

    • Thanks 1
  6. That frontal density is going to be insane. I would strongly recommend you reconsider finasteride or some other DHT inhibitor. You appear to have a NW6 or at least a NW5 hairloss pattern that is evident when you shave your hair. You just had a ton of your limited grafts used for your frontal third. You really want to hold onto the rest of your hair as it is very likely you will lose it without Finasteride or Dut, especially considering how young you are.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    I would say 100% of HT patients with diffuse hair loss will look like that when wet.

    His hair does, in my opinion, look good when dry. He could probably do another operation in his midscalp/crown if he wanted but his hairline and frontal third is good, when dry. He also has a pretty good skin to hair contrast, not as good as someone darker skinned with that hair but still quite good. Seems like dermatch would help him during fights 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    I saw his fight last week. It comes down to hair dry vs. wet. When he fights and gets sweaty hair is wet and shows more scalp. 

    Yeah. Always fun to watch him fight, I saw it as well. Robert Whittaker’s hair looked pretty perfect, as he naturally has thick hair and no MPB. Would you say the majority of HT patients have a similar look when wet like that?

  9. 1 hour ago, jjalay said:

    Maybe he lost more hair, maybe the hairtransplant was not that succesful, maybe he uses toppik off the ring, maybe these pictures are not that good. Who knows.

    He posts pics to his Instagram where. He’s training and his hair looks quite thin, but also posts pics where it looks thick. So it’s possible he uses toppik. I was more just curious if this is the typical thing a HT patient sees.

  10. So anyone here who follows MMA probably knows who Paulo Costa is and that he had a HT a couple years back. I think he got somewhere around 4k grafts. Honesty his hair looks very good when he’s not sweaty, I think the general consensus is he had a good HT


    he’s a diffuse thinner, very possibly accelerated by “secret juice”.


    But when he fights, starts sweating, the hair looks pretty rough:



    is this typical even for a good HT, or can an elite doctor overcome even this with graft placement? Usually when people post results, they don’t post in such rough conditions. Many who get a HT go to the gym though and sweat, so this is a realistic scenario for some.

  11. On 2/22/2024 at 11:54 PM, Gatsby said:

    Donor and crown 




    I think this will look awesome. Now that I’ve been mentally auditing the hair on like everyone I see IRL for a while, the overwhelming majority of 57+ year old men (and women) don’t have a perfectly closed off crown, just from natural aging alone. A small minority do but honestly for men like 25+, just having enough to not be noticeably thin in most lighting is enough imo. Definitely look forward to seeing your updates 👍 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 6 months

    I am very happy to report that I believe this is the best my hair has looked in my adult life so far! At the minimum, as good as when I was 18-19 max, I believe the hairline actually looks stronger now than it did then, a decade ago.


    here is one standing directly under a very harsh light:1FDBC893-DA8B-4B27-96F9-CF455AD363DD.thumb.jpeg.059d8b66b4f690b7f127247791c2f0de.jpeg


    Wet and slicked up:


    This was a big month. Here’s a similar type of pic for comparison with the photo I posted last month, with the hair slicked back, minoxidil residue/oily hair, probably more revealing outdoor lighting from a large window this time actually:


    It’s not perfect but I’d say for 6 months, this is right around where I expected to be (and I had/have high expectations). I’d say I’m about 70% happy with the density/thickness at this point. I had the sides and back cut, but left the transplanted and top hair untouched. I’d guess my native hair on top is 3 inches, with some of the transplanted hair close to that length. I do still feel a decent amount of stubble as well. At this rate, I think close to 100% happiness at month 12 is reasonable.

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  13. It sounds like you’re in a good mental place man, that is awesome. I’m 28 myself and about 5.5 months post op, and my hair is the best it has looked in my adult life. When I was 22-25 (pre-meds) my hair was absolute crap. Now I’m pretty sure my hair looks better than when I was 17/18… the point I am trying to make is you are now seeing the light, you are very young and have plenty of time to address your hair in the future. Life doesn’t end at 30, in fact, if men take care of themselves, they tend to look their best in their 30s or even beyond depending on genetics. All about staying fit, relatively low body fat %, and of course keeping the hair. 

    • Like 1
  14. I really like your hairline design. When you look at your immediate post op pics, it looks conservative (not in a bad way, just conservative) but now with your hair grown out and cut like that your hairline looks quite low. Bros got that Elvis hair now!

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    You can see the hairs are sprouting, there still fine and immature at this stage. But man oh man, is the fun starting. 

    If you close up you can all the new hair sprouting. Awesome man, this is going to be amazing 🙌

    Thanks man! Your YouTube videos have been a big help over the last few years. I would even say that first pic was in more favorable conditions than the second (hair clean, side part instead of slicked back) but again, I want the option to style my hair upwards. Here’s probably a more fair comparison to that before pic with the hair having a layering effect



    definitely better than the before already, looking forward to the continued improvement!

  16. 1 hour ago, hairman4321 said:

    looking good so far. i think you'd look better with the back and sides a bit shorter. 

    Thanks and yeah for sure, that’s how I typically cut my hair and will soon. I was kind of just letting it all grow for the first 6 months, then I’ll cut it down on the sides and back soon. I figure my hair is about 2.5 inches currently

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, OliverAtom said:

    Love that design with the peak and the temples. Already looking good but the best is yet to come. 

    Keep those updates coming!

    Thanks! Definitely will, I share this to give back to the community that has helped me make some huge decisions and help future potential patients. I also share it to get honest feedback from others and certainly appreciate it. 

    • Like 1
  18. Month 5

    I’ll start with the good.


    My hair follicles naturally grow forward, and that is how my grafts were implanted, so my hair density definitely currently looks it’s best when my hair just flows forward. I must say though, the hairline is starting to look pretty good from the front even when styled upwards. Here it is wetted and slicked back



    and here it is dry


    definitely happy with that aspect so far.

    Now on to what I want to see improved. When my hair is combed upwards or to the side, the density isn’t quite there yet from an aerial view. I’m only 5 months post op so I’m not concerned, but I do want and expect to see this improve in the coming months. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about



    granted there is minoxidil residue in my hair in that pic, which makes the hair stick together and look worse than it otherwise would, but you get the point. I do want to see that fill in more. A big reason why I got a HT is because I wanted to have styling options instead of the same combover I used to have. The good news is I feel quite a lot of stubble when I run my fingers through the recipient area.


    Overall though, without a doubt I am way above baseline, and I am thankful for that. I did pay a ton of money for this, so naturally I have high expectations, though I feel that at only 5 months, things are well on track. If this is even 50-60% of the result, I think I will be a very happy guy come month 12.

    • Like 4
  19. 3 hours ago, Steeeve said:

    This looks incredible for only 4 months! Honestly, you were seeing some really good progress at 3 months. Excellent early growth. Congrats! Excited to follow along with you to the end!

    Thanks man, I appreciate that. It is definitely coming together. As I said, these pics are sort of in the best conditions with my hair clean and not messy. The lighting is a bit harsh but not overly harsh. Im hoping in a couple months, my hair will look good with messy/sweaty/etc hair after I’ve been wearing a cap, that would be really great. Just would be nice to know I can wear a hat, take it off, and not worry about my hair looking thin. Definitely will update each month, thanks for following!

  20. 4 months

    Things definitely seem to be well on track. I have a habit of taking hair selfies everyday in different lighting/angles etc so at first I thought the change between month 3 & 4 wasn’t that big, because I’m checking every single day, but looking back it’s definitely a significant difference. Still a long way to go but things are definitely going in the right direction. These pics are about an hour after a shower with my hair just forward, how it naturally grows, so basically when my hair currently looks it’s best. Even when my hair is sweaty/oily it is looking a good bit better. I hope by the 12 month mark, even with sweaty hair, my hair will look okay. That would be a big win for me. Also if I can style my hair upwards and have it look good, that would be great. I’m fully expecting that though, as most guys who get a HT seem to style it upwards. The left temple seems to be catching up to the right one. I still haven’t cut my hair yet since the procedure, mainly just to make sure I don’t irritate the scalp or anything. I’ll probably get a trim in a couple months. The iPhone camera kind of does weird things with my hair color, sometimes it looks brighter or darker depending on the light source, but these pics should be close enough with a couple different light sources.


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  21. 9 minutes ago, JohnnySins said:

    Thank you man! Yeah, The pre-op photo does bear a striking resemblance, albeit under significantly lower lighting conditions. All my post-op photos have been taken with a bright ring light to effectively showcase whether the scalp is visible through the hair. Anticipating further growth in the coming months!🤞

    I got you. I’m a Dr. Hasson patient myself and I’m close to the 4 month mark. Lighting is huge of course with us diffuse thinners, though I am confident I am a bit above baseline myself as I actually have a hairline now. Our cases are a bit different in that my frontal third was basically thinned out but my rear midscalp and crown are okay as long as my hair is at least 2 inches long. Anyway, the general consensus is that we are only 20% to the final result at 4 months, so I think we will both be quite happy By the 12 month mark.

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