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Posts posted by Pablito

  1. On 5/24/2021 at 11:55 PM, LaserCaps said:

    Years ago, and I think this still holds true, Propecia/Fin is supposedly more effective.  A combo of both, however, is best.  And now you can add PRP and laser.  Did I read "regrowth?" No such thing.  There are two types of loss, the type you see and the type you don't.  The type you see deals with normal shedding.  The follicle gets tired of producing hair and it takes a vacation.  After a resting period, (3-4 months), the hair will return.  So, when you see hair in the pillow, shower, sink, etc...smile.  You know that hair is returning. The type of loss you don't see....that's hair loss. 

    Under a bright light look at the temporal areas.  Look at the diameter of each strand. Some thick, some not so much so.  Some may be even so thin you can't hardly see them.  This process is called miniaturization.  Eventually the hair just atrophies and withers away.  That's hair loss.  Time to be on meds is before you lose the hair.

    The meds are not intended for you to regrow anything.  They help retain the native hair.  From time to time, however, you can have enhancement of the hair discussed above.  Looks like regrowth but it's not.

    Very well explained. That's why I also used "enhanced" and not regrowth. Minox temporarely increased the shaft diameter of weak hairs giving the illusion of new hair growth.

    I know it makes people happy to see results on minoxidil only, but under the hood DHT keeps crushing your follicles and the cosmetic effects of minoxidil will be gone in time. It's pretty much useless to use minoxidil only as a longterm solution.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Phaza said:

    cancellation of minoxidil should not affect the transplanted hair

    That's what I asked here but never got a clear answer. Some say they lost transplanted hair and some say that minox doesn't even have a effect on transplanted hair as the characteristics of your donor hair on the back of your hair are different. Would love to know the answer for this too.

  3. 7 hours ago, Egott92 said:

    itchiness around recipient area is pretty common at night

    I'm at 7 weeks post op and I have the same. All day no itching but when I lay my head on a pillow to finally get some rest, the itching starts. I contacted my surgeon and she told me that it is likely that new hairs that are starting to poke through the scalp can cause it.

  4. Hello all,

    I've had a hair transplant 5 weeks ago and I am now in the shedding stage. I had a question about the usage of minoxidil on the recipient area and the effect of minoxidil on the transplanted follicles.

    It is known that minoxidil can accelerate the growth of hair and give it a better look. The hairs that are positively impacted by the effects of minoxidil will however lose all effect upon stopping and the hairs that are gained will be shed again. So that brings me to my question:

    Does the same apply to transplanted hairs? Will my transplanted hairs shed if I decide to use it now and stop 3 years later?

    I've read too many conflicting information from various well known HT surgeons and I've not had a clear answer to this. Some say they will shed and some say the characteristics of the transplanted hair are different and therefore they won't shed. The latter also claim that minoxidil did absolutely nothing to the transplanted follicles in terms of accelerated growth.

    Can someone share their experience with minoxidil on the recipient area specifically?

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