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Posts posted by Steele114

  1. Hello ive had 3 fue procedures totaling about 4200 grafts. My donor has some patchy areas that i would like to fix snd was wondering the best doctors I could go to for this?  I live in Massachusetts but willing travel but would love it if there was a good enough doctor in the east coast I could go to.  Ive attached some pics for detialDF630DA6-4CF6-47B1-BAF0-6C6660F2B36C.thumb.jpeg.4a4e2b3ddb9259c9a187ed69db42d419.jpegE510189B-D453-4ED9-B2C5-A901DD8798CF.thumb.jpeg.dc1b270171666d2c0781f21523b358c2.jpeg




  2. On 11/12/2022 at 12:04 AM, sr1486 said:

    Yep, my Life is kind of on hold too in terms of dating. Big keloid scar from my fut, and thinning hair all over my scalp that I need hair fibers to cover up with, that I wouldn’t feel comfortable/capable  trying to hide long term with a girl

    I feel ya man! Its def tough, def is the last thing I wanna think about after dealing with hair loss for 10 years, 3 transplants later and still have thin hair myself. Stumbled on a video about derma rolling every other day with coffee mixed with distilled water. Been doing this for a month and a half and recovered a ton of hair so far. I did rogaine and dermarollibt before and had bad side effects. Have had zero sides with this and coffee is a natual dht blocker and superior then rogain for hair loss so def worth a try

  3. @DrTBarghouthi This is amazing that youre conducting these tests.  I really pray and am hopeful that this will regrow hair in the donor. I have been following all the updates in this thread and look Forward to seeing the results over time.  I have some donor depletion from Fue and would feel like my life is saved if i can regrow the lost hair in the patches that im missing. I was going to do body hair but im not sure id be satisfied with the result of that.  I was readying that there is a possibility of regrowing hair in fresh wounds, my trasplant is a year old at this point but im hoping that old scars can be healed and new hair can be formed. Im really praying on this and its gives me hope to see youre doing this!!

    • Like 3
  4. 6 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Your SMP looks brilliant in that I can't see it and you just look a guy who buzzes his hair. You do not look at all like you have MPB. Is this a look you could live with? If not there are many excellent surgeons who do great repair work. Have a look at the forum's listed doctors. You have more options than you realise. If you were to use scalp hair to augment your donor supply you would be amazed at the transformations that are possible. All the best.

    Really appreciate it man! I appreciate that before getting this third transplant i got smp on the frontal hairline and decide to get a tranplant over it but over time the smp fade as i derma roll.  I feel like the my did a good job with smp on the donor but in certain lighting it looks a little patchy where in missing hair. Yea at this point im just trying yo do a final surgery if possible tl correct a few things so i can move on. Is there any doctors you’d recommend for this?

  5. 7 hours ago, braun453 said:

    Are these pics from the first few weeks of the transplant? Your recipient area skin looks bruised and a little red. Also, did you consider shaving it all off, and going fully bald? 

    Hey man i shoukd have said i derma rolled on the post thats why it looks like that.  Ive considered that but then you would notice the fue scars more snd feel like the transplanted hair cant be completely shaved. It looks a little rough not like a regular bald person so feel like i either gotta live with it or have it corrected 

  6. 3 hours ago, BaldV said:

    The pictures look fine except for some redness in the front, for me you have 3 options


    1. Find a good doctor to have a final hair transplant with the rest of your donor area, dont proceed if you dont believe the result will be good

    2. Keep this look

    3. Shave your head and do SMP



    These pics look really good



    Appreciate it man, ive been derma rolling so i think that is why its still red. But its been 2 years since ive had a transplant now. I think i might consider getting body hair or nape hair to blend in the donor more nad possibly fill the scalp more if i didnt run out of grafts

  7. Thank you everyone! i used to wear my hair alot longer but feel that the hair isnt that full where i can get away with growing it out. My main concern is the donor area patchyness and the frontal hair line i would like to lower maybe a little more.  How is hasson and wong for repair work? Is there anyone on the east coast that is good and does good repair work. I guess going through 3 hair transplants has made me feel even more critical 

  8. Hey everyone, ive now had a total of 3 hair transplants and about fue 4200 grafts extracted.  My donor area is very thin and patchy in spots. My right side is less thin then my right but there is some noticable spots. Ive had smp on the fue scars so i can wear my hair at 1/2 inch or inch and try to blend things a little better. Only problem is i feel that it would be very noticeable to people. Ive now worn a hat religiously for the last two years and this has effected my career and have worked a job where i can wear hats and too worried to even interview . Also dating women im always wearing a hat unless im comfortable enough. Ive even heard from a women I was dating, you were so cute in pictures with long hair whyd you cut it so short. I didnt feel like explaining my situation with 3 failed hair transplants. I feel weird hiding behind my hat constantly but all i can say is thank god for them.  At this point ive become tired of trying but want to be able to live my life to the fullest and this just isnt it. I dont want to hold myself back hiding behind my hat forever but i hate how my head looks. If i knew i had a ok head shape i would have just gone bald earlier but felt way too young and had gotten my first hair transplant at about age 22.  Im 34 now and been through hell for 12 years concealing my hair trying to make it look the best i can with certain haircut, fibers and wearing it long to cover bald spots. Ive always had thin fine hair never really thick but started to really noticeably thin at about 20-21. I just want to look normal without my hat and not look like ive had all this work done, i want to live a normal life. Ive gone to therapy, take meds to deal with depression and anxiety but at the end of the day i just cant live with how it makes me feel. Sorry for the long rant but felt that i needed to get it off my chest.  I hope i can find a doctor who can correct this in some kind of way, im unhappy with the donor and density and feel the hair looks a little pluggy and wirey compared to my hair which is fine and thin. Ive attached a few pics for reference.  

    if anyone has someone they can recommend and doctors who specialize in repairs i am willing to pay anything to correct this or travel anywhere. Dont want this to hold me back from living a productive and happy life.  Thank you in advance!!




















  9. Hey everyone over the past 10 years ive had 3 fue transplant first two were about 1000 grafts and last one was 2000 altogether a little more then 4000 grafts.  All in all im not to pleased with the overall results and ive always worn my hair a little longer to cover up me balding. Recently ive been wearing hats none stop due to my donor looking depleted on the left side and I feel the implanted hair stick straight up and is a different texture so its hard for me to grow it too long without looking funny.  I was just seeing if there is anything i can do now, i had alot of side effects on nizoral and minoxidil so finasteride is out of the question. Ive tried microneedling which idk if its working much.  Just wanna be comfortable with my hair but dont feel it looks right. Any recommendations would be helpful.  I dont know if I could get a repair that woulr fix this plus my donor hair is very sparse now.









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  10. 23 hours ago, James5150 said:

         You look great with the buzz cut it suits you. If this last surgery grows in well then you can grow your hair out and feel confident. Worst case scenario it doesn’t grow well then you can keep rocking this look and forget about any more surgeries. The smp did a great job as I don’t see any scars and no way anyone in the real world would have any idea you had three surgeries done.

    You were dealt a shitty hand with the male pattern baldness gene but you gotta count your blessings in that as a Caucasian you look good with a buzzed head and have a nice head shape to do it and you can also grow a nice beard. Me? I got the male pattern baldness with an ugly shaped head I can’t buzz down and I can’t grow a nice beard at all. You gotta try to look at the positives.🤷‍♂️


    Much appreciated man!! You’re right I tend to look at things in a negative light sometimes well especially with losing my hair. And as you know it’s a fight nobody can really win and lifelong battle and I didn’t wanna do the meds so this is pretty much my best course of action.  I am happy that I do like the buzz cut look and Im to try to workout a little more and think that would help my confidence a bit.  And I’m sure you’re fine my man a lot of people’s insecurities nobody really sees the same way that we do.  If you consider rogaine and derma rolling I can def swear by its results and my hair was its thickest when I was doing it. Also used it on my beard for a short while and my beard really filled in but kinda went back to its old state when I stopped. Good thing about it is if you do it for about 4-6 months the beard hairs become permanent 

  11. On 5/8/2021 at 2:45 PM, hairthere said:

    The way you set that up I was expecting to see a complete disaster! My man you need to chill out. I’ve seen guys with horror shows between terrible scars from HTs and bad SMP work. You are nothing of the sort! In fact from what I see it looks pretty damn good. You’re a handsome guy, you look fit, have some cool tats and are keeping the beard well groomed. 

    Much appreciated man!! I know I’m my mind it was much worse then it really is. I was wearing my hair a little longer which I realized doesn’t look great I need to keep it shaved to an open blade for everything to match up well with the smp.  I appreciate the positive feedback!  I’ll have to just learn how to rock it I mean it does look better then before I got everything done. Hair fibers and combovers wasn’t my style once so ever 

  12. 2 hours ago, deeznuts said:

    I mean this in the nicest way possible man, but if you're gonna drop a wall of text on us, at least have some paragraphs and break up the key points into manageable blocks of text. I'll bet you half the people who looked at what you wrote just noped outta here or skimmed what you wrote at best.


    Also not sure you can even get ED from dermarolling and minox. Rogaine doesn't touch the hormones at all and I believe it deals more with blood flow and getting the hair the nutrients to grow fast. If you're going through ED, I'm almost certain it's from some other factor whether it's mental or physical. A lot of people speculate PFS is just a psychological issue... Would this be PMS? Post minoxidil syndrome?

    Yea I know it sounds a little absurd but rogaine works much like finasteride and is a Anti androgen and block dht. When people dermaroll it absorbs more into the block stream and is very much like finasteride when you dermaroll. I looked into it a lot minoxidil also raises prolactin level which can be determental to your sex drive.  I have never had a problem in that department only when I was derma rolling and using rogaine did I experience that. I returned back to normal after. If you go on askapatient.com and type in rogaine you’ll see many people experience this 

  13. On 5/5/2021 at 8:53 PM, SD1984 said:

    No offense but I don't really understand what the problem is. Your hairline looks pretty damn good there. If it's growing out thin just shoot some hair fibers into it and you'll be good to go. You will never achieve heavy density through a transplant.

    Really apprieciate that man idk I guess I just haven’t adjusted to this new look.  I feel like this is the only way I can really wear my hair now as the donor area looks patchy and I have smp in the thin areas on my skalp.  I guess I’ll just have to make peace with it 

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  14. On 5/5/2021 at 8:36 PM, Tbcruz said:

    I feel your pain Steele, I’ve had 2 hair transplants and even tho I can style my hair  now and I have the Illusion of density I sometimes do think what if I would of just went the bald route and shaved. It was emotionally draining after my first procedure. Always wearing a hat and obsessing over my hair line and examining everything. I still kind of do it now tbh. If I would of just shaved I would never have to worry about this but I prob would always be thinking about getting a hair transplant if I hadn’t. I don’t think in anyway your in a bad situation I’ve seen some bad work with some crazy scars on here and your not in that category. The pictures you’ve uploaded don’t look bad. Give it the full 12 months and I’m sure the shiny look will be less. And by then you could get smp again to fill everything in.


    Thanks for the response man I think I may just be obsessing a little too much. I just never want anybody to spot I’ve had work done or have an unnatural Looking result. As someone who’s wants to look my best it’s just a little hard to adjust too.  The left side of my donor area experienced a lot of shock loss which I hope will resolve with time

  15. Does anyone know if you could get laser if say I did want to remove the transplanted area and smp.  I’m just in such a terrible place all I do is worry about my hair all day and wear a hat it’s emotionally crippling at times.  I wish I just went the bald route early on but I freaked out and got a hair transplant followed by another hair transplant and a third along with smp. Now I’m at the end of my road trying to figure out long term options for myself. I could prob be a Norwood 7 if I didn’t get the transplants but I notice the back of my head thinning out more and more which will mean more smp treatments. I just want to be done with this terrible experience in my life and be done with it.  Would I just have to go over the scars in the donor with smp? Is there anyways to match the fue scars up with smp and blend with a completely bald head. I just don’t know what to do at this point but i am so done worrying about this. The smp doesn’t look terrible but in certain lighting I don’t like it and having a shiny inked up head just don’t look natural to me. I know I can be extremely hard on myself but I have never felt this bad in my life and if I can just find a final solution to this I would find peace again. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    I can empathize with your situation 100% from personal experience and from witnessing the experience from others. You will get past this and back to who you were. The problem is that you cannot see this at the moment because you need the very thing that feels impossible at this point which is patience. As has been stated earlier you need to be patient for at least the next 9 months to not only let things grow, but to let things heal. Your donor needs time to heal and to correct itself from the trauma of surgery. I have had two bad hair transplants, over half a dozen operations on my scalp (both front and back) and SMP. What could have prevented all this would have been patience. Any SMP needs to be performed on scarring that is at least one year old for example. Do you have any pics that you feel comfortable in showing so we can get a better idea on where you currently are? You have come to the right place posting on this forum and my personal advice is that you need to take advantage of time for the present.

    Really appreciate the response man! Yes that is one thing I’ve always lacked besides hair is patience.  You are right being that I’m in 3 months things arnt too bad.  I think what I’m worried about the most is that people will know that I’ve had work done and I’ve always tried to hide the fact I had transplants before. Even my closest friends don’t know about my previous two but know about this one as the recovery has been much longer. Prob because I got 2x the grafts and I got shock loss in the donor especially on the left side. The doctor treated this with a steroid injection which helps the redness but I’m still waiting on hair to grow in.  I guess more then anything I’ve just hated being completely anti social and avoiding social situations for the past few months.  As long as thing get better I’ll be happy, in most areas of my life I’m happy but this has put some crazy stress on me.  Even worried to date until I feel better and this was nothing I’d ever struggle with in the past I’ve kinda put everything on pause till I can get a handle on this and figure out my options. I know most people would recommend I get on finasteride or minoxidil but at this point I’m opposed to those as the side effect just arnt worth it to me. I’d rather be bald then not be able to get hard. But maybe that’s just me. I appreciate the advice I’m happy I’m not alone on this man and you’ve been through it first hand. You’ve given me some great advice 🤘

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