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Carl Counts

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Posts posted by Carl Counts

  1. On 8/4/2022 at 6:44 PM, SeanToman said:

    I'd avoid Vinci, it's full of unexperienced 'artists' and technicians. 

    I TOTALLY agree! I had 7 sessions with vinci with 3 different tech that did NOT know what they were doing. I had to get their work corrected by another tech

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  2. On 8/9/2022 at 3:56 AM, StillAlive said:

    In those cases, when it's serious and you mind, here is what you do :

    -1st infraction, you let her know that this is hurting your feelings and that you would like her to stop.

    -2nd infraction, you report her to your supervisor.

    Do not engage, do not stoop to their level. Our society is disgustingly hypocritical. The best way to get by is to exploit the current system and keep your private life and thoughts just that : private. The vultures are everywhere. Be strong brother. 

    PS There's also the alternative of you making more fun of your balding than everybody else, thus disarming them. Takes some zen discipline and it always hurts inside but it can be done. 

    The alternative is a good plan. I was a very fat teenager and I would make fun of myself leaving others a little quiet. However, I would still get the fat insults. Either way the balding or fat insults never really bothered me but the double standard in the work place was a little surprising

  3. Years ago a female co-worker was constantly making fun of my hair loss. One day after weeks of hair loss insults I insulted her back making fun of her weight. Needless to say it did not go over well. She immediately reported me to supervisors. I spent the next 2 weeks going to meeting and signing write ups. Anyone else have similar experience at work?

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  4. On 4/3/2022 at 9:10 AM, J.A.C said:

    Definitely misleading, all of the affiliations such as ABHRS/ISHRS/IAHRS are not a proven way to ensure a quality Dr/Clinic/Hair Transplant. Just take a look through the members list to see for yourself, yes it has some really good Drs included, but it also has some poor ones. 

    I totally agree, VERY misleading. I chose alan bauman (aka bauman the butcher) from their list and got butchered big time. I reached out to them regarding my experience and was basically told that doctors only need to pay their yearly dues to have their names on their prestigious sounding medical board. PLEASE do some serious homework before choosing a doctor or you could end up disfigured for LIFE! I wish you the best

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  5. First of all I want to wish you the best no matter what you decide. That being said PLEASE do a LOT of thorough research on the doctor you decide upon to do your hair transplant. Do not make the mistakes that I made prior to getting butchered. Be careful choosing a doctor based on location, recommendations from various websites and a doctor that belongs to prestigious sounding medical boards. I made all those mistakes and got butchered big time and now have life time disfigurement. Choosing a doctor based on location is asking to get butchered. Choosing a doctor recommended on many sites simply means he does a LOT of paid advertising. A good doctor should not have to advertise at all as his work should speak for itself. Furthermore, prestigious sounding medical boards like international society of hair transplant surgeons means NOTHING. It means he pays his yearly dues to that medical board. A good doctor should be willing to answer all your questions about his experience and qualifications. He should also be willing to let you meet and follow his patients to allow you to evaluate the results. Even watch a surgery


  6. 48 minutes ago, Mycroft said:

    @Carl Counts I had stumbled across your video elsewhere on the internet and was horrified by the way you've been treated. A reality of cosmetic surgery is that every doctor, regardless of how skilled and respected they may be, has messed a few patients up over the course of their careers. This is on another level from what I usually see.

    The way the doctor proceeded despite your discussion about the scars is one thing, but the way you seem to have been treated in the post-op is appalling. What ultimately separates a great doctor from the others isn't just the results they produce, but how they handle that reality of a few messed up patients to try to make things right.

    We had a doctor touch base with a patient on these forums just the other day when progress looked like it maybe wasn't on track for a home run just to show some compassion to the patient and reassure him they'd work with him on living up to the original expectations of the work if needed. That patient was on no way disfigured, just not seeing the growth he expected at his stage in the process. To see your situation as the flip side of the coin is sobering.

    Did the doctor ever commit to putting any of your discussions in writing, or was that avoided? One thing I have learned the value of in business is the value of getting things in writing. It's occurred to me that a benevolent doctor would have no issues doing this for a patient and hesitation to do so should be a red flag.





    No, unfortunately bauman would not put any of our discussions in writing, which should've been a major red flag to me at the time. From the start, I should've been more proactive with bauman by getting things in writing. I was VERY misled by the fact that bauman was recommended on various sites and a member of International society of hair restoration surgeons. I later found out that his membership with ISHRS means nothing other than he pays he's yearly dues to have his name attached to a prestigious sounding group. I also found out he pays a LOT in advertising on the various sites to promote and protect him. He has had me removed from many sites due to the sponsorship money he pays those site. I totally agree with you that a benevolent doctor would have no problem putting things in writing but bauman is far from honest doctor. He won't even send me my medical records, even after I filled out all the paper work his office requested in order to send them to me. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Can you tell us a bit about your story, when did you get surgery, the number of grafts. How does your hair look today? 

    I need to tell you my story before bauman calls you crying like he did with bill. bill banned me afterwards.  I had my first HT in the 90s with no results but fortunately minimal scarring. I had 3 HTs with bauman (2005,2006,2008). When I went to him I CLEARLY told him up front I do NOT want additional scarring. I further told him that if I'm not a good candidate please tell me now as I don't want to spend more money and suffer more pain. He told me he does repair jobs all the time and my results will be great. After the first 2 transplants yielded no results I told him I would seek a second opinion. Unfortunately, bauman is a smooth talker that talked me into another HT, which I should've declined. The 3rd HT left me with a second scar which I told him I did NOT want up front. He refused to take any responsibility and till this day will NOT send me my medical records. He has lied on me on different sites claiming the double scarring is from another doctor. 

    Since bauman I went to Dr. Umar in LA for 2000 grafts which did improve my overall look. Dr. Umar used about 1000 grafts from scalp and 1000 from beard. Furthermore, I've had SMP on the scalp and scars to cover bauman's butcher job. Repairing bauman's work has not been easy. Unfortunately, bauman does a lot of advertising and has a PR team to hide his bad reviews. bill accused me of using this website as my personal vengeance against bauman. That could not be further from the truth. I posted my story about what bauman did to me to prevent others from being disfigured for LIFE with permanent nerve damage for LIFE like me. 

    Again Melvin thank you for allowing me to share my story without fear of being banned

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  8. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


     I recall you posted on our YouTube that we censored you in some way. I don’t know if this happened before with our previous managing publisher, but you are free to talk about your experience. We do not believe in censorship, but rather an open dialogue. 

    Thank you Melvin. That really means a lot. Sincerely

  9. On 9/9/2017 at 6:17 PM, fml5555 said:



    Contrary to what is being posted in this thread, this flickr that you have linked to is supposedly posted by Dr Bauman, with the permission of the patient Carl Counts including signed media release, and in the album the supposed Dr Bauman is suggesting he was not the perpetrator of the butchery but did the repair work. Seems to be some fair amount of growth from the top down pictures.


    However, in the following linked thread at hairlosshelp the supposed Carl Counts is suggesting, in his signature, that Dr Bauman was the perpetrator of the butchery and that he had no results from three procedures. https://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=111903&enterthread=y


    garageland/David is in the thread talking to the OP about how he knows the history, so the OP seems legit.


    So WTF is going on.


    BTW, just googling Carl Counts brings up these horrid photos right there in the google results front page so I hope this poor guy really did sign a release.


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