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Everything posted by actionradar

  1. well heres all my pics taked during my whole experience. My surgery was performed by Dr. Keene, and it was fantastic, the best i could have asked for.
  2. Hey whats up everyone! yes gregporche Dr. Keene has her own office in tucson arizona, so thats where i had my surgery well today is my 3 month mark! check it out, Dr. Keene said im doing well and that the growing is very good and i should expect great improvement in the sixth month. Here are the updated pics just taken a few hours ago, tell me what you think you guys. Im scared of cutting the tranplanted place with the machine thing as i did the rest of my head hehehe.
  3. hey maki and midiman! how are ya!?! thanx for the commments very much appreciated, yeah all three of us are very close with are surgerys and with the same doctor, pretty cool! yeah hjope to see some new hair growing for month 3, the rogaine stuff is kinda gross, today i touched it and its like greasy but i dont mind , i just thought it would be more like water not greasy. people freak out with my scar lol
  4. hey hairbank! yeah im pretty excited now, i was able to kinda completely forget bout looking evyday at my hair for the past month so when i saw all those little thin hairs in the mirror i did get excited i showed my sis and she was amazed too, cant wait to see how it will look in month 3. oh by the way i did find rogaine in mexico its called regaine but its the same stuff.
  5. hey everyone! well this is my second month mark, ive been doing the whole rogaine thing and i in the bathroom mirror you can see tons of really thin hair, wich i think they should fall off right? or i dunno it looks pretty cool, i got a hair cut but they cut my frontal ahir with scissors thats why it look uneven hehehe well here are the pics
  6. hey maki! my blog is still their, yeah i heard a few complaints from other people too but its still up check it out. my hair loss weblog
  7. hey thanx for all the info you guys i actually went with Dr. Keene too, and she told the same thing to about hot/warm moist/wet washcloth on my ingrown hairs and it has worked great, oh good thing i can cut my hair now or shave it, about the scar showing its ok i really dont mind, i was reading about the rogaine part in the sheets Dr. keene gave me and yeah saw the whole three months only, ill try to get that MSM hairbank says , as soon as i have to go to the states, hopefully next weekend, actually the first month and a week has gone really fast! i think the waiting for my surgery to save up the money and all that was what took forever in my situation, since i got it its been going fast, wich is really nice! thanx for all your replys i very much appreciate it.
  8. hey whats up! good to know its normal specially all the ingrown hair, i havent been taking anything to get my hair to grow faster just take proscar, what should i take? Dr. told me to use rogaine, in mexico its called regaine but i guess its the same ill buy that what else should i use? oh another question when could i cut my hair? can i shave it or should i just cut it? thanx for replying you guys
  9. hey whats up everyone! well these are my 5 week post op pics. i have been shedding like crazy i think i have about 10 percent of my transplanted hair left now, is this normal everyone?? how do you guys think it looks?? mm really itchy got some ingrown hairs wich im taking care of with the hot water and applying pressure to them with a gauze as my post op sheets say, well take care everyone! and hope to hear from you guys soon.
  10. thanks everyone for your comments! yeah its been weird shampooing my hair and having my fingers all full of hairs shedding, but i know it has to happen, so just gotta roll with it, my head feels kinda tight these days wich i guess should be normal too since im not that numb as i was up their in the recipient area. i actually have no idea what its gonna look like in 6 months and so looking forward to see it, you are so right with the staples prior to removal discomfort i guess thats the most annoying thing since you cant even sleep in any position, but when i got them off it was so great man (got them off i think one week post op dont remember the date exactly), and at work its ok to wear a cap so i usually wear trucker hats, i wore a fitted cap last friday and was kinda tight so i guess i will stick to the trucker caps instead! i will keep posting my updates and thanx again for all your comments, they are very much appreciated.
  11. well heres some new pics from week 3, when i was 16 days post op i called Dr. Keene since she told me to call her if i still had scabs after two weeks and as you can see in my 2 week pics i still had plenty, so she told me to shamp????o more agressively to take off the scabs wich i did, and boy did i see my hair fall off, it was kinda nerve wrecking but i guess thats the way it should be, but if the Dr. told me to do it i guess it cant be wrong , besides it was normal to shed since i had not lost one hair at all, maybe it was because i was washing my grafts extremely gentle, so as you can see now on week 3 tons of shedding occured now, mm what else itches a lot the donor area scar but other than that i guess im good!
  12. hey everyone well heres my 2 week post op some pics and mm guess thats it, i think their has been shedding
  13. thanks tkerr and gorpy for the response! i am looking very forward to see how it looks when it gets thicker and i will shower with caution also, im still using the cup to rinse and all that! yesterday i woke up at 5 am in the morning cuz i caught my self scratching a bit my hair, can it cause some damage? im 11 days now post op, i was not scratching really hard at all just a bit with the upper side of my nails,kinda like flicking my hair, i looked in the mirror and everything looked fine, im kinda paranoid about touching my hair, i dont even want to wear a cap cuz im afraid ill lose some grafts hahaha, at what time do you guys think its ok to wear a cap and not be afraid to loose the grafts? i know i could use it right after surgery, but was kinda scared to damage or pull some out. another question gorpy when i mist my grafts with the saline solution do i have to dry it or just let it sit their and dry on itself? thanx in advance
  14. thanx for answering bodhizepher and gorpy!, yeah im taking pics i was taking every day during the first week, now im gonna just take every week mark photos, damn yesterday i couldnt sleep i wanted to scratch my head so bad and i felt if i would fall asleep i would sractch without knowing it, and im taking care of these babys so much, so at 5 am i took a shower and boy did it feel good and finally i could sleep, im actually taking two showers a day.
  15. hmm ok! now i cant wait for 6 months man more than just having hair i just wanna see what its gonna look like, thanx gorpy for the answer
  16. thanx everyone for their comments soo bodhizepher just some questions, is this all the hair that is gonna come out or does it get much thicker or how does it go, i remember asking but i was a little bit still on the meds effect and couldnt focus that much on what they were telling me. oh heres a one week post op pics!
  17. thanx guys for all your positive feedback, ill keep posting with some new pics to see how it all goes
  18. yeah , just follow her instructions whatever she tells you to do, i guess some doctors do shave your hair becuase i have read that on certain blogs, but Dr. Keene doesnt. so how many grafts are you getting? how old are you?
  19. here is a pic wehn i got to the hotel from surgery
  20. hey maki8787 actually no, she told me not to cut my hair for one month, i also had that question i didnt know if i had to shave it or not, so she told me not to do anything to my hair for a whole month, i wish you the best man, your in great hands, Dr. Keene and her entire staff are the best!
  21. thanx Spursman, im really exited it was something i was really looking forward to and i was sop happy i could do it with Dr. Sharon Keene and her staff. i have one question do i have to sleep with my cap on too? hehe forgot to ask that question
  22. hey everyone!! i just had my HT finally!! ive been expecting this for so much! so check out my hairloss weblog give me your comments everyone, just wanna say thanx in advance to everyone for helping me out in this forums especially gorpy for all his usefull tips. my weblog with all my pics and journal
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