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Posts posted by JonDoe

  1. 2 minutes ago, Parasol said:

    I don’t get it. Why would the surgeon insist someone post this?

    Looks to me like @Adam12088 isn’t healing too well and could use some community support. Adam, I had some deep scabs like you do too (in fact, I’m a little over 3 weeks out and one spot is still healing), and strongly advise you stay in close contact with your clinic and get their advice on how to clean and treat the area going forward.

    Because if you checked my other thread about Diamond Clinic, this person said that the Dr. told him to post this on this forum. Also I spoke to a few ppl on instagram who had MANY problems going to this clinic, with not healing correctly, many complaining that the Dr. over harvested the donor and questions about this Dr. qualifications. The only thing it shows on his site is he belongs to some membership, nothing else. If you look at the clinic instagram he's doing over 6,000 grafts in one session which is highly suspect, he has no post photo progress of any of his clients.


  2. 18 hours ago, bricvic said:

    Saline is generally used to by clinics to help with healing, lessen the chance for infection and to keep the grafts moist in the first few days after your transplant. You probably won't need to buy any as most clinics will give you some if they want you to use it. And I wouldn't buy that wound wash anyway. It looks like it has heavy spray nozzle to blast dirt from a wound. Grafts would just need to be misted. 

    Can you give me a link on where to buy the saline spray please, I am so so confused on what to buy.

  3. I keep seeing on the forums that people are suggesting to use saline spray after the hair transplant, yet some others say it is not necessary.

    What are the pros of using saline spray after a hair transplant, what are the benefits?

    If I ordered this saline spray on amazon is this appropriate to use on my head after a hair transplant?

    Do you only use it on the part where they placed the grafts or the donor as well?


    Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 1.16.51 PM.png

  4. 38 minutes ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    You should ask the clinic these questions. I'll try my best to answer, but I'm not sure what some of these meds are since they're in Turkish. I do know standard procedure is to give an antibiotic for prophylaxis (such as cephalexin, cefazolin, etc.). Some people have very low pain tolerance so they require oral opiates and some people are fine with a high dose acetaminophen and/or aspirin. Some people request light sedation/or may have anxiety so a benzodiazepine can be used.  Prednol is a steroid to prevent edema. Coraspin, per my internet search, is aspirin. It can be used for pain or as an antiplatelet agent. Usually you don't give these before or after surgery since it increases bleeding risk. Trental is a PDE inhibitor (so it vasodilates and it also has some anti-inflammatory properties). I'm not sure why they're using some of these meds (I don't see the utility of a PPI, for example). I would ask them. You can continue taking finasteride. It'll help with preventing shock loss as well. 

    Thank you so much for your response. Yes I am questioning why so many medications as well. Out of this list for a hair transplant do you reccomend just taking the 2. Askef (Antibiotics) and 5. Prednol (Anti edema), I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I will not be taking the pain killers, but I really want to limit what medications, especially Turkish medications I put in my system.

    Do you most doctors prescribe medication at all after a hair transplant?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    Omeprol is omeprazole. It's a proton pump inhibitor, which basically means it lowers the acidity in your stomach (it's used for stomach ulcers, etc.)

    Thank you for the response Dr. Khokar. So why should I take this after the hair transplant? Out of the list, which ones do I ABSOLUTELY have to take. I do not want to be taking unnecessary medication especially if it is not FDA approved. For pain killer I will take ADVIL(Ibuprofen) if needed. 

    Also should I stop taking Finasteride for a few days after surgery? Does finasteride interact with any of these?

    1. Omeprol (Gastroprotective)

    2. Askef (Antibiotics)

    3. Parol (Painkiller)

    4. Coraspin (Blood dillutent)

    5. Prednol (Anti edema)

    6. Trental (Redness recovery)



  6. 40 minutes ago, Newyear newhair said:

    Yes I went with Cinik 6 months ago, I’d imagine you will need to take all the meds they give you but as for Parol it’s only the equivalent to paracetamol I believe, I took my own painkillers of paracetamol and ibuprofen when needed.

    But you don't have any more info about them other than you just took them. For example, what is 1. Omeprol (Gastroprotective) used for?? What does it do?

  7. Out of all the research I have done and seen about getting a HT in Turkey, the one topic I have not seen much discussion on is the medications the Dr. prescribes you.

    For example Dr. Cinik prescribes:

    1. Omeprol (Gastroprotective)

    2. Askef (Antibiotics)

    3. Parol (Painkiller)

    4. Coraspin (Blood dillutent)

    5. Prednol (Anti edema)

    6. Trental (Redness recovery)


    For someone who is coming from USA, I am concerned because these are not FDA approved, these are all medicines from Turkey I believe. Any Americans have experience or any issue taking these, are there some I absolutely must take, and others not so necessary. For example for pain killer I rather take FDA approved ADVIL(Ibuprofen) rather than a pain killer from Turkey.

    Please advise because I am very concerned about putting all these unkown medications in my system. 

    If I am on Finasteride do I still take it as well with these medications? What about any reactions?

  8. 10 hours ago, qui bono said:

    saline spray. you use it to keep the grafts moist and the recipient clean

    1. I slept upright with pillows around me with a travel pillow around my neck

    2. I never wore a headband. Ive seen some clinics do it (Cinic in Turkey springs to mind) but I think ice reduces the swelling just as effectively

    3. yes antibacterial meds are necessary ... you dont want to get an infection

    Is there a certain saline spray you suggest, and where can I buy it?

  9. Few more questions, these are really helping my anxiety about having an upcoming HT.

    1. What is the best way to sleep after a HT, your head has to be upright with a neck travel pillow?

    2. How long do you have to keep the headband on for, it is to reduce the swelling?

    3. Are all the antibacterial and a bunch of medications necessary to take after the HT? What are the common medications people take after the HT?

    Thank you so much for your response.

  10. 21 minutes ago, qui bono said:

    1. Continue Fin. Stop minox 2 weeks prior. Fin helps prevents shock loss due to the trauma of surgery so its advised to be taken, whereas minox effects how the skin reacts to surgery so should be ceased. Always best to check with your doc though

    2. Fin continue as stated above. but I think you can resume minox 2 weeks after (but again always best to check with your doc).

    3. A month 

    4. Depends on the clinic. Ive read Lupanzula and Bisanga aren't comfortable with patients using hair fibres post-op, whereas my own surgeon said it was fine after the shed

    5. With FUE between 2 weeks to 1 month after. FUT you'll have to wait longer (a few months) due to potential stretching of the scar. Start off slowly in either case

    Thanks for the response.

    What is that spray called you are supposed to spray on your head after, is it something for antibacterial purposes?

  11. I have a few questions for an upcoming Hair Transplant I will have in Turkey next month, would be great if I could get some answers here, thanks.


    1. Should you stop taking Finasteride and Minoxadil before the hair transplant?

    2. After hair transplant should you still be taking finasteride and minoxadil?

    3. How long before you can get a hair cut using buzzers after hair transplant?

    4. How long before you can use some hair fibers after hair transplant?

    5. How long before you can start working out at the gym again?


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