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Everything posted by Danny_boy

  1. So I spoke to the Farjo clinic and Arshad's clinic on Friday. It was interesting that I had a similar conversation with both of them. I was particularly impressed with the chap I spoke to at Farjo who recommended that since I have only been taking finasteride for about 3 weeks, I should stick with it for about a year, documenting my hair condition every 6 months. One thing in particular that I got from these places that I didn't get from anywhere else was expectation management. Everywhere else I had spoken to had to tried to sell it as "Take finasteride, get a hair transplant and you'll be sorted" whereas I was told, depending on how I take to finasteride, that I'd need at least another couple of transplants in the years to come to chase the hair that's already there. So I'm at least going to wait for a year before proceeding with a transplant. I'm also toying with the idea of shaving my head at some point to see how I'd like the look of myself with no hair - in which case it might make me realise I'd be comfortable going bald, or dead set against growing old gracefully 😁
  2. Yes, I think it's quite poor, actually, disgusting, that for a supposedly regulated profession there's so much smoke and mirrors! On the advice of this forum I've got a consultation with Dr. Arshad's practice manager at https://www.hairdr.co.uk tomorrow. They said I'd need between 1,500 and 2,000 grafts and quoted me between 4.5K and 6K for the procedure which is in budget so... so far so good.
  3. Thanks, John. What makes you say the clinics I've consulted with so far aren't getting great results? (I don't mean that to sound like a challenge, just really interested what to look out for). Thanks for those recommendations. I've heard Dr. Farjo mentioned a lot and have sent some of my information to his clinic. The same with Dr. Arshad & Dr. Reddy. Thanks for that video. Some really useful questions to be asking at consultations in there. Yes, I thought as much. They tried to make it sound as if it's a technique they pioneered! It doesn't help that not one person from these "clinics" I've had a consultation with has been a medical professional - just sales people!
  4. Hi all, This is my first time posting here. I'm 31 and I'd say at the minute I'm between a II and a III on the Norwood Scale and I'm looking to get my first hair transplant. I've also started taking finasteride. I've had a few consultations with different clinics in the last few weeks and I must say I'm not feeling overly confident about any of them so I wondered if anyone could help me out and put some concerns to rest or at least point me along a more fruitful avenue. Below are the clinics: 1) FUE Clinics: https://www.fueclinics.com 2) Hillside Hair Clinic: https://www.hillsidehairclinic.co.uk 3) Wimpole Clinic: https://wimpoleclinic.com/home/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0caCBhCIARIsAGAfuMwXOEjndnfr34VX0yHHDirePuwNyHt2zWojwZmlYpRwH2PXf7fxH1MaAjjREALw_wcB 4) UK Hair Transplant Clinics: https://ukhairtransplantclinics.co.uk Now I've read some terrible things about Wimpole, especially on these forums. The surgeons they said would be performing the operation would be either Ismael Ughratdar or Mir Malkani. I have read some absolutely terrible things about Malkani although so far I've only come across good things about Ughratdar, albeit not a great deal. At a lot of these places it seems like I'm talking to sales people as opposed to people who are actually concerned about giving the best advice; I get it's a business but I don't like the duplicity involved in only giving advice which steers patient-customers in their direction. For example, at Hillside Hair Clinic I was told that only the specialist WAW FUE they use would prevent hairs being bisected during extraction and that other FUE procedures only yield one hair per follicle - others have told me this is complete BS. Apart from FUE clinics, they all seem fairly consistent with regard to telling me how many grafts I'd need to get my desired result - between 2,200 and 2,295. FUE clinics wouldn't give me a number, they just said they do as many grafts as they can / need to on the day for £5.5K - they seem to have only a fixed price for the day which doesn't vary with how little or how much work you need done. I've also requested a consultation with Farjo Hair Institute but I'm worried they'll be out of my price range. I've so far been quoted between 3.5K and 7K from the above clinics.
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