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  1. In the modern world, insomnia has become a real epidemic. Millions of people, despite the fact that they work all day and are awake, spend all night in bed without sleep, sleep fitfully or wake up long before the alarm clock rings. The main cause of insomnia is chronic fatigue, stress and depression. Therefore, most often suffer from insomnia people who work hard and do not have the opportunity to fully relax. Their lives are saturated with information and problems that they need to solve. In general, in the last two years, the condition has deteriorated significantly, and I was able to cope with it only 6 months ago. I decided to try to buy a heavy blanket https://sommio.co.uk/ , according to reviews, it helped to fight insomnia and stress. I am extremely glad that I made this decision because it was my salvation . I hope that my experience was useful for you!
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