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Everything posted by norwoodreaper

  1. I'm back. I'm planning to go to a hair consultation by the end of the week or next week. I've decided to just stick to the US, more specifically in the city I live for a HT. I don't feel like traveling overseas for a hair transplant and besides I imagine I'll have to do this again. I found a couple places near me, one I'm looking at specifically. I don't see any clinics mentioned here for the city I live in (Kansas City). So I might be taking a gamble, iunno. My hair has gotten progressively thinner though, my hairline isn't receding too bad but when you look the top of my hair under lighting... you can see the majority of my scalp. My crown already has a noticeable bald spot. Idk what norwood scale I am, maybe 3 but idk with all the thinning? I took a video in sunlight might post here if people want to see. What would be the proper section to ask about clinics in KC?
  2. Topical doesn't have sides? Why aren't more people using this then?
  3. I was judging off my friends experience but now you got me thinking. Im open to suggestions. I did look at HLC too. Any idea on pricing? Id think europe is more expensive. Honestly, im scared of the sides. And it potentially chemically castrating me sides are permanent. I know thats a smaller percent but still. Is there anyway to get blood tests to determine how your body will react to fin?
  4. Thanks for the video, will watch later! I dont know if it's just people who had sides post online or what but it seems much more than the % reported. Judging by your name, im guessing youre on it? As for turkey. Hair of istanbul is what i will prob go with.
  5. Hey everyone, I've researched this to death but want to make sure I have this correct. From what I've found, you do not lose transplanted hair. But people still take fin, why? Is it so they don't lose the remaining hair they have left? Is there any way to tell when the balding phase stops? (If it ever does) Are those who do not take fin the ones that have multiple hair transplants to fix this issue down the line? Little bit about me just in case anyone's curious. I'm not sure if I'm diffuse thinning or balding. Norwood 2 on hairline and between 3 and 4 for crown. I'm considering going to Turkey to get a hair transplant, willing to spend 5k-10k. But I absolutely do not want to get on fin. I do not want to risk it. I think I'll just wait till I'm 30+ (right now 28) to do a hair transplant to see what's left.
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