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Everything posted by Revale

  1. Thanks. That's new to me. Interesting. I just googled "Telogen effuvium". Never heard about it, but the description fits to me. The "seborrheic dermatis" started when I arrived in Japan six years ago. Initially, Japanese dermatologists and practitioners of the ancient Japanese Kanpo medicinine told me that it would be caused by the air humidity. But even when I went back to Europe, it didn't go away (just during the treatment time with steroids. After that, it came back.) Note: I have it everywhere where hair grows on my scalp. But not everywhere where it is, my hair falls out. It only falls out on the top of my head. That's why I believe that my hair loss has a genetic cause. My mother's father also went bald.
  2. So basically my action plan is: 1) Get the "Seborrheic dermatitis" under control. 2) find a good hair transplant surgeon. What I still don't know is: Do I need medication like Finasteride or Minoxidil even after a hair transplant, or does that depend on the case? My understanding is that the transplanted hair will stay for life because the hair follicles don't respond to DHT.
  3. My scalp condition is actually "Seborrheic dermatitis" - not psoriasis. The doctors say that it's chronic. It will most likely always come back.
  4. I don't really understand Finasteride yet and its potential side effects. For now, I'd prefer to stay away from it (same as Minoxidil). I have a strong dislike towards putting chemicals into my body. Even more than going bold and/or shaving my head. The Turkish clinic which I have consulted was Dr. Bicer: https://www.ozlembicer.com/ I didn't know that there are dermatologists who specialize in hair loss. The second clinic asked me to consult with my dermatologist and ask her if I can get a hair transplant. She said yes, but I'm not sure if that was a "qualified" or a "please leave now" yes.
  5. Hi, I'd like to get some advice for hair restoration. I'm now 33 years old and noticed hair loss for the first time when I was 26/27. My temple area is receding and my crown area has thinned a lot. I have scalp psoriasis. I got treatment for it but as soon as the treatment stops it comes back. Only the part with hair is affected. Not everywhere though. Until now, I have visited 3 hair transplant clinics in Tokyo for consultation. The first one said, that they can transplant 3,000 grafts for about 25.000 USD. The second clinic said that they don't recommend so many grafts because they're unsure how my scalp condition would affect the result. Instead, they would transplant some graft in my temple area (where I have no skin issue) and a few hundred (not sure if I remember that correctly) in the crown area to see what the result would look like. The third clinic advised me against a transplant because I would still have too much hair on the crown and therefore no space to plant the grafts (and maybe they also considered the skin issue - I don't remember well). I also contacted a Turkish clinic. We had a very short video call. They would transplant 4,000 grafts, but I would have to count for 7 days how many hairs I'm losing per day. If it's less than 100, I could do the surgery. If it's more, not. Honestly, I didn't know how to count that. I counted in the morning the hair I could see in the bed. It were between 30-50. Therefore, my estimation was, that I'd lose about 80-100 per day. 2 of the clinics mentioned Finasteride and Minoxidil, but I declined, because I'm unsure about the potential side effects. The thinning on my scalp keeps progressing and I feel that I need to do something about it. What would you guys do if you were in my position?
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