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Everything posted by RyanB

  1. Thanks Melvin. But why not good? I am trying to think in the future like we all do and the best way to gain as many grafts as possible for future hair transplants
  2. Hi, Is it possible to have an FUT HT after previously under going FUE surgery? I know a lot of people have an FUT first then FUE later. Curious if okay to do FUT after FUE? I have had two FUE procedures and thinking in the future if I need another is it best to go with FUT as my donor may be limited? Cheers
  3. Hi Rahal, Would you suggest a straight swap to DUT then? I am currently on fin but I notice it is not as effective anymore
  4. Hi pkipling, I stressed my concern to them about my worries about the grafts and they reassured me the grafts will be fine. I wasn't sure if they would give this response automatically as they would not like to own up to potentially a mistake in the procedure. However, I am hopeful as it has been 1 month post op, grafts will be safe.
  5. Hi Melvin, I will try get some pictures to help explain. The pain is from the transplanted area at the front of my head. I hope with time and this cream it heals. My anxiety is not good with this.
  6. Hi Guys, I have had pain, discomfort and redness from my FUE hair transplant 1 month post operation. My doctor has told me its folliculitis and recommended cream for it. My concern that this could affect my hair transplant results? Regards
  7. Hi, I am one month post operation and over the last 5-7 days I have been feeling pain, discomfort, tightness and a feeling the area is a bit inflamed with redness appearing, this was the same feeling I was feeling 3 days post operation. This pain has not eased up and has concerned me as it has been 1 month, this pain originally went after 7 days and now its back? This is causing me concern as it may have affected the transplanted grafts and area but also that it could be something serious as an infection or nerve damage?? Or is this potentially a normal thing and my head trying to heal its self? Regards
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