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Everything posted by theshape1122

  1. 9 Month Update Hi Guys, 9 month update, not too much change from last update, Right side of hairline is still more defined & straighter shaped than the left side as it retained more transplanted grafts at the start which didn't shed, though still lacking some density. Left side is still a little patchy in some areas along the hairline as you can see where new hair hasn't come through still after shedding the original implanted grafts. The donor area has grown back great and looks good as new - no visible scarring at all, overall hair health looks great, nice and thick - I think the finasteride is helping with that. I've got an appointment in person with The Hair Dr next week to have a proper review under the microscope to check on progress & check the graft areas, where we will assess if any further touch ups etc will be required, which is all part of the treatment plan. Looking forward to getting a proper in person review with the Dr, I will update here accordingly!
  2. Yep very reassuring, I spoke to the clinic who also assured me most growth doesn't even start till month 6, and most thickening happens around month 9. I think because my right side retained alot of grafts to start with I have been waiting for the left side to play catch up!
  3. 7 Month Update7 Month update! ... donor area & rest of head still looks great as ever.Recipient area, right side has still grown in alot better than left side, alot more area covered.Left side is still very patchy and sparse as you can see.. there are also a prominent triple and double graft on the hairline still which stand out quite alot with hair pulled back, pluggy appearance.. dont think there's really going to be anything much grow in front to cover them.still 5 months left but the left side lagging behind alot... what do we think?!
  4. 6 Month UpdateJust over 6 months in now, the half way stage as you could say... slowing growing in still, left side still playing catch up to the right side, how are we looking?
  5. Very reassuring thanks for the reply! Appraoching 6 months now so will see what the next 6 months looks like as thats where the real growth should come in!
  6. So I noticed on the left side today as the hairline has started growing, there is a double and triple graft at the front of the hairline... as we know, it should be singles only in the hairline, Is this cause for concern, or will be noticable?
  7. That's good to hear! hopefully months 6 - 9 i get some real growtth and thickening come through
  8. Month 5 - Post Op Hi Guys, Around 5 months Post op now, Native hair has grown back great now, had a few hair cuts since Op. Transplanted hair has started growing, the right side has grown alot more than the left, but the right side did retain more transplanted hairs that didn't shed. Left side has some new growth but still quite patchy, most of the new hairline hasnt come in yet on that side, but has along the right side. Is this expected growth at this stage?
  9. 3 Month Mark Hit 3 months now, hair growth is good, donor area looks immaculate, no sign of any extractions. Recipient area has the odd new hair and some ones that didn't shed but not much else happening. Should see movement soon hopeuflly now I've hit the 3 month mark.
  10. Had a slightly better night last night, only woke up once during the night.. I have some melatonin pills on the way today, so will try those and see how I get on
  11. That's the thing, I don't feel like I have anxiety, I'm just struggling with sleep suddenly out of the blue, My hair is looking fine, and growing back nicely after my transplant, i don't really check it constantly, I just let it do its thing now. I do exercise, I go running every other day, the issue is i can feel tired during the day, but when i get in bed i suddenly feel awake and struggle to stay asleep. just not sure why its started. I will have to play around more with caffeine etc, but its never effected my sleep before so its odd Thanks I'll have a look at the melatonin, see if I can get hold of some!
  12. Another night of poor sleep, waking up during night etc. Feel groggy and tired today, brainfog? I not sure what to do now, has been going on all week. The only thing still that could be causing it is the fin, nothing else has changed. There are quite a few reports on other forums of people with the same insomnia like symptoms whilst using.. Think dropping to 0.5mg a day from 1mg and trying that might be worth while?
  13. Yeah I thought so too, but googling around forums theres a few people with same thing, still unsure its linked to the fin though. Had another shitty night, was really tired before bed, but started feeling a little more awake when i got in, still managed to fall asleep before 30 mins, but then woke up like 4 hours later, then struggled to sleep and woke up intermitently after that.. sigh. Day of no caffeine didn't really help then I don't think.
  14. yeah so far I've been fine and never thought about taking it, just pretend its part of my daily supplements. its just the recent insomnia that I hope isn't linked to the fin... will find out i guess
  15. interesting, could be... lifestyle wise nothing is different, no other changes or more stressed than usual. just started struggling to sleep these last few nights. Will see if giving up/cutting down on the pepsi max/ caffeine drinks helps, i've not had one today.. i hope its not the fin, and it sorts it self out
  16. Thanks guys, im going to try cut all ceffeine drinks out for a few days and see if that helps, i do tend to drink quite alot of Pepsi Max... usually not an issue but will see if it helps!
  17. I've been on Fin for just over 2 months now, with no issues, but the last 5-6 days my sleep has started to become quite bad, with insomnia, struggling to get to sleep, and waking up in the night etc. I'm wondering if this is down to Fin, I haven't really changed habits or anything else in the last 2 months.
  18. 7 Weeks Post Op Hair growing back nicely, new hairs starting to come through. Retained some original grafts, more on the right side.
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