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Posts posted by JohnBob

  1. 3 minutes ago, champybaby said:

    I sincerely regret trying to give you very sound advice. I wish you luck. Moving on now.

    Don't be mad at me man. I never intended to go to Turkey by the way. My dream goal is to make a consultation with the HT GOAT Dr. Konior. You are very lucky to have your HT done by him, his procedures are a work of art and your results were flawless (as expected). Actually, seeing your case is one of the reasons I got motivated to consider having a HT done in the first place.

  2. 10 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Check this out: 


    pretty good in-depth study 👌


    Interesting study - I couldn't get into the details because you need to be a subscriber though. I wonder what is the technical aspect that allows you to harvest more with FUT and if a better FUE technique and tools wouldn't be able to overcome that. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, champybaby said:

    It seems you're misinformed. Going FUT first will max your donor supply. If someone told you otherwise, such as a doc in Turkey, I can assure you they are lying. Good luck.

    I was just asking for the reasons why FUT would yield more than FUE. But if you want to just call me misinformed and provide zero explanation that's ok. 

  4. Someone posted in another website this picture up close of the donor of a Dr. Zarev patient after the total extraction of around 12k grafts (in 3 procedures).

    Notice how smooth it is. You can't spot any "gap areas" which is usually the case when the donor gets ultra harvested. The density must have decreased very evenly and it still looks very natural. That's an indication of a very refined technique. 



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  5. 10 minutes ago, champybaby said:

    Because given your current hair loss, you are going to want to max out your donor supply.

    I don't get that part. Doesn't FUE nowadays yield the same results as FUT? There are even studies showing that, and as far as anedoctal evidence goes, the largest HT sessions are currently being done by Dr. Zarev and he uses FUE

    I would love to understand the logic behind why FUE necessarily yields less than FUT

  6. Lol you portugueses and españoles are very proud people so I understand this can be a sensitive topic for you. 

    But spanish and portuguese are indeed very similar languages, to the point that if your first language is portuguese you can understand and easily communicate with a spanish people.  You definitely can't do that with say italian and german unless you have some proficiency with both languages. 

    Their ethnicities and cultures are not that different either. Cristiano Ronaldo could easily pass for a Spanish dude. 

    That being said, don't confuse the two because they are different people with different languages and if you do that they'll get mad. 

    (And please don't be mad at me, I'm 25% Portuguese and 25% Spanish, and portuguese is my first language.)


  7. 14 minutes ago, champybaby said:

    I'm not familiar with the docs, but if I were in your shoes, I would certainly go with FUT, with about 80%-85% going in front and using the rest to soften the lack of coverage w/ crown. You can then bolster your crown's appearance with some light use of concealer. I have an idea of what you want to achieve, so I'd also be prepared to book a second procedure as soon as your body/head is able to handle it to address the crown, as well as add some additional coverage to the front (my gut tells me you'll want that, too).

    Get on fin and start using rogaine (costco version is fine, just buy direct from them and not eBay) as soon as possible and stick with it. You're clearly going to lose all your hair, so stabilize it. Take the fin at night when you go to bed so you don't psyche yourself out about its overstated sides. Good luck.

    Why do you recommend FUT?

  8. I'm planning to consult with 2-4 doctors before deciding and going forward with the surgery, and an important part of what I will base my decision of is the assessment of my donor area. 

    Do the doctors actually make an in depth analysis and measure or do they go basically by eye? 

    I would love to get a "Dr Zarev presentation-like measurements" of all the variables of my donor area - such as # of FU/cm2 in different areas, average number of hairs per FU, hair thickness, total size of donor area etc - to know precisely what is the max of how much can be extracted before it looks depleted. 

    Is this kind of service the standard of HT docs or am I asking too much? Also, do they offer it only if I book a procedure or can I get it done in the consultation phase as well?

    EDIT: attached is the kind of donor analysis I'm talking about. 

    Screen Shot 2020-11-20 at 18.39.02.png

    Screen Shot 2020-11-20 at 18.38.29.png

    Screen Shot 2020-11-20 at 18.38.02.png

  9. 9 hours ago, UnbaldEagle said:

    I think his most "suspicious" too-good-to-be-true result is this:



    I agree that result is maybe the most puzzling of them all. 



    I remember reading somewhere that BHT is very challenging and time consuming, as the level of transection could be much larger and only about 100 follicular units can be extracted in an hour. Also, chest grafts rarely contain more than one hair and are much finer, thinner in diameter. 

    How on earth was he able to extract 3000 FUs in 2 days, was he working overnight or what?


    Maybe the answer is in his "AVA" technique (vacuum assisted and all). He seems to have a higher productivity than other doctors with regular scalp transplants as well. 

    What I find the most strange part is that the implanted hair doesn't look like chest hairs at all. They look like normal hairs pretty much. All the other chest implants I saw looked almost like pubes in the scalp - very noticeable. How come this guy got perfectly looking normal hair? Maybe he has the best chest hair ever? I don't now haha. 

  10. 13 hours ago, BDK081522 said:

    "They should improve their skills" is one of the most laughable statements I've seen on this forum. Dr. Konior,  Nadimi, and their staff at CHI are one of the most "skilled" hair transplant  clinics in the entire WORLD. They handle each case on an individual basis. They could certainly do more grafts in a single session and have done so, but they do what is in the best interest of the patient now and for the future. 

    Sure they are one of the best in the entire world - no doubt about that. I just wish they don't get stuck in time and keep improving and refining their technique. 

  11. 1 hour ago, OliverAtom said:

    @JohnBob I think you must be talking about another Couto and not the original Dr Juan Couto...

    His YouTube channel is full of different type of cases and NW Scales ... I guess you have missed a few like for example, one of the MOST complicated Hair Transplant cases (if not the most) that you will ever find anywhere...

    "5805 FUE Grafts on IRRADIATED SCALP in 2 different FUE sessions"

    Or this one 3500 Grafts in NW V

    Or this other one  4766 Grafts NW V

    Or this one, 3225 Grafts NW IV - NOT MEDICATED

    One thing about Dr Couto which I agree with most is the lack of particular cases, but I am sure this has to do with the kind of clients that end up visiting FUExpert Clinic, most of whom are said to be high society patients like footballers and famous people... therefore, I understand that these "patients" dont come around Forums posting their results.

    But, if you think these results are from an unproven Doctor ... what do you think about the rest?
    I assume you have missed or havent even seen FUExpert Clinic YouTube Channel ... as you can see Dr Couto is not just the best with the simple cases but at the same time he masters the most difficult ones like no other.

    What it´s true is that Konior along with Freitas, H&W and Couto are the best of the best at the moment.


    Interesting. I based my opinion on the cases reported by the users of the recuperar el pelo forum. In his YT channel he does have examples of more complicated cases. Good find, Dr Couto is indeed an amazing surgeon. 

  12. 5 hours ago, DenverBuff1989 said:

    I seriously considered SMP at one point on my crown, and even visited an SMP guy. The guy himself had SMP done so I could see it firsthand


    • forgot the specifics, but just like with a HT, your appearance will be "off" for 1-3 weeks
    • its a tattoo, and since it will be on your scalp it will be in the sun all the time. I was told you seriously do need to put sunscreen on it pretty much every time you go outside, or else it will seriously start to fade
    • in certain lighting it looks horribly fake. The light "bounces off" the scalp easily if that makes sense
    • It only lasts 3-4 years
    • It's really only meant for a guy to have an appearance of having a boring buzz cut
    • If you are planning on getting it done on an area of the scalp that is completely bald without a hair in sight, it will look fake
    • Not to belittle the profession, but SMP artists are essentially tattoo artists. IT's hard enough finding a trustworthy MD to do a hair transplant, you really have to trust the tattoo artist to do SMP

    The only use case IMO is if you are getting SMP done on a diffuse thinning area, in that there is hair around the SMP region that will blend in well. And if you have to be willing to keep your hair forever short in the region you get it done. And there is still the cost, getting it done every 3-4 yrs. 

    If the above doesn't phase you, I would still only get it done on my crown. Getting it done on the hairline or frontal region runs a huge risk of looking fake. You would have to have a short/buzz cut anyways, might as well just have the natural bald buzzcut. 


    very comprehensive answer thanks!

  13. On 10/10/2018 at 8:33 AM, Payam said:

    I suppose you are right in that i felt something was wrong from the start.. i became discouraged and worried by the fact he had so many patients a day, and how little you actually saw the doctor, I genuinely thought I would sit and discuss my case with him, present and future for a length of time, and those very young girls performing the extractions.. i don't know



    Well, Payams results ended up being nothing better than ok. I think his original hair is making things a little better than it is - if the whole hairline was composed of the transplanted hairline then it would look very HTish and the result would be downgraded one level to kinda of bad (definitely not butchery though). 

    So considering most of us goes to the operation with the expectations of getting a result in the range of good-home run, in my opinion Payam has all the right to feel disappointed with a barely ok result. 

    Also as the quote shows he had a bad gut feeling from the start and he ended up being right. It would make me insecure as well to barely see the doctor and to have the procedure done by technicians in their 20s. 

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