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  1. How many grafts do you think it will require, the scar for sure isnt an inch in size and is a few mm wide.
  2. A few hundred dollars or a few hundred grafts you think?
  3. Do you know roughly an estimate of how many grafts a small scar would cost and if a doctor would potentially take on the surgery since it is small.
  4. Do you know roughly an estimate of how many grafts a small scar would cost and if a doctor would potentially take on the surgery since it is small.
  5. Hi all, I have a quick question regarding scar revision or hair transplants in general. I recently got a scar on my scalp and I am so embarrassed how I got it and also the fact that I now have this bald spot that has made me really self conscious. I haven't consulted with anyone but would like to get some advice. Would it be safe to get scar revision or a FUE hair transplant into the scar? Would the scar revision leave a better scar? Would FUE hair grow out of the scar? Here are some photos of the scar itself. I think it is about 3/4 inches long and 2mm in width. Any help would be greatly be appreciated, thank you.
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