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Everything posted by mr_xxxplosive

  1. I too know Propecia doesn't really wear off! But what I meant by that is that your hair genes may start to move strong and Propecia can't stop it. I dread that everyday!
  2. I'm 23yo with early frontal hair loss confirmed by a hair transplant doctor in July 2008! I began using Propecia since then! Until today my hair looks practically the same at least to my eyes as it did since I began Propecia so I assume it stopped my MPB. After about 9 months into Propecia I began to see almost nothing in the shower and in the morning when I comb my hair! I used to see a lot of hairs there for the past few years before I began Propecia! Never thought it was anything until at the age of 21 1/2 I saw mild thinning in the front! Now in the past week or 2 I'm starting to see some more hair in the morning and in the shower again! Does it mean Propecia is wearing off? I'm really panicking and thinking of jumping to Avodart which my dermatologist is willing to prescribe anyhow.
  3. I would wait till those results are released. It will list side effects and proper dosage. And guys do yourself a favor don't buy meds from those weird sites go to drugstore.com it's official there.
  4. Nope hopeless dude I saw it here http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/.../NCT00441116?order=7 and this site is official so that means the studies are completely done.
  5. I read that Phase III of clinical trial were completed on January 2008 and this year the results will be released and if all is good does it mean the FDA is going to approve it this year or by latest the next?
  6. I read that Phase III of clinical trial were completed on January 2008 and this year the results will be released and if all is good does it mean the FDA is going to approve it this year or by latest the next?
  7. You know I keep hearing this shedding shedding shedding! I didn't get that at all being on Propecia for over 7 months, I do however shed less hairs in the shower and during styling the past 3 months or so but then again my hair looks about the same since starting Propecia.
  8. I read Avodart has 4.7% impotence and 3% decreased libido! You think if a man like my age (I'm 22) takes avodart the chance would be lower to have those side effects? I been taking Propecia 1mg for over 7 months with no side effects and no results lol. The only thing I remember was the first 4 days on Propecia I was very horny and that passed And finally can Avodart give any other body effects like increased/decreased body hair, facial hair, ACNE, oily skin, etc.? Can it also make hair loss worse? Please enlighten me.
  9. Leeson, I assume once you knew Propecia wasn't working for you was when you saw your hair thinning again. My question is when you got on Avodart did it just stopp your MPB again? or did you get regrowth/thickening again?
  10. I know MPB will never stop and will continue despite Propecia but from my research Propecia stops 80-90% of the time MPB for about 5 years and for others a lot longer so my question really was at what month mark can you expect that benefit to complete?
  11. So you mean after the first 6 months, the hair loss should be stopped by then? And if I'm correct the 2nd 6 months that's when the thickening/regrowth should happen if it's suppose to happen that is?
  12. If Propecia should stop your hair loss what is the latest month it should happen? I know you gotta give Propecia 1 year but I'm sure the stopping should start way earlier!?
  13. If Propecia should stop your hair loss what is the latest month it should happen? I know you gotta give Propecia 1 year but I'm sure the stopping should start way earlier!?
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