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Everything posted by anaccountaconda

  1. Thanks for the suggestions so far, makehairgreatagain I guess your name speaks for itself, very nice result. I am looking at Dr. Bloxham near me in NY at the moment but keeping others in mind as well if I am to wait to get it done. If anyone has personal experience with him I'd be glad to hear it. As some background I started fin & min too late but hair loss has stopped & regrown a bit since I started a year ago. At this point it's invisible with some concealer but it would still be a huge burden lifted if I could stop worrying about the thinning on top of my head! Looking ahead, I guess I will have to think of a good excuse to walk around with a shaved head at work once it's done, lol.
  2. Hello, I would like to ask the people of the forum if there is a specialist that has gotten good results with the crown area (diffuse hair loss pattern) that uses the FUT method. From some of my consultations the number seems to be at about 2500 grafts. I am from USA & I suppose travel restrictions do not allow me to travel to my first choice Hasson Wong any time soon. I am on the East coast but open to travel, just not to Turkey!
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