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andrew r

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Posts posted by andrew r

  1. 1 minute ago, ShadowMoon said:

    I would start saving some money for a second surgery if you want any semblance of density, as your surgeon didn't move enough hair to cover your degree of loss. Not saying it'll look bad or unnatural, it'll just look thin. 

    Okay. It was an expensive surgery as it was and I don't want to start saving for another surgery after the first, I feel like that was the point of the first surgery haha. I feel so stupid now but I can't change the past. Is there any chance you have an instagram or whatsapp so I can talk to you over the phone? I would really appreciate it as its a very stressful time for me. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, ShadowMoon said:

    Can you post a before pic?  Taking 3 days to put in 1500 is a red flag to me, and that's a lot of area to cover as well.

    This is the area before when it was grown out. The doctor told me he does 500 grafts a day. He does it all manually by hand. I don't know if thats why it took longer but thats what happened. I just feel I have been left in the dark and I am quite concerned as you can imagine. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do? Thanks 


    IMG_2821 2.JPG

  3. Hi Guys, 

    I have recently had a hair transplant in Australia. I had the operation about 48 hours ago and I have been told by my doctor to not wash or remove any blood from the donor or transplanted area until Tuesday which is about 5-6 days after surgery. He told me to keep the blood on the scalp as it will help the area heal. I have not been given any spray to keep the transplanted area wet which is what I see most clinics do. The doctor transplanted my hair using the FUE technique and did it all manually by hand. He did 500 grafts per day and I got 1500 grafts over a 3 day period. I am stressed if I do not clean or take any of the dry blood off my scalp I may get an infection or my grafts may be damaged, I was told by someone that they think my grafts may be damaged already. Here is a picture I took 10 minutes ago. I am very stressed and I want to be given the right advice. I have listened to my doctor but I want to make sure leaving the blood and not washing it wont affect anything. Any help would be appreciated! 


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