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Posts posted by hairlosscursed

  1. My donor after dhi,area in rectangle is three weeks post second op,it is overharvested,empty areas are visable,white dotting top right and centre from first 3 years earlier.


    Dude...trust me it s much much better than mine...i m wearing a big white steak ear to ear, i can t have my hair as short as you have...

  2. I completely undertand you my friend..my scar is very similar to you but wider and sick...this a nice gift DHI gave me some years ago...these gyus that treat patients like this need to take a good lesson someday...i fon t know how but they have to...i feel B I G ANGER for this kind of clinics ruined peoples lifes out of nowhere...someone has to do something...

  3. I understand that FC had serious issue with his skin.The only thing i can t get with this case is why FC that already knew his condition with his skin and that his HT was not successful,finally decided to post his final result that already knew it s bad and he asked for our opinion and he was also offered to answer all the questions we might have.After some hours he removed the photos he put...this is the thing i can t get...i mean if i don t like my results and i don t like what i see in the mirror then what is the point of showing them in public????specially if i know the skin issue which means i know the reason of the failure too?

  4. i think there is no reason at all to keep up talking about this clinic...waste of time...

    It s a free country...let people do what they want...

    DHI something for last ....don t ever think that im afraid anything of your threads....but definitely im not gonna give any value by talking for this clinic...and trust me i know this clinic much more than you do...even if you are working for them...i have pay this clinic enough...don t take it personally ...i respect your job ...you have to respect my 10 year bad experience im still carry on...and f inally respect the anger and the sadness that an HT patient might have due to bad work done in his head...trust me im still suffering and i wish you and no one else have this kind of experience...HT IS SOMETHING MORE THAN HT...never forget this...people that suffers right now understands...and this goes for EVERY CLINIC AND DOCTORS...PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS MIGHT BE CATASTROPHIC FOR THE PATIENT...REALIZE IT

  5. I ve been there...these guys are DANGEROUS...think that results from really good doctors are doubtful these days...imagine what is happening there...they have a technique called "no touch" that they claim is not like the old fashioned FUE but something new and really good.now the funny thing is that after the completion of the procedure of 12 months the head IS totally untouched like never anything happened but some spare hairs with awful placement and thousands $$$ for nothing...and if you dare make any complaints they are trying to make you make seem like the crazy one that suffers from depression and can t really see the amazing difference everybody can see except you.unfortunately this method is followed constantly from many many clinics we all know and this is NOT ethic....

  6. Change your life....nice topic....unfortunately my life is same depressed like before...BUT with some thousand $$$ less and some thousand grafts less...lot of deppression despare and anxiety.i don t know what to do with my head anymore...i have try everything and nothing seems to work.my personality seems to be degraded and social fear is getting biger and bigger...i can t even recognise me anymore...i have watch my self changing ang changing day by day 14 years now hoping and hoping...we are supposed to spend lot of money for medicines, supplies and hair transplants for hair improvement but in fact we spend money to buy some fake hope that things will change.i clearly remember my self very happy excited and full of positive thoughts after my surgeries.of course after a year things were back to reality...i have to face that i ll never be like before not even close and the truth is that im not interested for a life like that...is SO miserable...living in a body you use to love but not anymore

  7. As long as i remember there was always the final cure discovered but....we all had to wait 5 years because everything was under experiment in mice etc...you better believe that we NEVER will see the final cure simply because this industry is making billions from stupid people like us...we will always have to pay money for lifetime for nothing...we live in 2011 ...can you believe that is so hard to find a cure for HAIR???come on...this is rediculus...they are able to clone humans...we fly to the moon...and many many amazing things...it s ALL LIES....they can help BUT they dont...don t expect anything good about cure...save money for a hair transplant and pray to be acceptable and not just waste of money and after that complaining in forums like this,get tones of propecia and minoxidil and pray don t get any cancer or sexual disorders from these innocent medicines....thank you science...forever yours.

  8. You are wondering for FUE yield like you are sure about strip...do you think you know the yield for strip???actually nobody knows...if there was someone knew the yield for sure for either procedures,hair transplant would something much much better than what is now and everybody would be happy without getting anxious and stressed if the procedure will be succesful...hairloss industry is in baby steps for the moment

  9. unfortunately there are many people out there with very poor results from top docs that they have not the even courage do write about the situation due to disappointment and fear.imagine that they gave a large amount of money from years and years savings for their dream and desire to get back what they had and instead of that they took only "some improvement"and no one is responsible for this...no warrant no explanation exists by the time you move out of the surgery office... then the future seems to be much better and we always waiting....the 6 month post up then the 12 month post up and finally the 18 month post up to ensure what we was afraid of...poor yields poor results and finally we re realize that the money we spent for the grafts we used was not worth it..the worst thing in this industry is that there are no warranties and no responsibilities about the amounts af money we pay...can you imagine your self buying a brand new car of 20.000 and finally to realize that something is wrong with that...????no problem you have warranty for 3 or 5 years????what kind of warranty you have for an HT???? NOTHING...and then of course you have to save money AGAIN to get a second or third pass without anyone wondering HOW the hell i ll be able to save AGAIN this large amount of MONEY????HOW? i don t know the economical status of everyone in here but i can say that the economical crisis is global and i don t belong to the rich people environment at all...and finally i think that the majority of the people here is the same as everyone...

  10. I totally agree with the emperor and all the above statements BUT....i have to make a good question to all of us...Why we all have to pay thousands of $$$ to a science that is totally unreliable and with many doupts...i mean yield doupts growing doupts and don t get me wrong...tons of doupts...since this hair loss industry is FULL of doupts why we pay EXTREMELY large amounts of $$$?just for some improvement???if yes i would agree if the prices would at 1/3 of the present prices maybe less...all i mean that we pay A LOT OF MONEY and stress for something unsure...WHY???ok i don t need anyone to tell me that it s a free country...i already know that...all i m asking you is if these HUGE costs of HT s you think really deserve all these????maybe for 10% of the cases i ve seen YES...all the others is just some little improvement or disaster...there are many many factors affecting an ht that i m sure that science is STILL make experiments on our heads our lives and our souls....until they find the final solution which will prohibited for us.i mean extremely expensive...i m tired of discovering something new about the hair loss science EVERY DAY in different forums....i m sorry im not a doctor...i m a patient.i m paying some money and lot of my life to have some services not to be one more experimental animal for future solutions...finally i tell you this..THE BATTLE OF HAIRLOSS is already lost...not now but many many years ago...since man is trying to cure this curse magicians were take advantage of this selling anything you can imagine to people like us...guess who are the losers...all of us except some 10% exceptions with really good results and addicted to propecia and minoxidil for the rest of their lifes.guess who is the winner???hairloss industry...ht doctors medicine companies forums tv commercials etc...thank you

  11. I have a suspicion that when docs dense pack, they are rolling the dice. If there is a 70% chance all of them will take, its an acceptable risk, knowing that if you get half yield, you can return for another procedure.


    Beyond a certain density, grafts start to fail. Maybe a blood supply issue, or transection of neighboring grafts.


    Honestly, I think you will need another pass. Hopefully you have some styles that work better than what you show in the pics. Product is your friend. Good luck.



    First of all i would like to express my wonder...

    What do u mean by saying "rolling the dice" and "second pass"

    is our heads a casino or something????or are we millioners and we don t know it yet????

    Money is NOT EASY specially these days plus the suffering of having an HT is not that easy too...imagine that you have to make a strategie before the HT...i mean days off from your job...appearence problems,lies etc...so i don t find these terms very reasonable...nobody should risk anything when we are talking for thousands of $$$ and all these things i mentioned above specially these hard times...

    can you say for sure if Phil Mascallpen is able to afford a second pass???????????


    well if i judge from my self i m not able to afford something more.....

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