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Posts posted by SethGecko

  1. Yeah I understand that there wouldn't be much left for a touch up procedure, if needed. I do have quite a bit of beard hair though. 

    As far as the length, I usually wear it even shorter than on the pictures. About 2-3 mm length. I tried to grow them out , but difference in density between front and top of the head so noticeable that it just looks like crap. There is simply not enough hair in the front to wear it long, but I wish I could. Even concealers like dermmatch or toppik won't work.

  2. On 10/16/2020 at 4:43 PM, Mr Sinister said:

    I feel your pain brother, I was over harvested in Turkey last year 😫

    How long ago was your hair transplant? If it was recent you can expect more density in the coming months.

    do you have beard and body hair? You could use that rather than sacrifice further donor hair. 

    As gatsby mentioned, SMP would help add the illusion of density in both the donor and recipient area.

    good luck 

    Thanks bro. I had it done 2 years ago in oct 2018. 

    I could use some beard hair, but I've heard it's not a good option for frontal area. 

    Btw which clinic in turkey did you go to? I went to elit hair transplant. I found out about them from youtuber matt dominance. Wisj I didn't.

  3. 1 hour ago, Guano said:

    If you go ahead you are agreeing to having to constantly wear your hair short, if you had already done this prior than it shouldn't be a big deal, the only thing it will mean is that you'll have to see the barbers more frequently - i.e. once a week to maintain the short sides. If you are willing to do that then go for it.

    Thanks for the answer. I really don't mind having my hair short constantly. I just wanted to see if anyone else have done something similar.

    And also I know dr. Arocha gets a good rep here, but I still can't believe that he said he can get 1500 to 2000 grafts from my donor area, cause my donor area looks like shit. Should I trust him?

  4. A little backstory: I had a fue ht in Turkey with 2500 grafts ( or at least that's what I've been told ) extracted and they ended up over harvesting my donor area. I did get some hair growth though, and now I'm trying to improve density at the front. So I scheduled an appointment with dr. Arocha. Given that my donor area is pretty weak I didn't think that I would be a candidate for another ht procedure, but to my surprise dr. Arocha said that he can work with what I have, and extract up to 2000 more grafts from donor area with fue. The only thing,  he said that I could only have short fade cut in the back of my head because there wouldn't be much hair left. Basically I will be sacrificing donor area for the density in the front. Which I think I am willing to do, but still hesitant. 

    Did anybody has a similar experience? What is your opinion? Would you do it if you were in the same situation? I understand it's completely up to me to decide, just wanted to hear what other people think.


  5. 1 hour ago, Curious25 said:

    Sorry to hear about this guys. 

    It's a shame to see, and it certainly brings into light Dr McGraths reputation - because he has made some pretty strong claims via his videos with David Dimuzzio. 'I thought, oh my god I have found the cure to hair loss'.

    My suspicions started to be raised even further when the so called NW 7 miracle patient that they later showcased as a phenomenal responder to the treatment had literally grown his donor hair out by about an inch between his before and afters - and that was the golden example backing up their excitement. 

    I understand the character and culture difference between the USA and Europe, however respected surgeons should not be acting like second hand car salesmen in this manor with something that is still in the very early stages of research and development - those hair loss help videos are basically sales pitches to hundreds and thousands of desperate hair loss sufferers, and watching a surgeon act and behave in that way is going to drum up huge amounts of interest. 

    I had a conversation with my surgeon here in Europe regarding Exosomes earlier in the year, because I was admittedly suckered in by the videos I had seen, and was very excited about the science and some of the claims being made by the Dr's at the forefront of this - and he simply smiled at me with raised eyebrows, and said 'it is a very expensive treatment for something that has no research behind it - save your money for the proven treatments just now'. 

    I remember walking away that evening, and the cynic inside of me lead myself to believe that of course he would have said that because it's not a treatment that himself or any other clinic this side of the pond is offering, or would be offering this year - however his ethical reputation has once again preceded himself, and I now believe firmly that what he said couldn't have ran more true. 

    I feely deeply sorry for the both of you who have spent considerably large amounts on this treatment, and I would strongly suggest you pursue some form of compensation claims with the clinics, because it is frankly not acceptable for a reputable surgeon to be preying on people with a treatment that comes at such an expense.  

    Thanks man. I agree it is a shame that there are youtube videos with thousands views where that david guy and mcgrath trying to promote basically a snake oil just to make a quick buck out of desperate people. "Acting like a second hand car salesman" is pretty accurate description of that "doctor" haha. But it's  whatever, I don't blame anyone but myself for being fooled.

  6. 10 hours ago, Mycroft said:

    Out of curiosity, what type of loss do you have? Diffuse thinning? Distinct pattern? How severe?

    I imagine exosomes, like PRP, will have varying results depending on the patient's physiology. Some people respond very well and some people don't. It's unfortunate that there's no way to tell at the outset.

    Frontal. I agree that results will vary from patient to patient.  My problem is with so called "doctors" like mcgrath that promote methods that have not been 100% tested and verified yet as a new cure for a hair loss that definitely works. He charges 5000$ for 5 cc's and the whole procedure takes only about 20 min. Not a bad business model, huh?

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  7. I had 5 cc injected by mcgrath 8 months ago in January and had 0 results from it. The whole experience with that doctor was kinda odd. The very first appointment with him felt more like a sales pitch, than the actual consultation with a doctor. He claims that he treated over 100 patients with exosomes, but doesn't show nearly as many before and after pictures. Oh well I gave it try and it didn't work.

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