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Everything posted by shinyreceding

  1. Bill-i asked my questions and this is the reply. waiting for your views on this. i cant understand the answer to my first question,what does the doc mean?? "Q 2500 grafts right now will fill the hairline,but what about the long term implications? A The new trend is to make a good hairline with good enough density and finish in one pass. Q Will I have enough donor hair to cover future balding?? AYou will still have a lot of donor area left for future use.These 2500 grafts are all intended to fill the hairline or to cover thinning hairs in areas where hair already exists? The 2500 grafts is intended for both the hairline and add on density in the front. But remember this is only a rough estimate since the pictures do not clearly show if there is thinning at the top. " what does"The new trend is to make a good hairline with good enough density and finish in one pass. " what does finish in one pass mean??
  2. thanks for the excellent advice Bill!!. yes,this is a big decision in my life and i will take it considering all the factors. i have sent my concerns to the doc. hope he replies soon. b.t.w,dr.pathomvanich himself didnt reply,dr.Oravan,MD(i guess from his clinic replied on his behalf to my consultation q). yes,i have been applying rogaine to the thinning areas and have been seeing lots of small colourless hairs appearing on my bal hairline too. seems encouraging.
  3. this was his exact reply: "From your photos you have receding hair line. My rough estimate you may need 2500+ grafts to create the new hairline with dense packing to frame your face to make you look good. " b.t.w,im 24 and am taking rogaine for the past 2 months.im too scared to take propecia after propeciahelp.com(better off without hair than possible impotency afterwards).. and nioxin system 3 and revita.
  4. i recently sent my pictures for a online consultation with dr.damkerng pathomvanich.(attached pictures). he came back to me saying that 2500 grafts are required to restore my hairline. i know im receding,but that much!. im concerned that if that many grafts are used in the front,what about future balding?. will i have enough grafts?. pls advice..
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