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Posts posted by NicoAustralia

  1. 3 minutes ago, ShadowMoon said:

    The fact is you have access to a picture that is irrefutable proof that there are 1400 holes on the back of his head and only 800 grafts were extracted. You're taking the word of the surgeon over the word of the patient and physical photographic evidence. 

    He will dance around this comment with "guys this is getting out of hand" and then close the thread 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    This number came out of thin air, someone said “looks like 1500 holes” there’s no proof, 1mm holes will look larger, and can look like more holes than reality. I got off the phone with Diep today about this case, he told me he would never  throw away grafts, and that he did 800 grafts more or less. There’s always some level of transection with FUE from 5-15% which he puts in his YouTube videos. He’s not lying or being deceitful it’s there in plain English.

    We cannot have the forum spread hearsay without any real evidence, and start passing it off as facts. That is the problem with today’s society, one person says one thing, and other will agree, and all of the sudden it’s “guilty” the mob becomes the judge, jury, and executioner. No need to hear the surgeon, he’s done. I can’t operate this forum in this way. How or why would any surgeon want to be affiliated with such a place. It really doesn’t make any sense, it’s not being level headed or objective.


    He literally counted each hole extracted from his donor area and counted 1400 conservatively but probably more like 1600.

    He was told he had 800 extractions. That is the definition of lying 

    • Like 1
  3. 57 minutes ago, a said:

    Hi Everyone, 

    While I know FUEs offer better long term results in terms of reduced scarring, a major concern of mine is the fact that donor area has to be shaved pretty tight during surgery, so it’s tougher to conceal in the days/weeks after surgery. Does anyone have any experience with positive attempts at concealing these scars (Dermatch, cosmetics, etc.). How long will it be until the donor  area is not noticeable?

    It doesn't provide reduced scarring, it is more spread out scarring but in terms of amount of scarring FUE probably is actually higher

  4. 1 minute ago, ShadowMoon said:

    You're a week ahead of me, my three weeks was yesterday. My incision is healing well but one side is a little more raised than the other, and has more shock loss. I have some ingrown hairs along and inside of the scar. I'll post some pictures on my thread once I'm at 1 month.

    Ah my bad dude!

    Looking forward to your update. 

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  5. One month down for me today!

    Looking absolutely terrible as you can see in the photos but it's all a part of the process. I did my research and prepared myself for this so I'm doing pretty good even if I don't look good!

    I'd say I've shed 80% of my transplanted hair and wouldn't be surprised if I lose the rest.

    Redness has subsided somewhat but certainly still present. Looking forward to the redness disappearing being the next phase of the process.

    I had dissolvable stitches which if I had my choice I would not recommend. It was all fine but after three weeks I was sick of them and wanted them out which caused me a little stress. They are all gone now and the donor area feels fine.

    As you can see from my terrible photography, the scar is still quite red.

    Also, REALLY bad shock loss almost everywhere and especially in the donor area. Before the procedure I could somewhat hide my hairloss with fibres and hairspray but now it would be impossible.

    I'll update again at 2 months.







  6. 30 minutes ago, Looking for HT said:

    Call with Dr Sethi to discuss the progress- Aug 11, 2020( 7 months and 20 days since my HT)

    I would like to start by expressing A big thank you to Dr Sethi who helped calm my nerves this morning.

    I believe that we all have been at a stage where negative thoughts crawl in mind, especially when we don't see the results that we expect.

    In my case , the growth has been slow and it made me really concerned. I wonder if Covid 19 and working from home since March has something to do with me being impatient or panicking :D 

    There are few things that I have discussed:

    1) Frontal growth- Dr Sethi acknowledges that so far, the growth is the slowest amongst all his patients but before he makes a decision on the next steps, a wait for another 2 months is suggested. If still the results are not as expected, Dr Sethi will fully support me in a touch up procedure without any charge. Also, shaving and trimming of hair will not be required. ( This is a big relief for myself ). This shows that the doctor actually cares about the patients so I do feel a little embarrassed for panicking earlier.

    2) Donor- The donor hair was taken out in the same way as any other patient and if anyone buzz it down to zero, the evidence of HT will  be 100% be seen.  I have started growing the hair at the back so the HT is less evident for sure and probably one cannot even tell if it grows longer.

    The bottom line is that it might be better for me to put my trust in Dr Sethi at this stage and follow his lead considering that he has promised to fully support and if the touch up is required , he will help and this will include the left temple if there is a difference from the right one.

    Thank you everyone for your feedback and support and I shall keep you posted.



    Good to hear you're not as nervous now. Hopefully you get some good growth the next couple of months.

    Like the guy above said, it's a pretty aggressive hairline and those temples would suck up a lot of grafts so whether that's contributing to the density being less as a result?

    Best of luck, I'll keep following with interest.

  7. 12 hours ago, jimcraig152 said:

    We/you will never get one. And if you buy the thing about the asymetrical harvesting of the donor site being to "preserve virgin donor sites for future procedures", I have some beach front property in Idaho to sell you.

    I am a recent MHTA client and have thoughts on around his technical flaws. I just don't want to hijack Dadda's thread. Probably will save it for my own thread as things progress.

    I've been following your thread too mate. 

    Diep has definitely got great results in the past so I can't really say his methods are bad but I just don't understand why you would implant that way? Surely the only thing you're doing is increasing the chances that it ends up looking unnatural?

    As for the donor thing. Looks terrible to me personally, I can't think of any good reason he would have done it this way. Is he getting lazy? Was he having a bad day? Is he trying something new? Am I completely wrong and he has a good reason?


    Who knows.

  8. On 8/4/2020 at 12:51 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    You should let the conditioner soak on the recipient area and gently remove the scabs. You shouldn’t have that many blood scabs by day 9. I think this will be next topic for a video, sometimes guys are too gentle, and they let the scabs linger for way too long.

    Yep! I was almost completely scab free by day 9 and there was such a relief getting them off. It's like your head can "breathe"

  9. 8 hours ago, JohnAC71 said:

    That’s quite a large area to fill with that amount of grafts. Are you planning further Hts? 
    like you say it is really good to find a Dr actually properly involved. I wish more clinics would be more transparent with the actual involvement. All too often people say they barely see them after the hairline is drawn. 

    You'd be surprised how far 2600 grafts can go when a good surgeon is doing the procedure. I've seen twice that many from Turkish clinics used on guys and get mediocre results

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