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Posts posted by Leonidas

  1. On 11/25/2020 at 4:08 PM, UnbaldEagle said:

    I would say you needn't worry of any side effects, at least not with minoxidil. Topical use of minoxidil is considered to be safe, approved by the FDA, millions of people are using it on a daily basis, I've yet to hear of any heart-related issues with topical minoxidil, the systemic absorption is just insignificant to do any damage. I myself have been using minoxidil (both topical and low-dose oral) and finasteride for the last 10 years and so, no side effects whatsoever. Even with finasteride side effects are very rare and (imho) are more psychological or nocebo generated. But it's up to you, I'm just saying you need to hold on to your native hair too somehow. Sadly, it's more likely you'll lose this by taking natural supplements only. 

    I applaud your consideration for a future HT using beard grafts. You might wanna look into Eugenix for your next HT, they do excellent BHTs. You have some nice thick beard and dense chest hair. At this point you really need to be mindful of your donor capacity. This is just my personal opinion, you might wanna consult with a clinic, but it seems to me you've got maybe about 3000 grafts left as you've got significant thinning around the crown region so I'm not sure what's the extent of your safe donor area. 

    Anyway, good luck with your hair loss journey and keep us updated, please. :)


    hello again my friend, how are you?

    Thank you again and again for your suggestions.

    but there is a point that I do not understand. What is eugenix? a clinic? a dr.?

    chest hair is generally not recommended for hair transplantation.

    The reason is it cannot grow like both hair and beard.

    It also has a structure suitable for spillage.

    When you throw your hand to your chest, unlike hair and beard, you get dozens of hairs.

    How many grafts do you think I need for the area where hair is not transplanted as a result of this transplantation?

    For a 2nd sowing?

    Don't worry, I will continue to share as the process continues.
    thanks again.


  2. On 11/25/2020 at 3:49 PM, Steeeve said:

    I think it looks Fan! Tastic!! That hairline is looking SO refined for just 150 days in.

    Congratulations, my friend: you’re ahead of the curb and you’ve still got potentially a few more months of sprouts to pop through and then months and months to go of maturation.  That puts you in a really sweet spot!

    Thanks for the pics!👌🏻

    thank you so much steeve!

    I really felt his support in this process.

    You gave me great morale even though there were thousands of kilometers between us.

    thanks dude. I hope my hair will be more beautiful.

    Thanks to the administrators who set up this forum, I know good people like you thanks to them.


  3. 21 minutes ago, UnbaldEagle said:

    I hope so too, I reckon you'll be thrilled with the final outcome in 7-8 months or so. 

    Hopefully there'll be more Lifehair patients posting on this forum too, this is the first one I believe. The hairline design is good and seemingly well refined, I'd say this is on par with most of the HLC results I've seen, and they are a very reputable clinic also based in Ankara. 

    The only thing that concerns me is that you're only 24, had 4000 grafts extracted already and - I hope you don't mind me being so blunt - but you seem to have very aggressive MPB, looks like were heading for NW6-7. 

    You're using Xpecia which is just saw palmetto + biotin, albeit at a more expensive price. I hate to say it, but that won't cut it in your case. I've been a longtime poster on a treatment based forum and I've seen guys who never had the courage to take fin and instead just went with saw palmetto and I cannot recall a single successful case of long term maintenance. 

    A word of advice, jump on finasteride instead and use minoxidil too twice a day, that might even give you some regrowth around the crown region, while also maintaining your mid scalp region. You don't wanna lose your native hair, it would be really hard to cover all that from subsequent HTs. 



    HLC is a very high quality clinic.

    Thank you for your good wishes.

    I'm 24 years old. you are right, But even this operation is unfortunately not enough.

    the open space is very large. And at the end of the process, I need a second hair transplant.

    Even 4000 grafts that make you worry are unfortunately not enough.

    that's why I'm thinking of a second operation with beard support.

    Thank you for your advice, I have heard that the combination of minoxil and finasteride is really effective.

    but you said it too, I'm only 24 years old. I don't want to spoil other things while trying to fix things.

    I have heard that one of the side effects of minoxidil is a heart attack.

    Also, that's not the only problem. The moment you stop using it, it does more harm than good.

    You will lose more hair than you gain when you stop using it.

    Someone using minoxil for a long time forgot to take minoxil with him on a business trip.

    and lost much more than the hair he gained afterwards.

    I do not want to use a product that will make me addicted to it for a lifetime.

    If we come to the subject of finasteride;

    I am 24 years old and the side effects scare me like everyone else.

    Not everyone who experiences side effects sees this drug while taking it.

    There are users who experience side effects even years after they stop using the drug.

    I think finasteride will be really good for my hair, but still I cannot take this risk.

    Thanks for giving me advice, my friend.

  4. On 11/23/2020 at 8:59 PM, Steeeve said:

    5 months! Nice and thick looking. Do you ever ask yourself where the time has gone?

    How’s your hairline looking?

    hello steeve! yes, time passes really fast. we are getting old my friend :(

    my hair has not yet fully grown.

    that's why I don't comb my hair back. but I did this for you today. 

    how do you think it looks , for 150 day?

    My hair is dry in the first 5 photos.

    My hair is wet in the next 5 photos. I wet my hair so that I can comb it backwards.

    how do you think?












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  5. 13 hours ago, Steeeve said:

    No apology necessary. It’s quite alright.🙂👍🏻
    22C50FB2-D625-42F8-B64E-7A13C411AFA6.thumb.jpeg.648a9ab27f7e887cb63b5ac62bb8bbf9.jpegI think where grafts were placed above that white line will continue to thicken up for sure. I think it will be nice and dense by the year mark. I think you’ll need to rely on medication to keep what you’ve got below the white line. I know you said you were on Xpecia and that has Saw Palmetto in it which is an excellent source to hold onto existing hair but I don’t know if it will regrow hair the way finasteride could (I’m not saying it won’t; I honestly don’t have any personal experience with saw palmetto) but if you’re looking to close it off completely you may end up having to go for a second smaller procedure to address the bottom of your crown.


    hi steeve, thank you very much for your valuable comment.
    I value your comments.

    yes, i keep using xpecia.

    I do not use finasteride.

    I am thinking of a new hair transplant at the end of 1 year.

    I especially want to add hair to the lower part of the line.

    I want a beard-supported hair transplant in order not to damage the donor area.

    beards provide a nice coverage in the vertex area.
    as they are thicker than hair bristles.

    I hope this planting will be successful and it will provide coverage.
    Unfortunately, this situation affects me very much :(
    my age is young. very young. It is very difficult to suffer this problem at this age.

    Thank you also steeve.
    You contributed to me with nice comments in this process, my friend.
    I am sending you my best regards from Turkey.

  6. hey steeve how are you man?
    Sorry, I wrote the previous comment in Turkish.

    I'm writing in English again

    Thank you for your nice thoughts!

    I trust your comments and experience.

    yes the process is progressing well. maybe it's because I'm young.

    My current hair has gotten stronger than before.

    I'm going to share two photos for you to see the progress behind my head, my friend.

    first photo 60th day
    second photo 120th day.

    What do you think ? Will this area be completely closed within 1 year?

  7. 15 saat önce Steeeve şunları söyledi:

    Bu çok iyi görünüyor !! Geçen gün ilerlemenin nasıl gittiğini merakdum. Birçoğunun alınmasından kesinlikle daha erken bir doğumda okuyabilirim. Ön üçte biriniz zaten dolu görünüyor ve başlangıçta daha az saç olan tacınız da büyümeye başlıyor. Bu sandığınızda daha erken bir home run olacak!

    İyi yaptığına sevindim, adamım! 🙂

    Güzel düşünceleriniz için teşekkür ederim!

    Yorumlarınıza güveniyorum ve deneyim dostum.

    evet süreç iyi ilerliyor. belki de genç olduğum içindir.

    şu anki saçlarım eskisinden daha güçlendi.

    Kafamın arkasındaki gelişimi görmeniz için iki fotoğraf paylaşacağım dostum.

    ilk fotoğraf 60. gün
    ikinci fotoğraf 120. gün.

    Ne düşünüyorsun ? Bu alan 1 yıl içinde tamamen kapanacak mı?






  8. 13 hours ago, Steeeve said:

    Hey @Leonidas! I think it looks good so far! When your hair is dry it looks like you may already have a little more density than you did pre-op due to all those baby hairs!! It looks like you can see some small buds popping out in your crown, as well. It really kind of looks like you may not have experienced much of a shed! 

    How are you feeling about everything?

    hey steeeve! How are you buddy?

    I observed a great improvement in my old hair compared to before the hair transplantation.
    I'm very happy with the current process, bro!

    The reason for my old hair to come alive may be the reinforcement xpecia I used.
    or due to blood on my head due to hair transplantation.

    I am very happy now.
    The hair on the front started to get plump.
    I wonder how the back will be.

    I observed improvement on the back.

    I think it's much better than before


    Hello to everyone!

    Today is the 94th day of my hair transplant.

    I want to share with you the photos I took yesterday.

    I wrote Turkish and English information about the oily / clean condition of my hair in order for you to understand better.

    please share your objective comments with me.

    I care about your comments.

    reinforcement: Xpecia

    Greasy Hair Photos First:

    Slightly Damp Hair And Dry Hair After Shower:




















































  10. 1 hour ago, JohnAC71 said:

    I am unfamiliar with your chosen Dr. But what I can see is a very nice hairline and great graft placement! 
    Looks like your donor area recovered quickly as well. Look forward to your updates. 

    thank you for your comment my friend , 

    My hair transplant center is not very popular here.
    but my country is also a well-known center.
    The most important feature of this center is that the donor recipient gets better very quickly and it is almost never known.

    Another feature is that usually hair transplant centers are in Istanbul, but this center is in Ankara.
    My family and I have enjoyed the front line, in the same manner Turkey/Türkiye plantation located in the very positive comments on their websites.
    I hope I get a good result.
    I will continue to share, do not worry.

    (My english not perfect, I hope I can express myself well.)

  11. On 9/2/2020 at 12:54 PM, Gatsby said:

    Hey Leonidas. What is the name of the doctor who performed your procedure? How much involvement did he have in the procedure? What is the name of his clinic? It looks great. Looking forward to your updates in the future. Thanks for sharing.


    hey, how are you Gatsby ? Thanks for your reply!

    Question:  What is the name of the doctor who performed your procedure?

    Ansver: My Hairtranplant Dr. Name is Sahin Celik.

    Question: How much involvement did he have in the procedure?

    Ansver: root uptake and channel root opening It was made by my doctor.

    Question: What is the name of his clinic? 

    Ansver: Clinic Name is'' Life Hair Ankara'' , this clinic in Ankara Turkey.

    Thank you very much for your answer my friend!

    Glad you are interested in my hair transplant.

    Dont worry dude ! , I'll continue to share my photos in the future.

    I'll be sharing the 90th day photos very soon. Please keep following, your comments give me a boost!



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