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Everything posted by Gavin137

  1. Initially, I had planned to keep it buzzed down to a one guard after my transplant because, having had SMP, I both liked the look and how hassle free it was. I’d hoped that FUE would enable me to get away with a little more length and provide a kind of 3D effect however, having tried it, it just doesn’t look right, at least for now. I’m hoping when the hairs become less coarse and the remaining patches fill it, a buzz cut might again be a possibility but for now, it looks like I’ll have to go the other direction and grow it out. As I mentioned, I’ve been doing so for a month now and the difference between the transplanted hair and the native hair is very obvious, not helped by the fact some areas are still fine and not yet matured. I’m hoping that by the two month mark, I’ll at least have enough length to style it in a manner than will make the transplant less pronounced. Progress after a hair transplant really has to be the slowest rollercoaster in history.
  2. Wow, 4 inches, that’s a lot more than I’d anticipated. Guess I’ll have to get stocked up on toppik to get me through until I reach that length! Thanks for your answer though
  3. Hello everyone, As the title suggests, I’m looking to gauge opinion on what hair length looks most natural after FUE. A little background; I first began looking my hair about a decade ago and after starting finasteride 2 years later, I have been lucky enough to arrest my hair loss at Norwood 3 without further loss. I received SMP three years ago and was generally happy with the results however, in the hope of achieving a look that wouldn’t necessitate shaving everyday, I underwent FUE 9 months ago (1000 grafts to hairline). So far, the regrowth has been reasonably good although the hair is somewhat wiry while other patches are still maturing. I’m not too worried as I’m aware patience is key however, I’ve come to the conclusion that my original plan to maintain a buzz cut with the SMP isn’t really an option and consequently, one month ago, eight months after my surgery, I began growing my hair out. As I mentioned, the regrowth has been fine but there is no denying a difference between native and transplanted hair when the style is so short (approximately a 4 guard at this point) and ultimately, my question is how long do I need to wait before it blends with the native hair? Or, in other words, what length does your hair need to be to mask having had work done? Of course, I recognise this all very subjective however, if anyone as any thoughts, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for reading and anyone who might respond
  4. Hello gentlemen, As a long time lurker on this forum, let me start by thanking all the regular moderators and posters. This site in an invaluable resource for hair loss sufferers and ultimately, it was information I received on this forum that enabled me to pick up the courage to address my MPB. Anyway, a little background. I am 32 years old and began losing my hair around 10 years ago. Finasteride proved a godsend and I’ve experienced no further loss for the last eight years. While I was of course happy with this, I wanted to get back my hairline - a goal I largely managed to achieve through SMP. Again, this worked well however it had its own obvious limitations and so, having seen numerous, very successful examples of SMP being combined with FUE, I decided to take the plunge. That, as the subject line suggests, was 7.5 months ago and while growth has been good, I’m having a bit of trouble assessing the how truly realistic the outcome is due to the fairly significant redness that remains (actually, it has rather a purplish tinge which I attribute to the ink already there). I have scanned some threads by others unfortunate enough to experience this long term redness however the solutions suggested in those were often Fraxel lasers or the like and, given the fact I have SMP, that isn’t really a viable. Essentially, I would be extremely grateful if anyone could provide either: 1. Any suggestions how I might reduce the redness or, 2. An upper limit estimation as to how long I May need to wait before the discolouration fades (Unlike hair regrowth which can be more appreciable, it’s very difficult to keep track of whether or not the redness is reducing from day to day and while I’m happy to wait for improvement, it’d be nice to have some confidence that it wasn’t permanent). Thanks for reading and for any suggestions you might have. Gav
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