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Posts posted by Drugs110

  1. 2 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    These women are shallow as.... you only have to walk around in real life to see the average Joe. 
    Such a shame if this is what it’s coming too. People being judged on hairlines alone.
    like you say so many people have already stared to bald from a early age. 

    Yeah it's very sad. Nowadays women judge men based on factors they can barely control, such as hairline/hair, jawline, chin, cheekbones, height, eyes, genitalia size


    It is what it is. Why do hair transplant clinics not operate on anyone under the age of 25 btw?

  2. Just now, JohnAC71 said:

    Man these women are harsh. No need for these sort of comments. All of us men are very aware on the state of our hair. We don’t need reminding. 
    Can you imagine if we started to comment I’m something they weren’t happy with? 


    Yes but sadly I believe the reason they're doing this to us is because of online dating apps. I'll simplify what I mean: Tinder is the major app here. Tinder uses an ELO system. The only guys they see on Tinder are male model-tier with perfect square NW0-NW1 hairlines because they have the highest ELO score, while the average and below average looking aren't actually shown. So say the first 100 guys a girl's profile sees on Tinder is all male model-tier guys with perfect intact hairlines. This is what she sees, so this is what she thinks your average guy looks like. When she goes out in the real world, all she sees is actually average looking guys with some form of recession going on (research says 2 out of 3 men will start balding starting at age 18). So of course she's gonna be disappointed... LOL


    This is indeed very sad but idk, if you read this, maybe now you'll understand why they're so shocked by actually average male looks hahahaha

  3. 2 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Oh Couto puts out some stunning results for sure. Although we have yet to see real world results, IE actual patients posting their results.

    Problem with him is that his waiting list is maybe as much as 2 years! 


    Yes and he's crazy expensive, 4Euro/graft lmao. But hey, it is what it is, doubt he fakes the results. I want him to restore my hairline, I can't tolerate this nasty oval hairline no more. Women commenting on it every time they see me is just the icing on the cake. They are right tho, this hairline is NOT okay nor natural. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    If women are saying those things their opinion is moot. Absolutely nothing wrong with your hair whatsoever! You have a perfectly normal head of hair at present.

    Changing anything would be a mistake. A change of styles you can try sure. But if your seeking perfection it will never happen.

    And who knows where you will end up in 10/20 years ? We all have a finite supply of grafts. 
    Add the risk of permanent shock loss and not achieving what you wanted or even matching the original density.? Not worth it imho. 

    I don't really care about the future to be honest. I'm 23 currently, I want to keep a perfect hairline (after a HT ofc) until I'm 35 MAYBE 40. I'll go to a HT clinic this month for them to tell me exactly how many grafts my donor area has (never had a HT before)

    I'm going to go to a spanish HT surgeon when I turn 25. This guy's very very expensive but he's amazing. The name is Dr Couto. Look at his results on YouTube - FUExpert. I doubt he will cause me permanent shock loss. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Mycroft said:

    There is absolutely no way women are saying this to you all the time unless they're trying to be catty towards you for some reason and are too dim to come up with anything clever.

    You've gone from talking about medication to maintain your hair to surgically constructing a hairline radically different than your natural non-balding hairline. No surgeon with any shred of ethics going to do that work for you, especially at your age. What are you going to do if you ACTUALLY start balding? If you think you're getting roasted now you don't want to know what will happen if you get stuck with a ridiculous hairline that's too low and lose the hair behind it.

    Your temporal pullback in the second photo looks even LESS noticeable than the first photo.

    They are tho. I'm not putting the blame on anyone here, just to be clear. They always comment on my (receeding) hairline. I think what really makes it disgusting is the fact that the temporal points on both sides are pushed SO far back. Instead of being straight, kinda laterally and diagonally connected to the forelock.


    When it comes to my natural hairline before I developed MPB, hard to say how it really was. But honestly it really was straight! I'll attach some pictures from way back.

    My hairline used to be so beautiful! Look at those temple points in the second photo. I want it back so bad!



  6. 1 minute ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Your hairline is fine man, definitely not disgusting as you say. If Hemsworth can be a leading man with that hairline, you’re fine. Maintenance is key, as you get older having a prepubescent hairline becomes less important. 

    Women always say my hairline is disgusting, or that I need to fix my receeding hairline. I do agree with them. I don't only want to restore my temple peaks for women - I myself would love to see this new hairline as well! But obviously as a straight man, the opinion of the women I'm attracted to (18-25 yo) matters quite a lot. To me and to them my hairline and temple points are disgusting. Also styling is definitely quite difficult with this hairline, trust me I've tried! And I can't go to the barber every day (for financial and time schedule-related reasons)

  7. 17 minutes ago, FoxtrotChi said:

    For a Caucasian man, you have an ideal hairline that most men would be thrilled to have, myself included!

    Thank you very much!


    But please do note that I'd like to have a perfectly square, "set" / "straight" hairline with SHARP temple peaks / temporal points. Usually I see a lot of latinos with this hairline (the one I desire). 

      Look at his hairline in the thumbnail. I want these sharp temple points / temple peaks, a perfectly square straight hairline. This is my goal. I am VERY troubled by my oval temple points, especially when I look at myself in the mirror (from the front view). 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Mycroft said:

    This is a totally normal looking adult hairline. Unless you have thinning in other places not shown in this photo this doesn't even qualify as male pattern baldness.

    Stay on Finasteride. Do minoxidil if you want, but this is nothing to stress over. Almost every man will have the corners of their hairline pull back a little bit as they reach adulthood. If you're consistent with your medication and you manage to stay about where you're at for your entire life you've won the game.

    Your hairline is fine and most men would kill to have it. You seem like you have a touch of dysmorphia so I encourage you to take a step back from this and stop freaking out. If you have other spots where you think you're thinning you're welcome to share, but once again this is a totally normal adult hairline and nothing to worry about right now. Get a free consult from some of the doctors on the site it you want a professional opinion.



    My temporal points are pushed way back, I want sharp temporal points and a straight "set" / "square" hairline. I want to ever so slightly lower my hairline and also completely straighten out my hairline (straightening out my temple peaks / temporal points, it looks disgusting to me from the front)

    Can I do this now or will I have to wait until I'm 25 - I'm 23 now




  9. On 8/19/2020 at 11:44 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    It sounds like you’re not a Norwood 2, so either you’re a lot more advanced then you think, or you have a case of BDD. 

    Here’s a legit norwood 2 doesn’t look like what you’re describing 


    ok here's mine, please tell me the truth


  10. 3 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Norwood 2 is not bad at all, seems like maybe it’s your perception, how old are you? Usually it’s young guys who think like that.

    23. My hairline is naturally high. My temple peaks are pushed waaay back, it looks disgusting from the front

  11. I've been on finasteride 1mg/day for 5 months now and yet I'm still losing hair (diffuse-thinning). Should I switch to Dutasteride? 


    Also I'm thinking about also going on oral minoxidil, 0.625mg/day. Thoughts?


    Please help. I hate my life, this disease is an absolute bad joke. I want to have a great hairline and density but my hairline's a NW2 and my forehead's always been big, now the 2 in combination look HORRIBLE. I look so ugly now because of this. My temple peaks are pushed far back and this looks disgusting from the front.

  12. 1 hour ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    I just start at 0.5mg and don't go higher. It's a lot more potent than finasteride with a similar side effect profile. I haven't seen studies using a dose higher than 0.5mg and am leery to go higher than that. Also, given the fact it's more potent the chances of side effects are higher. 

    Do you use oral minoxidil?

  13. 4 minutes ago, aaron1234 said:

    Of course, not every man with MPB will end up NW7.  And thank goodness!  Take a look around at men in their 70's, 80's, etc.  My grandpa is in his 90's and he's a NW3.  

    At what age can I ask a surgeon to look at my balding and tell me, as accurately as he can, approximately where I'd end up naturally without treatment, based on my genes?

  14. 22 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

    I've been trying for 31 years. I'm still working on it.  What's needed for any real chance of a decent head of hair on a NW 7 is a lot of thick beard and chest hair. If you have that then you have a shot. If you are a NW 7 then your donor area is going to be much smaller than average. You'll be lucky to get 4000 scalp grafts from a NW 7 head. After getting 4000 scalp grafts you will need to get 8000 to 10000 body hair grafts to get somewhere close to looking like a full head of hair.

    Does balding for some men stop at, say, NW3 naturally on its own instead of progressing to full NW7? Sometimes, or does every balding man always hit NW7 if he's not on treatment?

  15. 1 minute ago, BeHappy said:

    I'm a NW 7 with approximately 460 cm2 of bald area (if I remember correctly. I will have to measure it again, but it's over 400). At an average of 40 grafts per cm2 that would be 18,400 grafts. If you wanted to average 45 grafts per cm2 then you're looking at 20,700 grafts.


    So basically it's impossible for 99% of men to pull off going from NW7 to thick Nw2?

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    It's not going to regrow hair...it's used to try to maintain existing hair. Remember, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like finasteride and vasodilators like minoxidil are used mainly to keep hair from falling out, not growing it.

    Not true from what I've read and been told by docs. Minoxidil does regrow hair, it's a hair growth stimulant, not a DHT blocker.

  17. 29 minutes ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    Usually you need to take finasteride 1mg daily for 1 year to assess fully if it's working or not. 

    Having said that, I think starting dutasteride should be fine. It's a LOT more potent than finasteride so I usually start my patients off on 0.5mg daily. I would also use topical minoxidil.

    Good luck

    So should I drop the fin and use dut only?

  18. 14 minutes ago, ciaus said:



    By no results do you mean no re-gaining or no further loss? -if you mean no re-gain that doesn't mean its not working. If most of your missing hair has been gone for years then the DHT has probably already ravaged your follicles to the point of no return. If you've been recently losing and the loss rate has stopped or at least slowed alot then its working. Ultimately finasteride or  dutasteride are not able to completely halt all loss now and going forward.

    The rate of hair growth / month hasn't been normalized.

    I'm still losing hair. Diffuse thinning + temporal recession still going on

  19. 1 minute ago, TorontoMan said:

    I think many of the members will tell you its going to depend on your hair characteristics as well as donor capacity. If the hair is finer and of less quality, it will take more grafts to achieve a denser look. 

    I think you're looking for a general answer right now, your best bet of course is to go to a good surgeon and get it estimated for yourself, but I'm going to say that it would be more than 7k grafts to get the coverage, don't know how thick that would be or how you define that for yourself. 

    I have genetically thick hair. My hair type is thick and wavy. Light brown hair on a pale white skin complexion.

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