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Everything posted by dinks

  1. Im not undergoing any stress right now, however ive heard that some people shed again when on propecia at the 7-9 month mark which is where i am at the moment. Ive also read that it may just be seasonal shedding (end of summer, begining of autumn). I don't know what it is, i just hope the shedding ends soon.
  2. Hi all, Ive been on propecia and rogaine for a year now, and it has seemed to slow down the rate of shedding i was experiencing. However, the past few weeks i have noticed a large amount of hair fallout. Shedding has increased to the point it was before i was on propecia and rogaine. Im starting to freak out! I began smoking cigarettes again 2 months ago but immediately stopped last week after hearing that they may increase the rate at which your hair falls out and possibly the amount, and also cause the blood vessels to restrict decreasing blood flow to hair follicles. Could this be the reason for my new wave of shedding or may it be linked to something else?
  3. Hi all, Ive been on propecia and rogaine for a year now, and it has seemed to slow down the rate of shedding i was experiencing. However, the past few weeks i have noticed a large amount of hair fallout. Shedding has increased to the point it was before i was on propecia and rogaine. Im starting to freak out! I began smoking cigarettes again 2 months ago but immediately stopped last week after hearing that they may increase the rate at which your hair falls out and possibly the amount, and also cause the blood vessels to restrict decreasing blood flow to hair follicles. Could this be the reason for my new wave of shedding or may it be linked to something else?
  4. if your so adamant about surgery, it might be an option to go FUE, instead of strip scar as it is such a small surgery. This will fix your small problem and leave you without any scaring.
  5. smoothy, thanks for the info and reassurance. although im not considering shaving my head, its good to know that years down the track the scar would not be so sightly.
  6. damo, yes, i live in australia and yeah they say 12 months is when you see the final result. ill email you with some questions re dr martinick if you dont mind. thanks.
  7. thanks robert, its good to know its a normal occurance at my stage of post op. The discomfort isnt too severe, i assume it is still in the process of healing at this stage. Thanks again.
  8. hi all, how long is it common for a scar to be irritable after ht, if at all. im 2 and 1/2 post op and im finding it still iritates me, especially after showering. when do u think it will subside?
  9. hi all, how long is it common for a scar to be irritable after ht, if at all. im 2 and 1/2 post op and im finding it still iritates me, especially after showering. when do u think it will subside?
  10. Damo, im considering my next ht with dr marnick, but ive heard her prices are quite high, about $8 a graft. is this true? ive also heard her hairlines are amazing though.
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