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Posts posted by JP34567

  1. On 3/11/2024 at 12:58 AM, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:


    We appreciate your feedback and are glad to hear that you had a positive experience with us. It means a lot to us to know that our efforts have been successful in your case. We wish you all the best on your journey towards good health and happiness.

    Warmest Regards
    Eugenix Hair Sciences 

    Thank you so much for making my hair transplant such a great success! So thankful for Eugenix!

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  2. Two year 3 month post update.

    I Love my results!

    I am so grateful for how my hair transplant came out.  Every day that passes by I am thankful that there was a way to restore my hair and hairline back. I was between a stage 6 and 7 in the Norwood scale.  Think about it 10 or even 15 years ago these results would'nt have been possible. In my opinion @Eugenix Hair Sciences has the best tools, technique and experience that allows for such results. 

    In addition to the hair restoration done by @Eugenix Hair Sciences. I continue to follow their instructions taking 1mg of finasteride a day and using 5% minoxidil (I only apply this once a day though not twice)

    Additional steps I try to take. 

    1)Apply a couple of drops of Rosemary oil post shower.

    2)Every 5-6 days using .25mm or .30mm dermaroller to stimulate blood flow and applying minoxidil.

    3)I take Biotin pills

    4)I use a shampoo brush with soft silicon tips. It feels great to massage your scalp in a shower and stimulate your scalp. It is almost transcending. Any shampoo brush would do. Nizoral even sells one that I like. You can find it on Amazon as Nizoral hair shampoo brush.





    Thanks to the team @Eugenix Hair Sciences Dr. Arika Bansal and to Dr. Pradeep Sethi that who still contacts me to this day to ask about my results. Thank you!






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  3. One year update !

    I'm so happy with the one year results ! btw this is not the way I usually style my hair. I just styled it this way in order to compare the progress over the months. I will upload a picture tonight with my usual hair style.  As you can see the crown area was not transplanted. I was given the option to do so in the future, however with some topix(hair concealer it covers it really well). Pics uploaded are straight after the shower after drying and combing no styling product or hair concealers used. The team at Eugenix exceeded my expectations and have changed my life !

    On 1mg finasteride a day and I apply Minoxidil once a day.













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  4. 5 month update. (BTW In all the pictures I've taken for the forum updates I have no product in my hair, e.g gel or creams etc. After a shower  naturally air dried and combed back) I take the pictures in the same spot in front of a window. I've seen a lot of growth during month 5. I've been told that Month 6 and 7 should be even way more growth ! I'm very excited since I'm still not even half way through the journey just 5 months post operation ! It also seems that I need a trim, last time I had a trim was a little bit more then a month ago.







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  5. On 4/19/2022 at 4:34 AM, Gatsby said:

    I'm keeping the lighting conditions for these updates to be all outside in natural light. At this stage I'm intending to just let everything grow out for as long as I can. I think I will eventually color my hair and when I can get hold of some fibres use that in the growing phase for the crown. I'm heading off to Thailand in 10 days so I'll either grab some there or wait until I return.

    Have fun in Thailand ! You can definitely see more density on your head after just a month ! nice !

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    JP! What a great write up and it was so much fun meeting you at Eugenix! I'm glad you have posted your experience and you are already looking fantastic my friend! Extremely happy for you and I look forward to following (and sharing mine also) your results!

    Thank you so much ! Your results are also looking great my friend. Still waiting for you to create a youtube channel. You have so much valuable experience to share !

    • Thanks 1
  7. Hello everyone!

    I'm finally posting about my experience with Eugenix hair transplant performed in January 2022. I will also post progress pics and so far two months post , I'm loving the results !

    Initially my journey was suppose to start on March 2020. On the day I was suppose to fly out to India was the day Covid restrictions was Imposed. Needless to say I had to wait patiently for almost two years to finally fly to India to get my hair transplant done by the amazing team at Eugenix. All during that time they kept in touch and once Covid restrictions to India were lifted when traveling from the United States Eugenix were very helpful in rescheduling and assisted me with all my necessary requirements and paper work needed for travel.

    Fyi for my trip to india in January 2022 I had to provide the following (please note the below is subject to change by the Indian Government so make sure you do research and inquire with Eugenix what documents you will need for travel)

    1)E-visa (indianvisaonline.gov.in) (make sure you carry a print out. I applied for the Medical E-visa)

    2)Medical Letter from Eugenix stating type of medical procedure and date of surgery

    3)Negative Covid PCR Test 

    4)Print out of self-declaration form from Air Suvidha portal (www.newdelhiairport.in) (you will need to upload passport images and covid results to the portal)

    5) U.S. Passport.

    I arrived in New-Delhi on January 17,2022. My stay was booked for Double Tree Hilton Gurgaon until January 27, 2022. Yes that is correct I decided to stay for 10 days and it was the best decision I made even if I didn't leave the hotel facilities unless I had to go to Eugenix or to the Airport (Besides during the time India had 14 day quarantine when traveling from abroad even if Covid negative). I should mentioned that I was picked up by the The Double Tree Hilton driver all pre-arranged by Eugenix when I arrived in New Delhi.

    The reason I decided to stay 10 days is that I really wanted my Hair transplant to heal properly before getting on an Airplane for 16 hours and perhaps putting at risk any of my precious grafts during transit from the hotel in New Delhi back to my home. Also it allowed Eugenix to keep track of my progress and they even performed a fourth small procedure to make my right front hairline even better ( I will expand on this later). Best of all post 7 day hair surgery Eugenix will carefully wash your head to gently remove scabs from donor and recipient areas.  Also if you stay at the Double Tree Hilton make sure you go and have free breakfast there every morning. This is not just a free bagel and free cereal, they have what I think is the best breakfast buffet I've experienced. From Indian cuisine and also western style. Plus the staff at double tree were great to get to know specially the morning crew during breakfast time :)
    I was Initially scheduled for two procedures but in the end it was 4 procedures total (which I'm glad that it happened this way)

    My first procedure was suppose to be on January 18 however Dr. Arika Bansal was still in Mumbai due to unforeseen circumstance and was rescheduled for the 19th at noon. Also on the 18th a medical technician contracted by Eugenix passed by to the hotel to take blood samples.

    On the 19th I was picked up from the Hotel by Eugenix in a very nice and clean Mercedes-Benz and taken to the clinic. I was seen by Dr. Arika Bansal, she was very professional and very nice with a very kind spirit which is something that I later noticed, that everyone at Eugenix had this very kind and giving spirit. It turns out they follow the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda which explains why almost everyone that visits Eugenix has such great things to say about them. I'm not exaggerating they really are amazing! As a matter of fact Dr. Pradeep Sethi is building a school for the unprivileged children of India with the money they make from Eugenix. I can go on and on about how great they treated and accommodated me but that could be a whole complete post in it self. Needless to say during my consultation with Dr. Arika Bansal she was very honest with me, she pointed out that I had sections in my donor area that were patchy (you will see in the pre-op pics) and that if I would have to keep my hair no shorter then a 4 guard or else it may look weird. I already knew this and was already planning to keep my donor area long and I always figured if I wanted to keep it short and get a fade I could always get SMP done at my donor area. (I already had SMP work done on the Top of my head with great results about 7 years ago through his hair clinic hishairclinic.co.uk at their NYC location) She also mentioned that if I was ok with this that I was still an ideal candidate since the rest of my donor hair was of great quality and had enough to provide complete coverage at the top of my head even over my SMP hairline. Best of all she said I didn't even need to use my beard hair for additional coverage since I had enough donor hair on the back of my head. I was very surprised and happy to hear this specially since I thought my hairline would've been a bit above my SMP hairline and I thought for sure they would need to use beard grafts ! I was all smiles 

    The first surgery started a bit late in the afternoon since pre-op pics needed to be taken and local anesthesia allergy test needed to be performed and medications given. This procedure was a total of 600 grafts basically the front of my hairline it was decided to continue the next day since it was already late in the day. Btw Dr. Arika Bansal did a lot of the critical extractions and transplantations for my hairline. They gave me instructions on how to take care of my head post surgery and gave me medication to take.

    There was a complete list of instructions I was given to follow eg. no smoking, no shampoo etc... but the main ones were

    1) I was to spray Saline solution on my recipient area every two hours for the first 7 days (This is the one thing I did different, I sprayed Saline every 30minutes on both donor and recipient area which I think gave me great results with very minimum scarring.

    2) Had to keep my head elevated and sleep in an inclined position to avoiding my donor and recipient area from touching a pillow. They also provided a surgical mat to lay on the pillow to avoid you accidentally staining the pillow. I personally slept with a travel pillow.

    3) Was given medication to take, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and pro-biotics

    4) Avoid touching donor and recipient area at all costs ! A surgical cap was provided that I would have to wear any time I would have to leave my room.

    On the 20th this time I was picked up from the hotel early at 9:00am, medication was given and my second procedure started at 10:00am. On this day 1500 grafts were transplanted. I must say that the most painful part is when they start injecting the local anesthesia.  It is still uncomfortable during the procedure even when under anesthesia from a scale of 1 to 10 it feels like a two. Well if you feel a two every two seconds  3000 times (1500 when removing from donor and 1500 again when being transplanted to recipient area) then you get the idea. Also there are times where some parts are not completely numb so the pain is a 5 or 6. If you do feel it hurting then immediately let them know and they will inject you with local anesthesia in the parts you feel pain. Eugenix was very on top of things and would ask me almost every 5 to 10 minutes if I'm feeling pain and they try really hard to make sure you are as comfortable as you can be. I should add that I felt very little pain when they extracted from my Donor except during a few occasions. Most of the uncomfortableness was when the implantation was being done at the recipient area (the less fat and more bone the more painful, is what I noticed). Btw I need to mention that during the session there was always a doctor there supervising the technicians and confirming the quality of work. The technicians were amazing it was great to see how well orchestrated they were. One technician would load the DHT tool another technician would make the graft extractions and two technicians would perform the transplantations. Another Nurse would be there ready to administer local anesthesia when needed and a Doctor on hand supervising. Please remember Dr. Arika Bansal does the extractions and transplantation of critical areas like hair line or temple work. (lucky for me I didn't need any temple work done). In any case this well oil machine is key to keeping hair grafts out of the body for as little time as possible. I counted 20 seconds from when my first graft was extracted to when it was implanted. I think this is what is key to  Eugenix having such great results ! What made my day was that the technician loading the DHT tool with the grafts mentioned to me that I had tons of double, triple and even quad hair grafts so that was very promising.

    On the 21st I had my third procedure done 1400 grafts. I think because I was still recovering from my second procedure this one was more uncomfortable. (I have no idea how someone can go and do 7000 grafts in one day !). Lets just say I was really happy when it was done. I must say that during this time pre and post procedure I got to know the technicians and Doctors better. Dr. Vinita for example is very kind and knowledgeable we had great talks regarding spirituality and philosophy and wish I had more time to continue our conversations ! Dr. Shishir just  kept me smiling and laughing and was very knowledgeable in medicine overall ! Once the procedure was completed Dr. Pradeep Sethi invited me to the farm house to have dinner with him and some of the other Eugenix patients including Mr. Gatsby himself https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/profile/36717-gatsby/ 

    I went to the hotel relaxed a bit and then was picked up and taken to the farm house. You need to see this place it is beautiful with  huge gardens and fountains. Dr. Pradeep's plan is to eventually open the farm house to allow his patients to reside there while undergoing treatment once the place is fully furnished. As always Dr. Pradeep is very kind and would give you the shirt on his back if he could. He asked me several times if I wanted to stay at the farm house while I was there. I would have been fully attended by his staff including free food breakfast, lunch and dinner and even head washes etc.. Mr. Gatsby could tell you more about it since he stayed there during his visit to Eugenix. As much as I wanted to stay at the farm house I already had all my stuff unpacked at the hotel and I felt like Eugenix had given me so much I just couldn't take more, plus I'm not the type of person to want to bother the staff for anything even though that is what they were there for. That night we sang some very beautiful songs (Dr. Pradeep played what seems to be an accordion very well) we also had an amazing Indian cuisine with so many dishes to count each one better then the last. We then had a tour of the grounds and relaxed around a campfire talking about hair surgery and our adventures around the world. We ended the night with a game of ping pong and  eventually me and the other patients were dropped off back at the Hotel. It was a great night full of laughter and great company !

    its the 21st and noticed that my right side needed a little bit of a touch up around where the temple area meets the hairline. I asked Anil from Eugenix if it would be possible to do a touch up and of course they obliged (BTW I have to say Anil Saini from Eugenix, I believe is what keeps Eugenix running each and every day ! He will probably be director of Eugenix one day if he isn't already. Without him I don't know what Eugenix would do. He is so great with the patients and deals with all the day to day stuff. He is a very valuable person there and I'm very happy that Eugenix has him on their team ! They immediately took me in and Dr. Arika Bansal was able to do the touch up in an hour. I'm so glad I asked because after the touch up the results just looked amazing it was just 66 grafts but it was well worth it. I apologized to Dr. Bansal for having her have to work on me again but she said "I'm here for my patients and I want to make sure the patients are happy with the results" I was very grateful for this.

    For the next 7 days I stayed at the Hotel eating great and just watching MTV Indian music videos (Lets just say I'm now officially a fan of Pop Indian music and a huge fan of Akshay Kumar lol). I would also go to the Eugenix Clinic so that they would apply Betadine solution to my donor area. on the seventh day I returned to Eugenix for my Head Wash and scab removal. On this day I was so overwhelmed of how Eugenix had been so great with me that I ordered Flowers and had them delivered to the Eugenix staff as a way of me saying thank you and goodbye. That afternoon Eugenix also sent a medical contractor to do a PCR TEST for my return trip back to the U.S.A. I received the results 4 hours later. Double tree provided my transportation to the airport and at 2am I was catching my flight back to the U.S.A.


    Make sure to stock up on finasteride pills and minoxidil when at Eugenix the prices in India for these products are very cheap. I stocked up on one year of finasteride tablets and 6months of 5%minoxidil/1%finasteride topical solution from Eugenix for just around 140$ U.S.

    I've include pre-ops pics, immediate Post op pics, One month update pics and my Two month pics. I can't wait to see my final results a year from now. I will continue to post updates every month for 12 months. Thank you Eugenix team and everyone in this forum for your guidance and support !







































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  8. I had the great pleasure to share dinner with Mr. "Gatsby" and Dr. Sethi at the farm house and share our stories around the camp fire ! Gatsby forgot to mention how he pretty much rocked everyone in table tennis lol.. I too was there for hair transplantation procedure during that time. Gatsby is not kidding they treated me like i was the most important patient they ever had. It will be difficult for me to return to the USA and no longer be spoiled. During my trip there I found out that Eugenix is more then just hair transplantation clinic, they also live by a beautiful spiritual philosophy and that most of the money they make is used to build school for the children of India. Gatsby Man you had gone through everything to battle your baldness I was blessed to meet you and be there to witness your great success and Joy in this new chapter of your life. I really do hope you start a YouTube channel to help others. Soon I too will be providing my personal experience and updates on this forum regarding my hair transplant with Eugenix.  Can't wait to see our results !

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  9. Hey Paddy, Any update. Would really like to see almost 1year results. Please post does not matter if results are good or bad.  You've been there with us for six years researching and waiting to see post op results well you  finally went through it so please share for others who are also thinking about it. Like me :)


  10. 12 hours ago, ag120 said:

    Hi I was asked, repeatedly, to take finasteride, but chose not to. I started with minoxidil, but it was too cumbersome so I stopped. The vitamins came in a box called 'Hair Fact', with different vitamins to be taken on different days of the week. I did take these for around 4 months. But to clarify they do ask that you take finasteride and minoxidil. 

    I think you should take finasteride. Hardly anyone experiences the side effects its a very small percentage. See this video about it. 


    I'm not a doctor ! but I know a lot of friends and some family on finasteride including me with no side effects at all. This pill has proven results.


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