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Everything posted by OfirSy

  1. As most of you probably know, the most effective treatment against hair loss is Finasteride + Minoxidil. I was wondering if some of you are using some other boosts to support the traditional treatment. A little background about myself and why i'm opening this post I'm 33 years old, 3 years into topical treatment of 1% Fin and 5% Minoxidil. I started of with Norwood 3 (including the vertex) and It worked pretty well during the first and a half year, but I think that my hair is getting thinner again. I'm also using Derma roller about 3 days a week before I place the topical treatment. So, before jumping into higher levels of Fin (from 1% to 2%) and Minoxidil (from 5% to 7%) - I want to give a try to some secondary boosts. I've been trying to use a Caffeine shampoo once a week for the last couple of months but it doesn't seem to help. I'm also taking Biotin pills on a daily basis. Recently i've also added Castor Oil to my topical treatment. About once or twice a week, mixed with olive oil. I leave it on the scalp for 2-3 hours and then I wash it off. It's too early to say if it does anything. I've also took 3 PRP treatments during the last 3 years (one a year) but I didn't saw any noticeable results. Other than that - I should also mention that i'm fairly healthy. I'm not smoking, I try to exercise about twice a week or so and i'm eating fairly healthy meals. If anyone has any experience with secondary boosts, please feel free to share it!
  2. I'm not taking anything, and i'm about to start taking both of the suggested meds. Hopefully, the I won't suffer from the side effects. That's the only thing which kept me away from them all these years, but it seems like i'mr running out of options now.
  3. NW6 is probably my "faith" without any treatment, as my father had it too around his 30's. I was thinking about shaving my head, but I simply can't see my self accepting the look. I'm leaning towards FUE at the moment. Thank you for your inputs though.
  4. Thank you for the response, Melvin. Just to clarify: when the Trichologist i've been to said that it's too early - he didn't referred to my age but to my stage of baldness. He suggested me to wait until it takes full scale, if I want to take the HT path. I wasn't aware of the consultation section, i'll definitely give it a shot!
  5. Hello, I'm 29, Norwood 5 (I believe), and i've started to lose my hair around the age of 19. I've been to a Trichologist who reviewed my status. He suggested me to wait with my HT, as it's too early, and also because he was thinking that he'd be able to solve it with 3 months of I-PRF treatment. I still prefer the HT path over that. The Trichologist also mentioned that my current status, as you'll see in the pics, is far from being ideal for a HT: First - because there are still hairs that might get lost because of the transplant (i'm aware to the fact that those hairs will be lost in a few years anyway). Second - my donor area isn't too rich. There's nothing much to explain here once you see the pictures. On top of that - a famous clinic that i'm currently in touch with claimed that I might had a Retrograde Alopecia, which means that my hair also thins from my neck upward. Yet, they claimed that they can still take 4,500 grafts from the donor area, with an option to take grafts from my beard too, if needed. But then again - all they saw are the pictures you guys are about to see, and I realize that their prospective might change once they get to see my status in person. All in all, i'm not sure that my type of hair is good enough for HT. It's not smooth, the donor area isn't that rich, and the coverage area is quite big. I'd love to hear what do you guys think. Thanks in advance!
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